engagewithrage Posted June 16, 2022 Posted June 16, 2022 So I have been looking things up online and reading various Forum topics regarding (as well as the Help information provided by Autoit, but am still having some issues. Keep in mind I am used to scripting with Powershell, so Autoit is new to me, so I am learning on the fly. I am trying to pull the values from keys in an .ini and send them to a web browser to auto launch a Citrix session, log in etc. I am still not 100% clear on how to Send those values, and everything I've read gives basic information, but nothing on what I specifically am trying to do. My ini file [CAPMAN] IEText=CareviewDashboard H6PRD{SLEEP 200}{TAB 2}{SLEEP 100}{ENTER} FocusAppTitle=iCommand Login CitrixText={LoginUser}{TAB 1}{LoginPass}{SLEEP 100}{ENTER} CitrixTextTarget=iCommand Login My Code expandcollapse popup#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIFiles.au3> #include <array.au3> #include <File.au3> If IsAdmin() Then If MsgBox(1, 'Paused', 'Admin rights detected, pausing script! Press "OK" to resume, or "Cancel" to exit') = 2 Then Exit EndIf Global $LoginUser = 'TEST.CAPMANBOH02' ;RegRead( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", "DefaultUserName" ) Global $LoginPass = 'TESTPSWD' ;RegRead( "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", "DefaultPassword" ) Global $TrkBoardTypeList[6] = ["FIRSTNET", "SURGINET", "RADNET", "PATHNET", "CAPMAN", "ETEMPO"] Global $CernerURL = '"https://someURL"' ; -----------Edit .ini path here Global $IniFile = "C:\Settings.ini" If Not FileExists($IniFile) Then MsgBox(48, "Error", "ALERT: Settings.ini not found in location: " & $IniFile & ". Place Settings.ini in correct location as Admin. EXITING", 15) Exit EndIf Global $TrkBoardType = "" For $i = 0 To UBound($TrkBoardTypeList) - 1 If StringInStr($LoginUser, $TrkBoardTypeList[$i]) Then $TrkBoardType = $TrkBoardTypeList[$i] EndIf Next MsgBox(4096, "", "Tracking Board type: " & $TrkBoardType, 5) If $TrkBoardType = "CAPMAN" Then Local $IniSettings = IniReadSection($IniFile, $TrkBoardType) If Not @error Then ; Enumerate through the array displaying the keys and their respective values. ;~ For $i = 1 To $IniSettings[0][0] ;~ MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Key: " & $IniSettings[$i][0] & @CRLF & "Value: " & $IniSettings[$i][1]) ;~ Next ;login to Cerner WinActivate("Welcome to CernerWorks!") WinWaitActive("Welcome to CernerWorks!") Send($IniSettings[3][1]) Sleep(5000) ;Search for CapMgmt and launch greaseboard WinWaitActive("Welcome to CernerWorks!") Send($IniSettings[1][1]) Sleep(300) ;Logs into iCommand WinMinimizeAll() Sleep(1000) WinActivate($IniSettings[2][1]) WinWaitActive($IniSettings[2][1]) Sleep(3000) Send($IniSettings[3][1]) Sleep(3000) ;Set Tracking Board to Full Screen Sleep(3000) WinWaitActive("CapMgmt - \\Remote") Send("{ALT}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(3000) EndIf EndIf At first I tested that I was reading the .ini file by displaying the key values in the section, that worked fine. I can send the IEText value to the browser, although I am still not clear on what the "[1][1]" after sending my $IniSettings to the browser. The main issue is when I attempt to send the "CitrixText" key and it's values to the browser to log in. Preferably I would like to use the $LoginUser and $LoginPass I've already declared at the top of the script. But use the .ini key value to pass them. Right now when I run the script, in the username and password fields on the web page it just sends "L" for the username and password. Hopefully I am explaining myself correctly, any help is greatly appreciated.
rudi Posted June 21, 2022 Posted June 21, 2022 Propably I miss, what your issue is. To see how the 2D array looks like and how to address its elements I prefer to use enumerated column index variables: #include <Debug.au3> $Ini = "C:\Settings.ini" $Sect="capman" Enum $iKey,$iVal $aSection=IniReadSection($ini,$Sect) _DebugArrayDisplay($aSection) for $Row = 1 to $aSection[0][0] MsgBox(0,"row " & $Row, "Key = " & $aSection[$Row][$iKey] & @CRLF & _ "Value = " & $aSection[$Row][$iVal]) Next MsgBox(0, '', "done") To address web forms pls. have a look at @water 's Earth is flat, pigs can fly, and Nuclear Power is SAFE!
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