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FF.au3 finding element name

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Ok so I have firefox, mozrepl, and firebug.

It has been a loooong time since I tried to work with firefox and currently my searches are yielding no results.

Does anyone know how to find the names of elements?


Func Directions()

I'm trying to input 2 addresses into the above website. The elements are not named "input#from" and "input#to." No idea how to utilize firebug to find the element name. Seems like back in the day firebug would give you a list of all the elements somehow. Dunno.

If not this, does anyone have a better idea of how to automate printing directions from one address to another? Preferably without hacking my way around controlsend and mouse clicks.

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Sweet ok I thought it was "from" and "to" but apparently I wasn't connecting to Mozrepl in the first place. Thanks for helping me diagnose that. Can't remember how I got mozrepl connected, but it is now and I'm not complaining :)

Next question:


is a bit cleaner site for finding and printing directions. However there isn't anything in the id and name tag for the From and To search box inputs. It's just "". Am I just sol on that? I assume this is a difference between reading html tags and js tags. Or am I just missing something and the element name is elsewhere?

Edit: It appears that https://www.google.com/maps/dir/ can actually manually be input as

https://www.google.com/maps/dir/from+address+with+spaces/to+address+with+spaces which means I can automate by simply going to that address. It would be nice however to know if there was still a way to work with inputs similar to this in the future! Thanks

Edited by keafter
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