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Posted (edited)

Hi guys... So I have a GUI designed to be as 'universal' as possible.. and I am stuck on some weird behavior..

In my GUI I read a text box that is set to.. "SID,JF,{RIGHT},TC,SPACE,DF,ENTER"
Each of those values correspond to an value for the program to type..

But when the values to enter get to be too long the program seems to "miss"? I have also tried _SendEx and it doesn't seem to help either..

But when I shorted to "SID,ENTER,SPACE" everything works fine and I can't figure out why :( I've even tried disabling commands and there's no difference.. 

Relevant Code Section:

Local $splitkeys = StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($KeyInp), $STR_STRIPALL) ; Import in the Gui Control Text
    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Splitkey start: " & $splitkeys) 
    $splitkeys = StringSplit($splitkeys, ",", 2) ;Split into seperate actions
    _ArrayDisplay($splitkeys) ; Just for testing
;~  Exit

    For $i = 0 To UBound($splitkeys) - 1 ;Go through array of different actions and enter as needed
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Splitkey is->" & $splitkeys[$i] & "<")
        If $splitkeys[$i] = "SIDM" Then
            If $Matrix <> "" Then
                _SendEx(" " & $Matrix)

        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "SID" Then
        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "TC" Then
        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "DF" Then
            _SendEx("x" & $DF)

        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "JF" Then
            _SendEx($JFlag & " ")
        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "Space" Then
            _SendEx(" ")
        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "ENTER" Then ;<-- MISSING KEYSTROKES
;~          Sleep(200)

        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "{LEFT}" Then
        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "{RIGHT}" Then
        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "{DOWN}" Then
        ElseIf $splitkeys[$i] = "{UP}" Then

            ConsoleWrite("NoMatchFound" & @CRLF)


Also tested case and it seems similar in behavior

For $i = 0 To UBound($splitkeys) - 1
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Splitkey is->" & $splitkeys[$i] & "<")
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "SIDM"
                If $Matrix <> "" Then
                    _SendEx(" " & $Matrix)

            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "SID"
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "TC"
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "DF"
                _SendEx("x" & $DF)

            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "JF"
                _SendEx($JFlag & " ")
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "Space"
                _SendEx(" ")
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "ENTER"
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "{LEFT}"
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "{RIGHT}"
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "{DOWN}"
            Case $splitkeys[$i] = "{UP}"
            Case Else
                ConsoleWrite("NoMatchFound" & @CRLF)


Edited by BatMan22

1) Post source of _SendEx() - see below

2) add some Sleep() after Send() - 100ms sleep didn't do anything

3) look here - Will check on this post

4) Also be sure if you don't reuse/reset variable $i somewhere inside functions called from your For/Next loop where is $i declared - don't see it, also console output confirms that it scrolls through every command, see below.

Working on*2208F65-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 1 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F66-001A 525.3_W

2208F66-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>-1
Working on*2208F66-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 1 JF Status is ->  J-Flag Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F68-001A 525.3_W

2208F68-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F68-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 1 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F70-001A 525.3_W

2208F70-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F70-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 1 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F65-001A 525.3_W

2208F65-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F65-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 3 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F66-001A 525.3_W

2208F66-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>-1
Working on*2208F66-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 3 JF Status is ->  J-Flag Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F68-001A 525.3_W

2208F68-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F68-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 3 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F70-001A 525.3_W

2208F70-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F70-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 3 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<

SendEx source below: 

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: _SendEx
; Description ...: alternative to built-in Send() function which prevents modifier keys from being left in a pressed state
; Syntax ........: _SendEx($sSendKeys[, $iTimeout[, $sReleaseKeys[, $hUser32Dll]]])
; Parameters ....: $sSendKeys           - string of keys to send in Send() format
;                  $hUser32Dll          - [optional] handle to user32.dll
;                  $iTimeout            - [optional] maximum time in ms to attempt to release pressed keys (minimum = 250)
;                  $sReleaseKeys        - [optional] comma seperated string of keys to release before issuing Send() (no spaces).
;                      defaults to: Shift, Ctrl, Alt, L Win, R Win
; Return values .: Success returns 1, else sets @error to 1 and returns an error message string
; Release date ..: 25-May-2014
; Modify date ...: 21-Sep-2014
; Author ........: iCode
; Modified by ...:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......: Send()
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _SendEx($sSendKeys, $hUser32Dll = "", $iTimeout = 2000, $sReleaseKeys = "0x10,0x11,0x12,0x5B,0x5C")
    Local $bCloseDll, $sRet
    Local $iDelay = Opt("SendKeyDelay") + Opt("SendKeyDownDelay")
    If $iDelay < 50 Then $iDelay = 50
    Local $aReleaseKeys = StringSplit($sReleaseKeys, ",")
    If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "Failed to create release key array")
    If $hUser32Dll <> "user32.dll" Then
        $hUser32Dll = DllOpen("user32.dll")
        If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "Failed to open handle to user32.dll")
        $bCloseDll = True
    $sRet = __ReleaseKeys($aReleaseKeys, $iTimeout, $hUser32Dll)
    If Not @error Then
        $sRet = __ReleaseKeys($aReleaseKeys, $iTimeout, $hUser32Dll)
    If $bCloseDll Then DllClose("user32.dll")
    If $sRet Then Return SetError(1, 0, $sRet)
    Return 1
EndFunc   ;==>_SendEx

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
; Name ..........: __ReleaseKeys
; Description ...: release pressed keys
; Syntax ........: __ReleaseKeys(Byref $aReleaseKeys, $iTimeout, $hUser32Dll)
; Parameters ....: $aReleaseKeys        - [in/out] An array of unknowns.
;                  $iTimeout            - An integer value.
;                  $hUser32Dll          - A handle value.
; Return values .: None
; Author ........: iCode
; Modified ......: 25-May-2014
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func __ReleaseKeys(ByRef $aReleaseKeys, $iTimeout, $hUser32Dll)
    If $iTimeout < 50 Then $iTimeout = 250
    Local $aRet, $hTimer = TimerInit()
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aReleaseKeys) - 1
        $aRet = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "short", "GetAsyncKeyState", "int", $aReleaseKeys[$i])
        If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "Dll call GetAsyncKeyState failed with key: " & $aReleaseKeys[$i])
        If BitAND($aRet[0], 0x8000) <> 0 Then
                DllCall($hUser32Dll, "int", "keybd_event", "int", $aReleaseKeys[$i], "int", 0, "long", 2, "long", 0)
                If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "Dll call keybd_event failed with key: " & $aReleaseKeys[$i])
                $aRet = DllCall($hUser32Dll, "short", "GetAsyncKeyState", "int", $aReleaseKeys[$i])
                If TimerDiff($hTimer) >= $iTimeout Then Return SetError(1, 0, "Time out limit reached")
            Until BitAND($aRet[0], 0x8000) = 0
EndFunc   ;==>__ReleaseKeys


Posted (edited)

@Zedna In reference to the link you posted, sending with Send("{ENTER}", $SEND_RAW) obviously types in {Enter} but it does prove that it doesn't miss when it's doing that. Also the control send is not available for this application, I wish it was.


Also the problem persists with Send or _SendEx

Edited by BatMan22

Just to rule it out, I also attempted a restart of the whole PC  / Switched from $i to $m / Case vs If Else / Send vs _SendEx .... So confused on what is going on.

  • 1 month later...
On 10/14/2022 at 1:08 PM, Luke94 said:

What are the values of $SampleID, $JFlag, $TestCode and $DF?

So the output above shows the general values (they change) but:

 $SampleID in this case is 2208F65-001A.. the general pattern remains the same but the values roll over with time

JFlag is either 0,-1, or "J-Flag"  or nothing

TestCode is "525.3_W" or nothing

Matrix is usually nothing, but sometimes "Water" or "Soil" Or "w" or "s"


Working on*2208F65-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 1 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F66-001A 525.3_W

2208F66-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>-1
Working on*2208F66-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 1 JF Status is ->  J-Flag Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F68-001A 525.3_W

2208F68-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F68-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 1 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F70-001A 525.3_W

2208F70-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F70-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 1 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F65-001A 525.3_W

2208F65-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F65-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 3 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F66-001A 525.3_W

2208F66-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>-1
Working on*2208F66-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 3 JF Status is ->  J-Flag Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F68-001A 525.3_W

2208F68-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F68-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 3 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<2208F70-001A 525.3_W

2208F70-001A<SampleID - JFlagRet>0
Working on*2208F70-001A*Testcode: 525.3_W DF IS: 3 JF Status is ->  Matrix is : 

Splitkey start: DF,ENTER,SPACE
Splitkey is->DF<
Splitkey is->ENTER<
Splitkey is->SPACE<

everywhere you do a SendEX add a Consolewrite before it to show what is being sent to the SendEX so you can see if the issue is with what's being sent to SendEX or with what is being sent from it.


Case $splitkeys[$i] = "SID"
    Consolewrite("_SendEx(" & $SampleID & ")" & @CRLF)


If the console outputs the expected value then the problem is with what is being sent from the _SendEx.  Try putting this line at the top of your script to slow down the character input

Opt("SendKeyDelay", 70)

18 hours ago, BigDaddyO said:

everywhere you do a SendEX add a Consolewrite before it to show what is being sent to the SendEX so you can see if the issue is with what's being sent to SendEX or with what is being sent from it.


Case $splitkeys[$i] = "SID"
    Consolewrite("_SendEx(" & $SampleID & ")" & @CRLF)


If the console outputs the expected value then the problem is with what is being sent from the _SendEx.  Try putting this line at the top of your script to slow down the character input

Opt("SendKeyDelay", 70)

Console write matches expected output 100% of the time

I'll try the SendKey Delay, thanks!

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