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I'm new to this area....... and at the moment I working on some software deployment where I need to package some software......

I'm using autoit to simulate some mouse clicks and send() to send some keyboard strokes.....

But I'm sortof stuck here..... I can manage to get part of it to work but not all....

The programing I'm installing prompts with the usual licence screen where I use autoit's MouseClick function to first tick the check box and then send a keystroke (n for Next) send(n) to continue with the installation. This works fine.

The part I'm getting bogged down on is at the next screen I also need to use a send(n) to have to proceed... but this key gets sent the software further pops up with a smaller window that has an "ok" or "no" button. This is where the script stops and doesn't do anything.

I can't figure out why this doesn't work ..... below is the actual script...

;Acknowledge licence checkbox and click NEXT (this works fine)

While WinWait("Intel® PROSet/Wireless Installer", "INTEL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT") = 1

WinActivate("Intel® PROSet/Wireless Installer", "INTEL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT")

MouseClick ("left", 357, 517)




;Setup type screen Typical/Custom (this also works fine)

While WinWait("Intel® PROSet/Wireless Installer", "Please choose a setup type:") = 1

WinActivate("Intel® PROSet/Wireless Installer", "Please choose a setup type:")




;Install default componenets prompt box - this doesn't work....

While WinWait("Intel® Pro Installer") = 1

WinActivate("Intel® Pro Installer")




For the second While Winwait("Intel® PROSet/Wireless Installer", "Please choose a setup type:") when the Send("{n}") is excuted it pops up a second window... hence two windows are active..... I can get the focus to the newly activated window but for some reason the send() or even if I use MouseClick() it doesn't work.

Can anyone provide any reason why this doesn't work..... I tried embedding the third While Winwait(..) inside the second While Winwait as I assumed it was called from inside the second pop-up window but that didn't work either......

I even checked the coding and the window titles as well but still to no avail..... if I manually click "OK" the script will continue to execute but then later on it also has a window pop-up which calls another second window to opo-up and it stops again....

So I assume it has something to do with the logic..............

Have any of you experts out there come across this before or have any suggestions.........




Thanks for the reply........

Actually I already tried send("{Enter}") and send("{SPACE}") and neither of these worked................


Thanks for the suggestions I'll give it a try...............

But any ideas why the standard WinActivate and and MouseSend doesn't work..........

Does it have anything to do with the logic of the code.........?

Or the sequence the windows POP up...........

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