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Managing Spotify installations aka nuking them from orbit


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Spotify can be a huge bandwidth hog and we don't allow it on our systems.

Here is my method for removing the executables and replacing their parent folders with locked files that prevent future installations. (I know,evil right?) the script reads from a .csv exported from sccm that is formatted as follows: Netbios Name|File Name|File Description|File Version|File Size|Modified Date|FilePath


#include <Excel.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <file.au3>
#include <IE.au3>
#include 'Permissions.au3' ;available here http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/134508-set-acl-permissions-udf/
Global $PingResult
$oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen(@ScriptDir&"\SMSReportResults.csv");;Open Target .csv File
_ExcelSheetActivate($oExcel,"SMSReportResults");;Define Array
$Result=_ExcelReadSheetToArray($oExcel);Close Excel File
Func Pinger($PcName);DOES IT PING?
$PingResult = 0 ;resets to NO PING
$var1 = Ping($PcName, 500) ;performs the ping of $Data1
Sleep(1000) ;waits for ping to complete
If $var1 > 0 Then ;If it PINGS, then set YES
$PingResult = 1 ;SET PINGER = (1) YES
$PingResult = 0 ;SET PINGER= (0) NO
Return ($PingResult)
EndFunc   ;==>Pinger

For $i = 1 To Ubound($Result) -1
;$Result[$i][1] = PC Name
;$Result[$i][2] = Target file
;$Result[$i][7] = Path to Target file
Pinger($Result[$i][1]);Ping the target to see if it's online
$FileToDelete=("\\"&$Result[$i][1]&"\")&StringReplace($Result[$i][7],":\","$\")&($Result[$i][2]) ;MsgBox(0,$FileToDelete,$FileToDelete)
TraySetToolTip("Current Target: "&$FileToDelete) ;Tell interactive user what we're doing
If StringLeft($Result[$i][1],3)="MSU" Or "WPU" Then $PingResult=0 ;skip Distribution Point servers
If $PingResult = 1 Then;Is the target active?
If FileExists($FileToDelete) Then;If the file is actually present, perform the following
TraySetToolTip("Current Target: "&$FileToDelete)
Runwait(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /s \\" & $Result[$i][1] & " /F /IM "&($Result[$i][2]), '', @SW_hide)
Sleep (3000)
FileDelete($FileToDelete);Get rid of the target file
FileWrite(@ScriptDir&"\Test.log", $I&" out of "&Ubound($Result)&@CRLF)
FileWrite(@ScriptDir&"\Test.log", $FileToDelete&@CRLF);Log the Result
$PathPreTrim=("\\"&$Result[$i][1]&"\")&StringReplace($Result[$i][7],":\","$\");modified to correctly handle drive letters other than C:\
If StringRight($PathPreTrim,8)=("Spotify\") then
$PathMinusSpotify=StringReplace($PathPreTrim,"Spotify\","");MsgBox (0,$PathMinusSpotify,$PathMinusSpotify)
FileWrite(@ScriptDir&"\FolderDelete.bat",'RMDIR "'&$PathPostTrim&'" /Q /S'&@CRLF);write batch file for directory removal
FileCopy (@ScriptDir&"\Spotify",$PathMinusSpotify,1) ;Wipe Out directory for spotify, replace it with lockfile
;set rights
$SetOwner = 'Administrators'
Local $aPerm[1][3]
$aPerm[0][0] = 'Administrators'
$aPerm[0][1] = 1
$aPerm[0][2] = $GENERIC_ALL
_SetObjectPermissions($oName, $aPerm, $_SE_OBJECT_TYPE, $SetOwner, 1, $Recurse)
_FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir&'\noping.log', $Result[$i][1])
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