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Ok, I'm making an annoucement board for my clan.

So they will open this program, it will download an ini and display the information.

Now I'm making a program that will make the actual ini.

But since Im using a form the ini will look like

Annoucement="Hello everyone, how are you all?" [b] & @CRLF & [/b] "This is blah blah"

It would show two lines, but when i use GUICtrlRead it gives me the basic

Hello everyone, how are you all?

This is blah blah

Anyone know how to keep the @CRLF in the code?


Write your INI like this:

Annoucement=Hello everyone, how are you all? @CRLF This is blah blah

Then, since you are probably not going to talk to your family about carriage returns :whistle: , you can then do this:

$inifile = @ScriptDir & "\test.ini"
$Text = IniRead($inifile, "main", "Annoucement", "")
if $Text <> "" Then
    $Text = StringReplace($Text, " @CRLF ", @CRLF)
    MsgBox(0, "Announcement", $Text)
BlueBearrOddly enough, this is what I do for fun.

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