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Creating Batch File -- Log on Script


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We have log on script for staff. Mapping them to share. I would like to use Autoit to uninstall a program and reinstall. I have created a script that will delete a file (TrackitAudit.id) using admin credentials. However, I need to know how this incorporates into log on script, so when users log drives will be mapped and the file will delete. I am new to AutoIt and so am very confused.

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We have log on script for staff. Mapping them to share. I would like to use Autoit to uninstall a program and reinstall. I have created a script that will delete a file (TrackitAudit.id) using admin credentials. However, I need to know how this incorporates into log on script, so when users log drives will be mapped and the file will delete. I am new to AutoIt and so am very confused.


what does your logon script? Can you start an exe file from it? Would you like to save the exe on the server and then start in to delete the file or on the connecting client? Starts the logon script on client or server?

So long,


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what does your logon script? Can you start an exe file from it? Would you like to save the exe on the server and then start in to delete the file or on the connecting client? Starts the logon script on client or server?

So long,



REM ---------------------------------------------

REM company name

REM Automated Login Script

REM For Air Team

REM ---------------------------------------------

NET Time \\Domain Controller /set /yes

rem NET USE F: \\chromium\Dept


NET USE H: \\plutonium\TEAMS /persistent:no

net use t: /delete

NET USE T: \\chromium\TIMSS32 /persistent:no


net use u: /delete

NET USE U: \\chromium\User2 /PERSISTENT:NO


NET USE K: \\FX02-2K\client /persistent:no


@Echo off

\\trackitent\trackit\Installers\WorkstationManager\tiwsmgr.exe /uninstall

@Echo off



I would like to incorporate the delete file line before \\trackitent\trackit\Installers\WorkstationManager\tiwsmgr.exe /uninstall

Here is what I did in AutoIt:

RunAsSet("username", "NTS01", "password")


The file above is the hidden file that I would like to delete.

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RunAsSet("username", "NTS01", "password")


The file above is the hidden file that I would like to delete.

RunAsSet() only affects the Run() and RunWait() functions, not FileDelete() or anything else.

Instead of FileDelete(), try

RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c del "c:\trackitaudit.id"')


My Projects:DebugIt - Debug your AutoIt scripts with DebugIt!
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RunAsSet() only affects the Run() and RunWait() functions, not FileDelete() or anything else.

Instead of FileDelete(), try

RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c del "c:\trackitaudit.id"')


Thanks. Very much appreciated. Now, I am still trying to figure out how I would incorporate this into the above log on script. Would I then create an .exe file and place in batch file.

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You could do that, and that's actually what I do in mine. Another way is to call AutoIt3.exe, passing the .au3 file as a parameter. Six of one, half a dozen of the other, really.

A piece of advice: if the AutoIt program is going to be one that runs continuously while the user is logged on, do something like this (catch.exe being an autoit compiled script):

if exist "%temp%\catch.exe" del /f "%temp%\catch.exe"
copy /y \\path\toscript\catch.exe "%temp%\catch.exe"
start "Catch" "%temp%\catch.exe"

In other words, make a copy of the program in the user's temp folder and execute the copy there. This allows you to update the master copy whenever you want, and not get access denied messages when trying to update it. A little trick I had to learn the hard way.

My Projects:DebugIt - Debug your AutoIt scripts with DebugIt!
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REM ---------------------------------------------

REM company name

REM Automated Login Script

REM For Air Team

REM ---------------------------------------------

NET Time \\Domain Controller /set /yes

rem NET USE F: \\chromium\Dept


NET USE H: \\plutonium\TEAMS /persistent:no

net use t: /delete

NET USE T: \\chromium\TIMSS32 /persistent:no


net use u: /delete

NET USE U: \\chromium\User2 /PERSISTENT:NO


NET USE K: \\FX02-2K\client /persistent:no


@Echo off

\\trackitent\trackit\Installers\WorkstationManager\tiwsmgr.exe /uninstall

@Echo off



I would like to incorporate the delete file line before \\trackitent\trackit\Installers\WorkstationManager\tiwsmgr.exe /uninstall

Here is what I did in AutoIt:

RunAsSet("username", "NTS01", "password")


The file above is the hidden file that I would like to delete.

first of all when you do a runasset, point your password to a var if the password is wrong, the error message will popup and show the user the incorrect one.

try this.

$password = "password"
Runasset("username", "NTS01", $password)
runwait(@comspec & ' /c ' & 'if exist c:\TrackitAudit.id del c:\trackitaudit.id /f /y','',@swhide)

I think the best solution would be to do away with profile logon scripts and enable logon scripts from the GPO standpoint. The main benefit is that you can run straight Autoit scripts without having to map to the shares. and also, you login scripts are not secluded to the \\server\netlogon path.

Edited by blademonkey

---"Educate the Mind, Make Savage the Body" -Mao Tse Tung

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