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Trouble with Replacing Values in a 2D Array

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I'm having troubles replacing existing values in one column of a 2D array. I would like to repalce all "11" in Col4 with "20". There are 400 rows that contain "11" in Col4. I am using _ArrayInsert to try to accomplish this. The result I get from the below script, though, creates many interspersed empty rows with a "20" in Col4 of the first empty row. The help file for _ArrayInsert says I should be able to "Insert a new value at the specified position of a 1D or 2D array" but I'm not seeing a way to properly do that. I think I've tried all the options for _ArrayInsert. I've also gone through much of the help file looking for a different way to replace 2D array values and haven't found anything. I did find a couple topics in the fourm that were sort of similar to this, but I didn't really get any clues. I'm hoping someone can give me a few pointers.

#include <Array.au3>
#include <csv.au3>

$path = @ScriptDir&"\"

$aArray=_ParseCSV($path & "MyData.csv")

$vRange=_ArrayFindAll($aArray, "11", Default, Default, Default, Default, 4)

_ArrayInsert ($vRange,0,ubound($vRange))


_ArrayInsert($aArray, $vRange , $vValue, $iStart, $iForce)


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I believe $vRange has to be a delimited string in the parameters of _ArrayInsert and not an array. Use _ArraytoString to convert $vRange before calling _ArrayInsert. 


Edit: I realized this could is probably wrong... So ignore unless I am now overthinking it.

Edited by Davidowicza
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Something like this maybe?

#include <Array.au3>
#include <csv.au3>

$path = @ScriptDir&"\"

$aArray=_ParseCSV($path & "MyData.csv")

;Change value, in column with index of 4, from 11 to 20
For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1
    If $aArray[$i][4] = "11" Then $aArray[$i][4] = "20"

You didn't supply a representation of the data, so I don't know if the index that I used is correct.  So just adjust it as needed.


Edited by TheXman
Added comment and corrected ForNext
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