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Wordpad script in progress


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Thanks kindly to genius257 for answering my earlier question.
I played with the Finder Tool to get familiar with it, and opened
a cmd window.  Then tried creating a script that uses Wordpad.
I found the path for Wordpad.exe and put that path into a batch
named WP.bat with %1.  My script opened my file using Wordpad,
then generated some text.  The last two steps I wanted were to
move cursor to top of file, which requires <Ctrl + PgUp> keys
then to open the 'Search' pop-up which requires <Ctrl + s>.

I opened my script with the Scite-Lite editor, but did not
find how to generate [Ctrl] keystroke combos.  Any suggestion?
Below is my new script in progress:

(I generally prefer (and need) to work from command line mode.)

#include <Constants.au3>

; Run cmd.exe



; Run Wordpad
Run("wp.bat file.txt")



; Now that the Wordpad window is active type some text

; Now go to Save by pressing Alt-F then scrolling down(x2) to 'Save'
Send("{DOWN 2}{ENTER}")

; Now send a <Ctrl + PageUp> keystroke to move to top of file
: a prerequisite to search from top of file.

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BTW you can do all these with keyboard shortcuts

; Now go to Save by pressing Alt-F then scrolling down(x2) to 'Save'
Send("{DOWN 2}{ENTER}")

Try this instead:



Edited by l3ill
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This example by-passes the cmd prompt to run WordPad.

Local $sFileName = "TestFileA.txt"

If FileExists($sFileName) Then FileDelete($sFileName)
FileWrite($sFileName, "") ; Create file

ShellExecute("write.exe", $sFileName, @ScriptDir, "open") ; Open $sFileName in WordPad.
Local $hWnd = WinWaitActive("[Class:WordPadClass]")

ControlSend($hWnd, "", "RICHEDIT50W1", "Line1...{ENTER}Line2...{ENTER}Line3...{ENTER}Line4{ENTER}")
; The "controlID" parameter can use the actual ClassnameNN value. Found from SciTE > Tools menu > Au3Info (Ctrl+F6)

ControlSend($hWnd, "", "RICHEDIT50W1", "^{PGUP}") ; Send Ctrl+PageUp (See Send function in Autoit Help - Press F1 in SciTE v.

; Now go to File menu by pressing Alt-F then Save by pressing Alt-S
ControlSend($hWnd, "", "RICHEDIT50W1", "!F")


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