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(Solved) Help with editor


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When I start this very simple editor I want it to read the file
test.txt as default. But how to do it in a simple way?


#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>

;declaring variables
$OpenedFilePath = "no file"
$OpenedFile = "no file"

$TextEditor = GUICreate("Much Simple Text Editor", 300, 250) ;Creates (Hidden) GUI which will be 600 by 600
$FileMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File") ;Creates the File menu
$OpenFile = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Open...", $FileMenu) ;Creates Open File menu item
$SaveFile = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Save", $FileMenu) ;Creates Save File menu item
$PrintFile = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Print", $FileMenu) ;Creates Print File menu item
$EditControl = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, 600, 600) ;Creates Edit Control
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Shows the GUI

While 1 ;Initiates While loop
    $msg = GUIGetMsg() ;Checks if any GUI events have occured
    Switch $msg ;Initiates the Switch
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;Checks if $msg = $GUI_EVENT CLOSE: Checks if the user pressed the Close button
            If $OpenedFilePath <> "no file" Then ;Checks if $OpenedFilePath doesn't equal the string "no file"
                If GUICtrlRead($EditControl) <> FileRead($OpenedFile) Then ;Checks if the text in the Edit Control doesn't equal the text in the opened file
                    $SaveChangesBox = MsgBox(3, "Save File?", "Would you like to keep unsaved changes to the file you were editing?") ;Creates a dialog with Yes, No and Cancel buttons
                    If $SaveChangesBox = 6 Then ;Checks if the user pressed Yes in the Unsaved Changes box
                        FileDelete($OpenedFilePath) ;Deletes the Opened File
                        $OpenedFile = FileOpen($OpenedFilePath, 0 + 2) ;Opens and clears the file for reading/writing
                        FileWrite($OpenedFile, GUICtrlRead($EditControl)) ;Writes the text in the Edit Control to the opened text file
                        Exit ;Exits the script
                    ElseIf $SaveChangesBox = 7 Then;Checks if the user pressed No in the Unsaved Changes box
                        Exit ;Exits the script
                    EndIf ;Ends the If statement
                Else ;Executes the following code if the If/Elseif statement isn't true
                    Exit ;Exits the script
                EndIf ;Ends the If statement
            Else ;Executes the following code if the If/Elseif statement isn't true
                Exit ;Exits the script
            EndIf ;Ends the If statement
        Case $PrintFile ;Checks if $msg = $PrintFile: Checks if the user selected the Print File GUI Control
            $PrintFileFunction = _FilePrint($OpenedFilePath) ;Prints the text file $OpenedFilePath
            If $PrintFileFunction Then ;Executes the following code if $PrintFileFunction = 1
                MsgBox(0, "Print", "The file was printed.") ;Creates a message box with an OK button stating that $OpenedFilePath was printed
            Else ;Executes the following code if the If/Elseif function was not true
                MsgBox(0, "Print Error", "The file was not printed.") ;Creates an error message box with an OK button stating that $OpenedFilePath was printed
            EndIf ;Ends the If statement
        Case $OpenFile ;Checks if $msg = $OpenFile: Checks if the user selected the "Open File" GUI Control
            $OpenFileDialog = FileOpenDialog("Load Text File", "", "Text Files (*.txt)") ;Creates a File Open Dialog in which the title is "Load Text File", the Initial Directory is the Desktop, and the Filter is *.txt files
            If FileExists($OpenFileDialog) Then ;Executes the following code if the file path $OpenFileDialog exists
                $OpenedFilePath = $OpenFileDialog ;makes $OpenedFilePath = $OpenFileDialog
                $PreviousFileRead = FileRead($OpenedFilePath) ;Reads the text from $OpenedFilePath
                FileDelete($OpenedFilePath) ;Deletes the Opened File
                GUICtrlSetData($EditControl, $PreviousFileRead) ;Sets the Edit Control to have the same text as the previous read of the file
                $OpenedFile = FileOpen($OpenedFilePath, 0 + 2) ;Opens and clears the text file for reading/writing
                FileWrite($OpenedFile, $PreviousFileRead) ;Writes the value of $PreviousFileRead to the text file $OpenedFile
            EndIf ;Ends the If statement
        Case $SaveFile ;Checks if $msg = $OpenFile: Checks if the user selected the "Save File" GUI Control
            If $OpenedFilePath = "no file" Then ;Executes the following code if $OpenedFilePath = the string "no file"
                $NewDialog = FileSaveDialog("New File", "", "Text Files (*.txt)") ;Creates a File Save dialog in which the title is "New File", the initial directory is the Desktop, and the file filter is *.txt
                If $NewDialog <> "" Then ;Executes the following code if $NewDialog doesn't equal the string ""
                    $OpenedFilePath = $NewDialog & ".txt" ;makes $OpenedFilePath equal $NewDialog with ".txt" appended to the end
                    $OpenedFile = FileOpen($OpenedFilePath, 0 + 2) ;Opens and clears the text file for reading/writing
                    FileWrite($OpenedFile, GUICtrlRead($EditControl)) ;Writes the text in the Edit Control to $OpenedFile
                EndIf ;Ends the If statement
            Else ;Executes the following code if the If/Elseif statement isn't true
                FileDelete($OpenedFilePath) ;Deletes the Opened File
                $OpenedFile = FileOpen($OpenedFilePath, 0 + 2) ;Opens and clears the text files for reading/writing
                FileWrite($OpenedFilePath, GUICtrlRead($EditControl)) ;Writes the text in the Edit Control to $OpenedFilePath
            EndIf ;Ends the If statement
    EndSwitch ;Ends the Switch statement
WEnd ;Ends the While loop


Edited by Borje
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