IanN1990 Posted September 6, 2016 Share Posted September 6, 2016 (edited) Hi, I do try to avoid questions like this but i am unable to get my head around it. Below is a small example array #NoTrayIcon #include <Array.au3> Dim $Example[1][4] $Example[0][0] = 5 _Arrayadd($Example,"0|0|1366|768") _Arrayadd($Example,"0|0|1920|1080") _Arrayadd($Example,"1920|0|1280|1024") _Arrayadd($Example,"1920|0|1280|768") _Arrayadd($Example,"-1920|0|1920|1080") _ArrayDisplay(Example) I need unique entry's of column 1 and column 2, and column 3 / 4 being highest. Example; Row 1 (Col1 & Col2) and Row 2 (Col1 & Col2) Match (Both having 0) BUT Row 2 (Col3) is greater then Row 1 (Col1) "1920 > 1366". So Row 1 is removed. Row 3 (Col1 & Col2) and Row 4 (Col1 & Col2) Match (Both having 1920 | 0) and Row 4 (Col3 & Col3) match (1280 | 1280) but in Col4 1024 > 768. So Row 4 is removed Row 5 doesn't match any other Col or Col 2 so is unique This would leave me with #NoTrayIcon #include <Array.au3> Dim $Example[1][4] $Example[0][0] = 3 _Arrayadd($Example,"0|0|1920|1080") _Arrayadd($Example,"1920|0|1280|1024") _Arrayadd($Example,"-1920|0|1920|1080") _ArrayDisplay(Example) So i am leave with 3 "Unique" Col 1 and Col 2 but only the "biggest" col 3 followed by biggest col 4. The data can also be in random orders. Anyone have any ideas? Edited September 7, 2016 by IanN1990 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AutoBert Posted September 6, 2016 Share Posted September 6, 2016 Try this sort func: expandcollapse popup#include-once #include <Array.au3> Func _arraySort2D_MC(ByRef $avArray, $ColOrder, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0, $iDesc = 0, $bDelDuplictes = False) ;Parameters: ;$avArray Array to sort ;$ColdOrder String mit den Sortieranweisungen, getrennt mit "|" für jede Spalte ; zulässige Angaben: ; nur Spaltenindex = normale Sortierung ; Spaltenindex%N = numerische Sortierung ; Spaltenindex%D = Sortierung nach Datum JJJJ/MM/TT ; Spaltenindex%G = Sortierung nach Geburtstag MM/TT/JJJJ ; z.B.: "1|2%N|3%D|0" die Reihenfolge für die Sortierung ist 1.,2., 3. 0. (0 basierend) ; die 1. Spalte wird Standard von _ArraySort verwendet ; die 2. Spalte (%N) wird bei der Sortierun numerisch behnadelt ; die 3. Spalte (%D) wird als Datum behandelt ; ; es müssen alle Spalten des Arrays in den Sortieranweisungen vorkommen ;$iStart Zeile bei der die Sortierung beginnt (OPTIONAL) ;$iEnd Zeile bei der die Sortierung endet (OPTIONAL) ;$iDesc Absteigend 1 = JA 0 = NEIN (OPTIONAL) ;$bDelDuplictes nur einmalige Zeilen zulassen True = Jede Zeile ist einmalig ; False = Es werden alle Zeilen ausgegeben ; ===================================================================== ;Rückgabe: 0 Fehler (nicht alle Spalten in $ColOrder definert ; 1 Erfolg ;Autor: AutoBert 2010 erweeitert 2012 ;============================================================================================================== Local $iDims = UBound($avArray, 0) If @error Or $iDims <> 2 Then MsgBox(16, "Fehler:", "kein 2D-Array") Return 0 EndIf If $iEnd = 0 Then $iEnd = UBound($avArray) - 1 If $iEnd > UBound($avArray) - 1 Then $iEnd = UBound($avArray) - 1 $aCols = StringSplit($ColOrder, "|") ;consolewrite($aCols[0] & " " & UBound($array, 2) & @CRLF) If $aCols[0] <> UBound($avArray, 2) Then MsgBox(16, "Fehler:", "unterschiedliche Spaltenanzahl!") Return 0 EndIf Local Const $sLeer = " " Local $aColformat = $aCols Local $sRow For $i = 1 To $aColformat[0] ;$aColformat[$i] = StringRight($aColformat[$i], 1) $aCols[$i] = StringReplace($aCols[$i], "N", "") $aCols[$i] = StringReplace($aCols[$i], "D", "") Next _ArrayDelete($aColformat, 0) _ArrayDelete($aCols, 0) Local $iCols = UBound($aColformat) For $i = $iStart To $iEnd $sRow = "" For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $iCol = $aCols[$j] Switch StringUpper(StringRight($aColformat[$j], 1)) Case "N" ;numerisch $aNum = StringSplit($avArray[$i][$iCol], ",") If IsArray($aNum) Then If $aNum[0] = 1 Then _ArrayAdd($aNum, " ") $sRow &= StringRight($sLeer & $aNum[1] & "," & StringLeft($aNum[2]&$sLeer, 30), 99) Else $sRow &= StringRight($sLeer & $aNum[1], 99) EndIf Case "D" ;Datum JJJJ/MM/TT ;consolewrite("D: " & $aColformat[$j] & " " & $avArray[$i][$iCols]) $aDate = StringSplit($avArray[$i][$iCol], ".") If IsArray($aDate) Then $sRow &= $aDate[3] & "." & StringRight("0" & $aDate[2], 2) & "." & StringRight("0" & $aDate[1], 2) Case "G" ;Geburtstags-Datum MM/TT/JJJJ ;consolewrite("D: " & $aColformat[$j] & " " & $avArray[$i][$iCols]) $aDate = StringSplit($avArray[$i][$iCol], ".") If IsArray($aDate) Then $sRow &= StringRight("0" & $aDate[2], 2) & "." & StringRight("0" & $aDate[1], 2) & "." & $aDate[3] Case Else $sRow &= $avArray[$i][$iCol] EndSwitch If $j <> $iCols - 1 Then $sRow &= "|" Next $avArray[$i][0] = $sRow ;consolewrite($sRow & @CRLF) Next _ArraySort($avArray, $iDesc, $iStart, $iEnd) If $bDelDuplictes Then For $i = $iEnd - 1 To $iStart Step -1 If $avArray[$i][0] = $avArray[$i + 1][0] Then _ArrayDelete($avArray, $i + 1) $iEnd -= 1 EndIf Next EndIf ;_ArrayDisplay($avArray) ;_ArrayDisplay($aColformat, "FormatStrings") ;_ArrayDisplay($aCols, "Cols") ;consolewrite($iCols & @CRLF) For $i = $iStart To $iEnd ;consolewrite($avArray[$i][0] & @CRLF) $aSplit = StringSplit($avArray[$i][0], "|", 2) For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $iCol = $aCols[$j] Switch StringRight($aColformat[$j], 1) ; Case "X" ;#cs Case "N" ;numerisch $avArray[$i][$iCol] = StringReplace($aSplit[$j], " ", "") if StringRight($avArray[$i][$iCol],1)="," Then $avArray[$i][$iCol] = StringTrimRight($avArray[$i][$iCol], 1) ;consolewrite(" N: " & $avArray[$i][$iCol]) Case "D" ;Datum JJJJ/MM/TT $aDate = StringSplit($aSplit[$j], ".") $avArray[$i][$iCol] = StringReplace($aDate[3] & "." & $aDate[2] & "." & $aDate[1], "_", "") ;consolewrite(" D: " & $avArray[$i][$iCol]) Case "G" ;Geburtstags-Datum MM/TT/JJJJ $aDate = StringSplit($aSplit[$j], ".") $avArray[$i][$iCol] = StringReplace($aDate[2] & "." & $aDate[1] & "." & $aDate[3], "_", "") ;consolewrite(" D: " & $avArray[$i][$iCol]) ;#ce Case Else $avArray[$i][$iCol] = $aSplit[$j] ;consolewrite(" : " & $avArray[$i][$iCol]) EndSwitch Next ;consolewrite(@CRLF) Next Return 1 ;_ArrayDisplay($avArray) EndFunc ;==>_arraySort2D_MC sorry is only dicumented in german and i have not much time yet. If you can't solve ask again, i think tomorow i have some time for english docu. But short: you should use : "0|1|2|3" as sort param, afte your array is sorted over all columns. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IanN1990 Posted September 7, 2016 Author Share Posted September 7, 2016 4 hours ago, AutoBert said: sorry is only dicumented in german and i have not much time yet. If you can't solve ask again, i think tomorow i have some time for english docu. Dont be silly!! Though i don't speak german that function was perfect and i have been able to understand the source code behind it and have now integrated the function Thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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