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Getting incorrect/unexpected results with ArraySearch function


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I'm having an issue with incorrect/unexpected results returning from the second of two _ArraySearch functions I'm executing in my function below.  Both arrays are declared globally.  The _ArraySearch called in the first For/Next loop is behaving as expected.  However, the _ArraySearch called in the second For/Next loop is not returning the expected results.   I've attached my sample project and some sample/dummy files for testing/recreating the issue.  Any assistance is appreciated.  I'm sure I'm missing something simple but can't seem to find it in my code.

Here's the problematic function as well as a screenshot illustrating my problem with the second _ArraySearch in my function.

;Load Local Libary button click
;Import remote movie library from a txt/mlf file and compare it against the local libary to identify missing movies in each libary

Func _ImportAndCompare ()

    ;Present a fileopen dialog box for the user to select a movie library file to import
    Local $sFileOpenDialog = FileOpenDialog("Import Libary File to Compare...","", "Movie Libary File (*.mlf)", $FD_FILEMUSTEXIST)

        ;read the selected movie list file (.mlf) into a 1D array
        _FileReadToArray($sFileOpenDialog, $arrImportCompare)

        ;ensure the Remote Movie Library Listbox & Local and Remote Missing listboxes are empty
        GUICtrlSetData($lstRemoteLib, "")
        GUICtrlSetData($lstLocalMissing, "")
        GUICtrlSetData($lstRemoteMissing, "")

            ;loop through the array, adding each movie to the Remote Movie Library listbox
            For $i= 1 to UBound($arrImportCompare,1) -1
                $strMovieTitle = $arrImportCompare [$i]
                GUICtrlSetData($lstRemoteLib, $strMovieTitle)

                ;for each movie in the $arrImportCompare array, search for it in the $arrLocalLib array. if not add them to Local Missing Listbox
                _ArraySearch($arrLocalLib,$strMovieTitle, 0, 0, 0, 3)

                    If @error Then ;searched movie not found in $arrLocalLib, add it to the Local Library is Missing listbox ($lstLocalMissing)
                        GUICtrlSetData($lstLocalMissing, $strMovieTitle)
                      ;Do Nothing

        ;After the imported movie list has been loaded into the Remote Movie Library Listbox, and movies in the remote libary have been identified and added _
        ;to the Local Library is Missing listbox, loop through the $arrLocalLib and search for movies missing in the remote movie libary

        ;Loop through the $arrLocalLib array and search to see if each movie exists in the remote library ($arrImportCompare), if not add it to the Remote Missing Listbox ($lstRemoteMissing)
            For $i= 1 to UBound($arrLocalLib,1) -1
                $strMovieTitle = $arrLocalLib [$i]
                ;check if the movie exists in the remote Library
                    If @error Then ;searched movie not found in $arrImportCompare, add it to the Remote Library is Missing listbox ($lstRemoteMissing)
                        GUICtrlSetData($lstRemoteMissing, $strMovieTitle)
                      ;Do Nothing




Movie Libary Comparison Tool.zip

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As always in this cases (I know what I am talking about 🐵 , sometimes I "don´t see the wood for the trees" also) ...look at what you are posting in the picture....you compare "Elvis" with "Elvis.mkv"...that doesn´t work 😃

You have to trim the extension ".mkv" from the title, thats all!

In Line 190 

$strMovieTitle = StringTrimRight($arrLocalLib [$i],4)   ;trims the extension from filename


Edited by AndyG
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15 hours ago, AndyG said:


As always in this cases (I know what I am talking about 🐵 , sometimes I "don´t see the wood for the trees" also) ...look at what you are posting in the picture....you compare "Elvis" with "Elvis.mkv"...that doesn´t work 😃

You have to trim the extension ".mkv" from the title, thats all!

In Line 190 

$strMovieTitle = StringTrimRight($arrLocalLib [$i],4)   ;trims the extension from filename


Thank you! lol  I figured it was something simple!   I see the issue now in the code!  In my _LoadLocalLibrary function I'm using the following line to remove the file extension before adding the movie to the Local Library listbox........but when I loop through the $arrLocalLib again down in my _ImportAndCompare function, I wasn't removing the file extension as you pointed out.   Thanks again!



;Loop through each item/movie title in the array, remove the file .file extension, and add it to the Local Movie Libary listbox
            For $i= 1 to UBound($arrLocalLib,1) -1
                $strMovieTitle = $arrLocalLib [$i]
                $strMovieTitle = StringLeft($strMovieTitle,StringInStr($strMovieTitle,".",Default,-1)-1)
                GUICtrlSetData($lstLocalLib, $strMovieTitle)



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