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Please help with FileReadLIne

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Hello everyone

Please can anyone tell me what's wrong with this script?

#include <File.au3>


Trim list to 250 characters


$fileo = FileOpen ("list.txt", 32)

$filer = FileRead ($fileo)

$count = _FileCountLines (@ScriptDir & "\list.txt")

$filew = FileOpen ("list2.txt", 33)

For $i = 1 to $count

$line = FileReadLine ($filer, $i)

MsgBox (0, "", $line, 0)

$len = StringLen ($line)
$len2 = $len - 250

$foo = StringTrimRight ($line, $len2)

FileWrite ($filew, $foo)


The "list.txt" is a plain text file with a few lines of text in it.  It's suppose to give me a MsgBox with each line in it.  But I get blank MsgBox'es, and the output file list2.txt is empty.  I've tried other "list.txt" files, and I've tried different file encodings.



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try this way

#include <File.au3>


Trim list to 250 characters


$fileo = FileOpen ("list.txt", 32) ; read mode

; $filer = FileRead ($fileo) ; ?? not needed

$count = _FileCountLines (@ScriptDir & "\list.txt")

$filew = FileOpen ("list2.txt", 33) ; write mode

For $i = 1 to $count

$line = FileReadLine ($fileo) ; read next line

MsgBox (0, "", $line)

$len = StringLen ($line)
$len2 = $len - 250

$foo = StringTrimRight ($line, $len2)

FileWrite ($filew, $foo) ; maybe you need FileWriteLine ?




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