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Hi there, I'm very new to AutoIt and still pretty much a newbie at scripting in general. I really only discovered scripting after I started using XYplorer as my file manager and began using and making xys scripts to do the usual automation things.

Then I started making a script that displays Astrological information (including Zodiac sign) based on an entered date of birth. But the problem with xys scripting is that XYplorer itself is required to run the script - it can't be compiled to an independent exe like an AutoIt script can. I realised it would be a real pain to have to open XYplorer every time I wanted to use the script and I wouldn't be able to share it with anyone else unless they had XYplorer installed. So I've started converting the script (very slowly) to AutoIt but I have no idea how to format the date of birth into the Zodiac sign. With xys scripting it can be done automatically using the "formatdate" command which has a "Zodiac" format option. In my script the date of birth is entered via 3 dropdown menus (day, month, year) and the results are passed into a single variable - so I use the following xys code to format the results:

$sign = formatdate("$date", "Zodiac");

Obviously, it is extremely handy with the xys command doing all the hard work but I have no idea how to do calculate the Zodiac date using AutoIt. If anyone is able to help I would be very very grateful :-)



i wrote this for you.  its not thoroughly tested but it seems to work  

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#Include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Func Gui()
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter Your Birthday",150,100)
Global $input = GUICtrlCreateInput("mm/dd/yyyy",150,150)
Global $button = GUICtrlCreateButton("GO",150,200)

while 1
   $msg = GUIGetMsg()
   Case $msg = $button 
;~    MsgBox("","","button pressed....")
  Global $input1 = GUICtrlRead($input)
;~   MsgBox("","",$input1)
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
  func Close()
  func Calculate($input1)
  $sString = StringSplit($input1,"/")
  ;sString[0] is meaningless so is sString[3],    [1]=mm [2]=dd

  if $sString[1] = 1 and $sString >= 21 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Aquarious!")
     elseif $sString[1] = 1 and $sString[2] <= 20 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Capricorn!")
  elseif $sString[1] = 2 and $sString[2] <= 19 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Aquarious!")
  elseif $sString[1] = 2 and $sString[2] >= 20 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Pisces!")
   elseif $sString[1] = 3 and $sString[2] <= 20 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Pisces!")
elseif $sString[1] = 3 and $sString[2] >= 21 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Aries!")
elseif $sString[1] = 4 and $sString[2] <= 20 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Aries!")
elseif $sString[1] = 4 and $sString[2] >= 21 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Taures!")
elseif $sString[1] = 5 and $sString[2] <= 21 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Taures!")
elseif $sString[1] = 5 and $sString[2] >= 22 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Gemini!")
elseif $sString[1] = 6 and $sString[2] <= 21 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Gemini!")
elseif $sString[1] = 6 and $sString[2] >= 22 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Cancer!")
elseif $sString[1] = 7 and $sString[2] <= 23 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Cancer!")
elseif $sString[1] = 7 and $sString[2] >= 24 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Leo!")
elseif $sString[1] = 8 and $sString[2] <= 23 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Leo!")
elseif $sString[1] = 8 and $sString[2] >= 24 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Virgo!")
elseif $sString[1] = 9 and $sString[2] <= 23 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Virgo!")
elseif $sString[1] = 9 and $sString[2] >= 24 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Libra!")
elseif $sString[1] = 10 and $sString[2] <= 23 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Libra!")
elseif $sString[1] = 10 and $sString[2] >= 24 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Scorpio!")        ; hey im a scorpio
     elseif $sString[1] = 11 and $sString[2] <= 22 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Scorpio!")
elseif $sString[1] = 11 and $sString[2] >= 23 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Sagittarius!")  
      elseif $sString[1] = 12 and $sString[2] <= 21 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Sagittarius!")
elseif $sString[1] = 12 and $sString[2] >= 22 Then
     MsgBox("","result","You are Capricorn!")

Posted (edited)

For the fun...  :)

$gui = GuiCreate("zodiac", 200, 200)
$datebox = GUICtrlCreateDate("", 10, 10, 120, 20)
GUICtrlSendMsg($datebox, 0x1032, 0, "MM/dd/yyyy") ;$DTM_SETFORMAT_ = 0x1032 
$label_sign = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("", 20, 60, 80, 20)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12, 400, 0, "Arial Unicode MS")
$label_icon = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("", 100, 40, 60, 50)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 36, 400, 0, "Arial Unicode MS")

While 1
$msg = GuiGetMsg()
Switch $msg
  Case -3
  Case $datebox
       $result = _GetSign(GuiCtrlRead($datebox))
       GuiCtrlSetData($label_sign, $result[0])
       GuiCtrlSetData($label_icon, $result[1])

Func _GetSign($date)
Local $split = StringSplit($date, "/")
Local $res[2], $n = Number($split[1] & $split[2]) 
Local $array[13][3] = [ _
    [0101, "Capricorn", ChrW(9809)], _
    [0121, "Aquarius", ChrW(9810)], _
    [0220, "Pisces", ChrW(9811)], _
    [0321, "Aries", ChrW(9800)], _
    [0420, "Taurus", ChrW(9801)], _
    [0521, "Gemini", ChrW(9802)], _
    [0622, "Cancer", ChrW(9803)], _
    [0723, "Leo", ChrW(9804)], _
    [0824, "Virgo", ChrW(9805)], _
    [0923, "Libra", ChrW(9806)], _
    [1023, "Scorpio", ChrW(9807)], _
    [1123, "Sagittarius", ChrW(9808)], _
    [1222, "Capricorn", ChrW(9809)]]
For $i = 0 To 12
   If $n >= $array[$i][0] Then 
       $res[0] = $array[$i][1]
       $res[1] = $array[$i][2]
Return $res
Edited by mikell

Oh mikell, That's awesome :thumbsup:

Because I live in New Zealand, I use a different date format - dd/mm/yyyy. So what would I need to change in the code? I changed this line:

GUICtrlSendMsg($datebox, 0x1032, 0, "MM/dd/yyyy") ;$DTM_SETFORMAT_ = 0x1032

to this:

GUICtrlSendMsg($datebox, 0x1032, 0, "dd/MM/yyyy") ;$DTM_SETFORMAT_ = 0x1032

And the calendar date displays correctly but the script processes it as MM/dd/yyyy and I get the wrong sign as a result. Obviously I also need to change something else but I don't know enough about AutoIt yet to see what it is. Thanks for your patience.


So I feel quite clever now. I have changed this line:

Local $res[2], $n = Number($split[1] & $split[2])

to this:

Local $res[2], $n = Number($split[2] & $split[1])

And now it behaves as expected I would still like to know if this is what I should have done and is there anything else I still need to do?

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