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catch data from another windows application


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hi guys   i ahve  this little problem , i  have a application windows , in this  app flow  number and  date  constantly i want  take  for  insert in txt

with autoit windows info , i try to read  with ControlGetText but nothing happen

Func _TS()

    ;If WinExists("T & S") Then
    Local $ts = ControlGetText("T & S", "", "[NAME:pnlTandS]")


EndFunc   ;==>_TS
>>>> Window <<<<
Title:  T & S
Class:  WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.378734a
Position:   970, 359
Size:   264, 1092
Style:  0x16CF0000
ExStyle:    0x00050108
Handle: 0x005B07F2

>>>> Control <<<<
Class:  WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.378734a
Instance:   1
ClassnameNN:    WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.378734a1
Name:   pnlTandS
Advanced (Class):   [NAME:pnlTandS]
ID: 1706136
Position:   0, 84
Size:   256, 981
ControlClick Coords:    95, 52
Style:  0x56000000
ExStyle:    0x00010200
Handle: 0x001A0898

>>>> Mouse <<<<
Position:   1069, 518
Cursor ID:  0
Color:  0xDC143C

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> ToolsBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<

>>>> Hidden Text <<<<

in visible text showme only ntgrid21 instead of my list of  date and number

someone have ideaa thankz at all

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