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Cannot create AutoItX object on Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition

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We are testing Windows Server 2003 x64 edition and our automated installation uses AutoItX for a lot of automated software installation. For some reason we receive an error when trying to instantiate an AutoItX.Control/AutoItX3.Control object in VBScript.

Here's our code which runs fine on any 32-bit version of Windows:

Set wshAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")

I receive an error stating that the object could not be created with an error code of 80040154.

The control registers fine with regsvr32 and I've placed the DLL in all of the places I would think the OS would be looking for it (system32, SysWOW64, Windows, etc). The AutoItX(3) entries also show up in the registry under HKCR and HKLM\Software\Classes.

Am I missing something? Will AutoItX not work on x64 OS's? Has anyone had any experience running AutoItX on an x64 version of Windows?

Any help is much appreciated.




Replying to myself here ...

It looks like one has to run the 32-bit version of WScript in order for it to access the 32-bit portion of the registry. Check out this blog:


If I execute my script with %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\wscript.exe then the AutoItX control object is instantiated just fine.

Hopefully this thread will help someone since I could find anything on Google about AutoItX on the x64 version of Windows ;)

Thanks for the great product!


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