OtenMoten Posted November 8, 2017 Posted November 8, 2017 Hello dear community, I have a real struggle. I'm working with FileInstall() and when I am execute the script directly from AutoIT with F5 everything works fine. When I try to compile the script it does not pack the files from the FileInstall() into the .exe. Can anybody explain to me why? Additional here is my script: expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <IE.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <GUICtrlPic.au3> #include <GuiButton.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Process.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <ProgressConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Clipboard.au3> #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <BlockInputEx.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <OOoCalc.au3> #include <OOoCalcConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #Region ### START Variables section ### Global $guiLoadingScreen, _ $guiProgressLoadingScreen, _ $i, _ $iPID, _ $pathIniFile, _ $pathMainDir, _ $pathConfigDir = @MyDocumentsDir & "\Table_Extractor_Config", _ $pathInstallFilesDir = "\InstallFiles" #EndRegion ### START Variables section ### #Region ### START System parameters section ### Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) #EndRegion ### START System parameters section ### #Region ### START Running section ### _Start_Loading_Screen() ;_Enter_Ini_Details() ;_Start_GUI_Main() #EndRegion ### START Running section ### Func _Start_Loading_Screen() If (FileFindNextFile(FileFindFirstFile($pathConfigDir & "\Table_Extractor.ini")) <> "Table_Extractor.ini") Then If Not FileExists($pathConfigDir) Then DirCreate($pathConfigDir) $pathIniFile = $pathConfigDir & "\Table_Extractor.ini" $pathMainDir = FileSelectFolder("Choose the installation directory", "C:\", $WS_POPUP) IniWrite($pathIniFile, "Information", "Explanation", "This file contains parameters for the Software 'Table_Extractor'") IniWrite($pathIniFile, "Paths", "MainDir", $pathMainDir) IniWrite($pathIniFile, "Trigger", "MainDir", "1") Else $pathIniFile = $pathConfigDir & "\Table_Extractor.ini" $pathMainDir = FileSelectFolder("Choose the installation directory", "C:\", $WS_POPUP) IniWrite($pathIniFile, "Information", "Explanation", "This file contains parameters for the Software 'Table_Extractor'") IniWrite($pathIniFile, "Paths", "MainDir", $pathMainDir) IniWrite($pathIniFile, "Trigger", "MainDir", "1") EndIf EndIf $pathIniFile = $pathConfigDir & "\" & FileFindNextFile(FileFindFirstFile($pathConfigDir & "\Table_Extractor.ini")) $pathMainDir = IniRead($pathIniFile, "Paths", "MainDir", "Can't read key 'MainDir' from section 'Paths' in " & ($pathConfigDir & "\Table_Extractor.ini")) ;==> Values for altering the progressbar are triggered in '_Start_File_Install()' GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, $i) $guiLoadingScreen = GUICreate("Starting Table Extractor", 300, 40, 100, 200) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_On_Close", $guiLoadingScreen) $guiProgressLoadingScreen = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 10, 280, 20) GUICtrlSetColor($guiProgressLoadingScreen, $COLOR_GREEN) ; not working with Windows XP Style GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $guiLoadingScreen) _Start_File_Install() GUIDelete($guiLoadingScreen) ;_Process_Close_Tree($iPID) EndFunc ;==>_Start_Loading_Screen Func _Start_File_Install() Local _ $pathPDFExtractorDir = "\PDF_Extractor", _ $pathPDFExtractorInternalDir = $pathPDFExtractorDir & "\Internal", _ $pathExe7zip = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\7za.exe", _ $pathMendeleyDir = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\Mendeley", _ $pathTabulaDir = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\Tabula-Win-1.1.1", _ $pathOpenofficeDir = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\OpenOffice", _ $pathMendeleyZipped = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\Mendeley.7z", _ $pathTabulaZipped = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\Tabula-Win-", _ $pathOpenofficeZipped = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\OpenOffice.7z" MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Test", $pathMainDir & $pathOpenofficeZipped) #Region ### START Directory in personal documents (default path of installing files) ### If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathInstallFilesDir) Then DirCreate($pathMainDir & $pathInstallFilesDir) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 5) If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathPDFExtractorDir) Then DirCreate($pathMainDir & $pathPDFExtractorDir) EndIf If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathPDFExtractorInternalDir) Then DirCreate($pathMainDir & $pathPDFExtractorInternalDir) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 10) #EndRegion ### START Directory in personal documents (default path of installing files) ### #Region ### START Zip installing files (7zip) and set up saving directory ### #cs - - - Path of zipped installing files - - - "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\7za.exe" "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\Mendeley.7z" "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\Tabula-Win-" "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\OpenOffice.7z" "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\PDFBearbeiten.7z" #ce - - - Path of zipped installing files - - - If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathExe7zip) Then FileInstall("P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\7za.exe", $pathMainDir & $pathExe7zip) MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Test", $pathMainDir & $pathExe7zip) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 15) If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathMendeleyDir) Then FileInstall("P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\Mendeley.7z", $pathMainDir & $pathMendeleyZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 20) If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathTabulaDir) Then FileInstall("P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\Tabula-Win-", $pathMainDir & $pathTabulaZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 25) If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathOpenofficeDir) Then FileInstall("P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\OpenOffice.7z", $pathMainDir & $pathOpenofficeZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 30) #EndRegion ### START Zip installing files (7zip) and set up saving directory ### #cs #Region ### START Unzip installing files with portable 7zip ### If Not FileExists($pathMendeleyDir) Then RunWait($pathExe7zip & ' x ' & $pathMendeleyZipped & ' -o' & $pathMainDir & $pathInstallFilesDir, "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 50) Sleep(100) If Not FileExists($pathTabulaDir) Then RunWait($pathExe7zip & ' x ' & $pathTabulaZipped & ' -o' & $pathMainDir & $pathInstallFilesDir, "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 60) Sleep(100) If Not FileExists($pathOpenofficeDir) Then RunWait($pathExe7zip & ' x ' & $pathOpenofficeZipped & ' -o' & $pathMainDir & $pathInstallFilesDir, "", @SW_HIDE) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 70) Sleep(100) #EndRegion ### START Unzip installing files with portable 7zip ### #ce #cs #Region ### START Delete zipped installing files ### If FileExists($pathExe7zip) Then FileDelete($pathExe7zip) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 85) Sleep(100) If FileExists($pathMendeleyZipped) Then FileDelete($pathMendeleyZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 90) Sleep(100) If FileExists($pathTabulaZipped) Then FileDelete($pathTabulaZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 95) Sleep(100) If FileExists($pathOpenofficeZipped) Then FileDelete($pathOpenofficeZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 100) Sleep(100) #EndRegion ### START Delete zipped installing files ### #ce EndFunc ;==>_Start_File_Install #cs Func _On_Button() Local _ $exe_scalc = "\PDF_Extractor_InstallFiles\OpenOffice\program\scalc.exe", _ $path_tabulaDir = $path_installFilesDir & "\Tabula-Win-1.1.1", _ $path_pdfFromInternal Switch @GUI_CtrlId ;Check which button sent the message Case $btn_tabula ;_BlockinputEx(1) FileChangeDir($path_mainDir & $path_tabulaDir) $iPID = Run(@ComSpec & " /k tabula.exe", "", @SW_HIDE) ; Execute the Tabula-Win-1.1.1 software (/k means 'keep' (without it does not executed)) $gui_loading_screen = GUICreate("Starting server ...", 300, 40, 100, 200) $guiProgressLoadingScreen = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 10, 280, 20) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_On_Close") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 32250) ; not working with Windows XP Style GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) For $i = $iSavePosStartingServer To 100 GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, $i) Sleep(200) Next GUIDelete($gui_loading_screen) _Start_Embedded_Browser() ;_BlockinputEx(0) Case $btn_wizard _Start_Mendeley_with_AutoImport() $path_pdfFromInternal = _Handoff_PDF_From_Mendeley_To_Internal() _Start_PDFeditor_with_file($path_pdfFromInternal) WinWaitClose("PDF Bearbeiten") $path_csvFromInternal = _Start_Tabula_with_file($path_pdfFromInternal) _Start_table_calculator_with_csv($path_csvFromInternal) Case $btn_pdfbearbeiten Run($path_mainDir & $exe_pdfbearbeiten, "", @SW_SHOW) Case $btn_openoffice Run($path_mainDir & $exe_scalc, "", @SW_SHOW) Case $btn_mendeley _Start_Mendeley_with_AutoImport() WinWaitClose("Mendeley Desktop") If MsgBox(4, "Any changes?", "Do you want to create a new backup file?") = 6 Then _Start_Mendeley_Create_Backup() EndIf Case $btn_exit_main _Process_Close_Tree($iPID) GUIDelete($gui_main) Exit Case $btn_home _IENavigate($oIE, "") _IEAction($oIE, "stop") _CheckError("Home", @error, @extended) Case $btn_exit_embedded GUIDelete($gui_webbrowser) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_On_Button #ce Func _On_Close() Switch @GUI_WinHandle ;Case $gui_main ;GUIDelete($gui_main) ;Exit ;Case $gui_webbrowser ;GUIDelete($gui_webbrowser) Case $guiLoadingScreen GUIDelete($guiLoadingScreen) Exit EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_On_Close Func _Process_Close_Tree($sPID) If IsString($sPID) Then $sPID = ProcessExists($sPID) If Not $sPID Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return Run(@ComSpec & " /c taskkill /F /PID " & $sPID & " /T", @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE) EndFunc ;==>_Process_Close_Tree Kind regards OtenMoten
OtenMoten Posted November 8, 2017 Author Posted November 8, 2017 Hello dear community, I've a struggle to. When I'm execute my script directly from AutoIT with F5 the files that are within FileInstall() are installed correctly. When I'm trying to compile and create a .exe the .exe has no files in it. How is this possible? Can anybody explain to me? I would very happy. Kind regards OtenMoten
Developers Jos Posted November 8, 2017 Developers Posted November 8, 2017 18 minutes ago, OtenMoten said: When I'm execute my script directly from AutoIT with F5 Assume you mean SciTE with F5. As to your issue: We need more input to understand what the issue could be. How have you determined that there's no file in it? For starters: What about posting a snippet of the script that contains the fileinstall() ? Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Developers Jos Posted November 8, 2017 Developers Posted November 8, 2017 (edited) Always hate it when they do that to me .... posting an answer in one thread to find the same questions was posted again... Please don't! --> Merged posts Jos Edited November 8, 2017 by Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
OtenMoten Posted November 8, 2017 Author Posted November 8, 2017 (edited) 3 minutes ago, Jos said: Assume you mean SciTE with F5. As to your issue: We need more input to understand what the issue could be. How have you determined that there's no file in it? For starters: What about posting a snippet of the script that contains the fileinstall() ? Jos Sorry - expandcollapse popupFunc _Start_File_Install() Local _ $pathPDFExtractorDir = "\PDF_Extractor", _ $pathInstallFilesDir = "\InstallFiles", _ $pathPDFExtractorInternalDir = $pathPDFExtractorDir & "\Internal", _ $pathExe7zip = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\7za.exe", _ $pathMendeleyDir = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\Mendeley", _ $pathTabulaDir = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\Tabula-Win-1.1.1", _ $pathOpenofficeDir = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\OpenOffice", _ $pathMendeleyZipped = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\Mendeley.7z", _ $pathTabulaZipped = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\Tabula-Win-", _ $pathOpenofficeZipped = $pathInstallFilesDir & "\OpenOffice.7z" #Region ### START Directory in personal documents (default path of installing files) ### If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathInstallFilesDir) Then DirCreate($pathMainDir & $pathInstallFilesDir) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 5) If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathPDFExtractorDir) Then DirCreate($pathMainDir & $pathPDFExtractorDir) EndIf If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathPDFExtractorInternalDir) Then DirCreate($pathMainDir & $pathPDFExtractorInternalDir) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 10) #EndRegion ### START Directory in personal documents (default path of installing files) ### #Region ### START Zip installing files (7zip) and set up saving directory ### #cs - - - Path of zipped installing files - - - "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\7za.exe" "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\Mendeley.7z" "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\Tabula-Win-" "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\OpenOffice.7z" "P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\PDFBearbeiten.7z" #ce - - - Path of zipped installing files - - - If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathExe7zip) Then FileInstall("P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\7za.exe", $pathMainDir & $pathExe7zip) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 15) If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathMendeleyDir) Then FileInstall("P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\Mendeley.7z", $pathMainDir & $pathMendeleyZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 20) If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathTabulaDir) Then FileInstall("P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\Tabula-Win-", $pathMainDir & $pathTabulaZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 25) If Not FileExists($pathMainDir & $pathOpenofficeDir) Then FileInstall("P:\FG_IV_2.2\Projects\Table_Extractor\External_Software\OpenOffice.7z", $pathMainDir & $pathOpenofficeZipped) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($guiProgressLoadingScreen, 30) #EndRegion ### START Zip installing files (7zip) and set up saving directory ### When I execute the script directly with F5 from Scite it's copy the files to the correct destination. When I right-click on the script and start the compiling and after that I'm execute the .exe, there are no files at the destination folder. Edited November 8, 2017 by OtenMoten
OtenMoten Posted November 8, 2017 Author Posted November 8, 2017 (edited) The files are correctly installed to the destination folder when I start the script directly from SciTe. If the script is compiled (the .exe is too small too) and I am start the .exe there are no files installed. PS: I've found several user while googleing that having the same problem. Edited November 8, 2017 by OtenMoten
Developers Jos Posted November 8, 2017 Developers Posted November 8, 2017 What is shown in the Ouputpane when you compile the Script from SciTE with F7? Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
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