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.NET Core support?

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Hi I have AutoItX v3.3.14.5 installed and I am working on a .NET Core 2.1 app. I added a reference to the AutoItX3.Assembly.dll and just have 2 lines of code:


However when I debug in VS and it hits those lines I get an exception:

Unable to load DLL 'AutoItX3_x64.dll' or one of its dependencies: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

The AutoItX3_x64.dll is in the same folder as the AutoItX3.Assemby.dll file that I referenced.

I found one other post where the person changed their solution from AnyCPU to x86 and it fixed it for them. Unfortunately that doesn't work for me. I've tried x86, x64, and AnyCPU and they all have the same problem.

Does anyone have any ideas?



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  • 4 months later...

I too came acrossed this issue. I was build a framework for Core 2.2 and noticed this. Originally I tried playing around swapping my builds to target x86 but that broke everything. Then I built a new project tackling Autoit Directly from the .Net Framework and not .Net Core.....and well it all worked. So it looks like AutoIt is not compatible with .Core. I assume this is because .Net Core does not fully support COM Class Factories.  I am not entirely sure. All i know is .Net Framework works! and .Net Core does not.

 :(  Which sucks

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  • 2 years later...

Autoitscript team, can we get an official AutoItX package for Core? We are way past .Net Framework now (although some still use it) and Framework is coming to EOL. Core is the path going forward, but we can't use the AutoItX in our new solutions/projects so we have had to refactor quite a bit of our code. 

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