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excel rangewrite issue error 4

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hi guys, i having an issue with excel rangewrite, @error = 4 ,@extended = -214735267

4 - Error occurred when writing a single cell. 

i am trying to write an excel from an array of a single column which contains ciphertext of hash function such as MD5(128 bits).

however, i tried arraytrim which did not work and arraytranspose which did not provided the correct hash output, instead it writes a 0.

Can any1 advise? thanks 

i also have tried write excel from other array columns which apparently are working fine. 

Edited by devilburnz
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; comment Hash text and put into a 2D array
$hashtext = _crypt_HashData($text, $CALG_MD5) 
$array[1][2] = $hashtext

local $oexcel = _Excel_Open()
local $workbook = _Excel_Booknew($oexcel)

;comment Write ciphertext from array to excel

if @error then exit msgbox("excelerror","error writing to worksheet", & @CRLF & "error=" & @error & "extended =" & @extended)

the script is above, the output i am getting is a blank excel and an error messagebox stated in my first post 

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10 minutes ago, devilburnz said:
; comment Hash text and put into a 2D array
$text = "ABC"
$hashtext = _crypt_HashData($text, $CALG_MD5) 
$array[1][2] = $hashtext

local $oexcel = _Excel_Open()
local $workbook = _Excel_Booknew($oexcel)

;display string into 2d array
_Arraydisplay($array,"",Default,64,Default) ; able to view $hashtext 
;comment Write ciphertext from array to excel

if @error then exit msgbox("excelerror","error writing to worksheet", & @CRLF & "error=" & @error & "extended =" & @extended)

the script is above, the output i am getting is a blank excel and an error messagebox stated in my first post 

if it just plan text it will work, i need some advise please if there is something addtional is missiing. 

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Just place the array[0][1] in String function i.e. String($array[0][1]).

Also just for future reference, please post working examples, it allows us to concentrate on looking at the error rather than fixing the script first to get it to work.

#include <Array.au3>
#include <Crypt.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>
Local $sText = "ABC"
Local $sHashText = _Crypt_HashData($sText, $CALG_MD5)
Local $aRange[1][2] = [[$sHashText]]

Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open()
Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_Booknew($oExcel)
_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, Default, String($aRange[0][0]))
If @error Then Exit MsgBox(4096, "Excel Range Write Error","Error writing to worksheet" & @CRLF & "Error = " & @error & @CRLF & "Extended = " & @extended)


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Hi Subz.

Thanks for the help and i will take note of my posts for future reference, but unfortunately, the string function did not resolve the issue i facing, there is no error messagebox prompter and no problem displaying the hashdata in arraydisplay. 

 however, the string($aRange[1][2])) in excel still unable to display the hashdata, the excel cell column is still blank. Any advise? thanks!!  

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Did you just use my code as posted?  Because it works fine for me, 

"string($aRange[1][2]))" is incorrect usage, as I've shown that would result in an array error since you've gone out of the boundaries.

Local $aRange[1][2]
;~ You only have one row in this array, arrays start at 0
$aRange[0][0] = "Row1 Col1"
$aRange[0]1] = "Row1 Col2"


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yes the code works many thanks!  is there a specific method of placing them into exact places?  sorry i am no where have a high level in programming. 

Right now, my arraydisplay is displaying what i want but not able to write them all to excel prehaps due to hashdata which i narrow down my checking and found out that it contains error and empty display. so i am running out of options so i post here to figure out is there a way to display it so i can modify my codes later.

but what i am trying to achieve is to generate excel report which consist of hashdata and plaintext. and the rows and columns has to be specific in the exact column. 

$arange [3][0] = "title"
$arange [3][1] = "messsage"
$arange [3][2] = "messsage hash"
$arange [3][3] = "messsage2"
$arange [3][4] = "messsage2 hash"


so the output of the what i want to achieve in excel is something like below

A user would probably do some set of actions and these actions will store into the 2d array, next, from arraydisplay and finally to excel report. 

excel report 


1, abc, $@#!@3, abc2, @#@#!2

2, abcd, @#@#2, abcd2, @#@#2




Edited by devilburnz
sorry typo, i able to write them all to arraydisplay but not for excel
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You would need to loop through the array for example:

#include <Array.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>

Local $aRange[3][5] = [["title", "messsage", "messsage hash", "messsage2", "messsage2 hash"],[1, "abc", "$@#!@3", "abc2", "@#@#!2"], [2, "abcd", "@#@#2", "abcd2", "@#@#2"]]

Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open()
Local $iRow = 1, $iCol = 1, $oWorkbook = _Excel_Booknew($oExcel)

For $i = 0 To UBound($aRange) - 1
    For $j = 0 To UBound($aRange, 2) - 1
        _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, Default, String($aRange[$i][$j]), _Excel_ColumnToLetter($iCol) & $iRow)
    $iRow += 1
    $iCol = 1
_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, Default, $aRange)
If @error Then Exit MsgBox(4096, "Excel Range Write Error","Error writing to worksheet" & @CRLF & "Error = " & @error & @CRLF & "Extended = " & @extended)


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