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random number generator

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This is a very nice script thank you!

i just have one question? how does it Randomize without Repetition once

you shut the program down or does it?, I would like to add one column

and enable a right click option to select entire column for copy and

paste with mouse any tips on getting this fabulous program to create a

log and store to working directory?

I randomly thank you

#include <Array.au3>
Local $iNumbers
Local $iDigits = 4
Local $t = TimerInit()
For $n = 0 To 1000
_RandomEx($iNumbers, $iDigits); Randomize without Repetition
ConsoleWrite('Timer:' & TimerDiff($t) & @CR)
_ArrayDisplay($iNumbers, 'RandomEx | Phoenix XL [' & @ScriptName & ']')

Func _RandomEx(ByRef $aNumbers, $nDigits = 5);Converted from Recursive to Iterative
;All the Possible Numbers have been added return -1 and set @error
If UBound($aNumbers) >= ((10 ^ $nDigits) - 1) - (10 ^ ($nDigits - 1)) + 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1)
Local $vTemp, $nChk = 0
While 1
$vTemp = Random(10 ^ ($nDigits - 1), (10 ^ $nDigits) - 1, 1)
_ArraySearch($aNumbers, $vTemp)
If @error Or $nChk >= (10 ^ ($nDigits/2) ) - 1 Then ExitLoop
$nChk += 1
If $nChk >= (10 ^ $nDigits) - 1 Then $vTemp = _ProbabilityCheck($aNumbers, $nDigits)
Switch IsArray($aNumbers)
Case 0
;Make it an Array
Local $n[1] = [$vTemp]
$aNumbers = $n
Case 1
_ArrayAdd($aNumbers, $vTemp)
Return $vTemp
EndFunc ;==>_RandomEx

Func _ProbabilityCheck(ByRef $aNumbers, $nDigits)
For $n = 10 ^ ($nDigits - 1) To (10 ^ $nDigits) - 1
_ArraySearch($aNumbers, $n)
If @error Then
Return $n;
Return -1
EndFunc ;==>_ProbabilityCheck
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  • 4 weeks later...

Im trying to create a random number generator that i can use to scan against the DNC

and upload ok to call #'s into a call plan.

The only issue im having with the script at this time is the ability to copy more than one cell

so i can paste a 1000 or so numbers for scanning.

I don't know where to start searching for documentation on this

or if someone uses a random generator for this purpose and has

better script feel free to post


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