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Why does Control Send only work in NotePad window?


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ConrolSend works in many windows, there are however some exceptions. If you give more details, I am sure forum users will be able to help.


Ok ill try

I would like to make a program that sends msgs to my instant mensseger ( MSN ) while i do something else ... Something like "Hi im busy now"

i tried it but the ControlSend command doesnt work on MSN window just work in Notepad window thats why i posted here... I think its a bug...Could smoeone tell me why it doesnt work in any other window except on notepad?

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post your code you tried to use.


I know ControlSend does not work on a minimised Word document.

Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time ......T.S. Elliot
Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
God help the man who won't help himself, because no-one else will...........My Grandmother

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I know ControlSend does not work on a minimised Word document.

ControlSend is useless then

They should advice us about it something like "IT ONLY WORKS ON A NOTEPAD WINDOW CARALHO"

What you should learn about this excercise , learn and learn it well. Rule number one:

DO NOT get caught !

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ControlSend is useless then

They should advice us about it something like "IT ONLY WORKS ON A NOTEPAD WINDOW CARALHO"

What you should learn about this excercise , learn and learn it well. Rule number one:

DO NOT get caught !

Useless to an individuals specific task? Maybe! Useless to the Masses that use it every day? Highly unlikely!!

And what in the world are you talking about "DO NOT get caught!"?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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post your code you tried to use.

ControlSend is useless then

They should advice us about it something like "IT ONLY WORKS ON A NOTEPAD WINDOW CARALHO"

That's a ridiculous statement. ControlSend() has worked on almost everything I have tried and no developer would be stupid enough to program an AutoIt function that only works with Notepad (who scripts Notepad?).

The help file clearly mentions that AutoIt can't manipulate non-standard Microsoft controls (e.g. controls in Messenger windows). That is probably why you can't use it -- if not then you are probably using it incorrectly. Please follow gafrost's advice and post your code.

Or why not just use a messenger with auto-responsive capabilities like the free Messenger Plus?

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