Docfxit Posted December 14, 2006 Share Posted December 14, 2006 (edited) I'm having a hard time figuring out how to code reading a file. This is what I have:While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $Msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else If FileExists($results) = 1 Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) ; This would keep looping until it finds the file Else Sleep(5000) EndIf $rawline = FileReadLine($Myfile) If @error = -1 Then Sleep(1500) ;When it reaches End of File take a break If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then parse( $rawline) ; All candidates are now in the Officers array FillTable() ; Fill the Table EndIf EndSwitch WEnd ; There is a lot more to the script. This is the only part I am having trouble with.The problem is the file gets re-opened every loop.My requirements:1. The file may or may not be available when this script starts. I need the script to continue looking for the file if it's not there. (And this is working fine now)2. After it finds the file I need this script to keep looking for more records. There is another program writing to the file while this script is reading it. (And this is working fine now)3. I think I need the file open within the while loop just in case someone would like to close the script while it's trying to find the file. I'd like the GUI to show on the screen even if it hasn't found the file.4. Maybe I just need to put an If or a Case to not open the file after it has been opened once. I'm not real clear how to code a Case to execute only once.5. I do close the file later in the script.It would be great if someone could help me fix this code.Thank you,Docfxit Edited December 16, 2006 by docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MHz Posted December 14, 2006 Share Posted December 14, 2006 This may operate better for you. $Myfile = -1 While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $Msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else If FileExists($results) Then If $Myfile = -1 Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) EndIf If $Myfile <> -1 Then $rawline = FileReadLine($Myfile) If @error = -1 Then Sleep(1500) If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then parse( $rawline) FillTable() EndIf EndIf Else Sleep(5000) EndIf EndSwitch WEnd If $MyFile <> -1 Then FileClose($MyFile) EndIf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 14, 2006 Author Share Posted December 14, 2006 (edited) This may operate better for you. expandcollapse popup$Myfile = -1 While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $Msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else If FileExists($results) Then If $Myfile = -1 Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) EndIf If $Myfile <> -1 Then $rawline = FileReadLine($Myfile) If @error = -1 Then Sleep(1500) If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then parse( $rawline) FillTable() EndIf EndIf Else Sleep(5000) EndIf EndSwitch WEnd If $MyFile <> -1 Then FileClose($MyFile) EndIf oÝ÷ Ûú®¢×©äʯz¼¦¹È_¢»ayÊxwöÊÞjYr'¡ü¨ºÚ,ªÞʫײÚ,¢[Þ*k¡¹^¥²hmºw^®ËZÜ!ÉÉbrH§íåâØ^¶kmrçzº¶PhzÉ÷ö×%¢Çë®*m"Ëaz·B%w«Hç{"uëaÅ¡W¥¢Hv'©àzØ^r^jX¶WÛ(×bv}ý¶¯zÚç$¶Æ+-zw¡ûayø¥yÛ«x½êò)Ry^²Ì¨ºØbKajÝý±¦âh¬µ©jëh×6$MyFile = -1 While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $Msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else If $MyFile = -1 Then If FileExists($results) Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) EndIf EndIf If $MyFile <> -1 Then $rawline = FileReadLine($MyFile) If @error = -1 Then Sleep(1500) If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then parse( $rawline) FillTable() EndIf Else Sleep(5000) EndIf EndSwitch WEnd If $MyFile <> -1 Then FileClose($MyFile) EndIf Does anyone know why my gui doesn't get updated when the functions are performed inside the While loop? Does anyone know why clicking on the X in the top right corner of the GUI doesn't close the script. Would it help to see the entire script? I was trying to keep it simple with just this section. Thank you, Docfxit PS: I changed all instances of $Myfile to $MyFile. I realize it's very hard to test without the entire script. Edited December 16, 2006 by docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 15, 2006 Author Share Posted December 15, 2006 (edited) I changed the Switch to a Select and now the GUI closes just fine. $MyFile = -1 While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else If $MyFile = -1 Then If FileExists($results) Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) EndIf EndIf If $MyFile <> -1 Then $rawline = FileReadLine($MyFile) If @error = -1 Then Sleep(500) If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then parse( $rawline) FillTable() EndIf Else Sleep(5000) EndIf EndSelect WEnd If $MyFile <> -1 Then FileClose($MyFile) EndIf Does anyone know why my gui doesn't get updated when the functions are performed inside the While loop? Thank you, Docfxit Edited December 16, 2006 by docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stumpii Posted December 15, 2006 Share Posted December 15, 2006 I changed the Switch to a Select and now the GUI closes just fine.CODE$MyFile = -1While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else If $MyFile = -1 Then If FileExists($results) Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) EndIf EndIf If $MyFile <> -1 Then $rawline = FileReadLine($MyFile) If @error = -1 Then Sleep(500) If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then parse( $rawline) FillTable() EndIf Else Sleep(5000) EndIf EndSelectWEndIf $MyFile <> -1 Then FileClose($MyFile)EndIfDoes anyone know why my gui doesn't get updated when the functions are performed inside the While loop?Thank you,DocfxitIt is a bit hard to say when we do not know what 'FillTable' is doing. Have you tried tracing the code with my debugger (see signature)? Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 15, 2006 Author Share Posted December 15, 2006 (edited) It is a bit hard to say when we do not know what 'FillTable' is doing. Have you tried tracing the code with my debugger (see signature)?Yes I have tried your debugger. It's invaluable some times. I can't wait for you keep improving it. I was hoping if I kept the code simple someone would be more likely to respond but I can certainly see that in order to find the GUI problem you will need my entire script. So even though it's large I hope someone will take a look at it. If you run this please note: When you would like to cancel the GUI if you use the X in the upper right there will be a 500ms delay. You can cancel it immediately by pressing the F3 key. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> ; Color ListBox credits go to: ; Author Holger at$listview ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1);0-off ; Set so that tray displays current line number ;Press F3 to terminate script, HotKeySet("{F3}", "Quit") Global Const $WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = 0x0134 ; List of positions Global $PositionsList = 'President,Vice President,Fin Recording Sec,Treasurer,Exec Board Member' Global $Positions = StringSplit($PositionsList,',') Dim $nTextClr1 = ReverseColorOrder(0x0000FF); RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Dark Blue Dim $nBkClr1 = ReverseColorOrder(0xC0F0F0); RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Light Blue Dim $hBrush1 = 0 Dim $nTextClr2 = ReverseColorOrder(0x000000); RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Black Dim $nBkClr2 = ReverseColorOrder(0x00ffff); RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Cyan Dim $hBrush2 = 0 Global $Officers[6] ; $Officers needs to be one more than the number of Officers Positions. ; Path to Results - Officers.txt file. $results = "Results - Officers.txt" dim $President[6], $PresidentCnt[6] dim $VicePresident[6], $VicePresidentCnt[6] dim $FinRecordingSec[6], $FinRecordingSecCnt[6] dim $Treasurer[6], $TreasurerCnt[6] dim $ExecBoardMember[6], $ExecBoardMemberCnt[6] dim $Found = "" Dim $hGUI = GUICreate("Officers Election 2006", 1395, 329, 200, 20 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) , $WS_EX_TOPMOST) $font="Comic Sans MS" $Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("ATU Election Results as They Are Being Tabulated", (@DesktopWidth-800)/2, 8, 550, 35) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,15, 400, 4, $font) $Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("The results shown are not Official. They are still being tabulated.", 800, 310, 550, 35) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,11, 400, 0, $font) ;Create listview header column titles $ListviewHead = '' for $i = 1 to $Positions[0] $ListviewHead &= $Positions[$i] & '|Count' if $i <> $Positions[0] then $ListviewHead &= '|' next $listview = GuiCtrlCreateListView ($ListviewHead,10,50,1365,240) $font="Comic Sans MS" $fontsize=14 GUICtrlSetFont ($listview,$fontsize,400,0,$font) SetColumnsWidth() GUIRegisterMsg($WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, "WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX") GUISetState() $listtop = 80 $nList1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $President[1]&"|"&$President[2]&"|"&$President[3]&"|"&$President[4]&"|"&$President[5]) $nList2 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 190, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $PresidentCnt[1]&"|"&$PresidentCnt[2]&"|"&$PresidentCnt[3]&"|"&$PresidentCnt[4]&"|"&$PresidentCnt[5]) $nList3 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 276, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $VicePresident[1] & "|" & $VicePresident[2] & "|" & $VicePresident[3] & "|" & $VicePresident[4] & "|" & $VicePresident[5]) $nList4 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 457, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $VicePresidentCnt[1] & "|" & $VicePresidentCnt[2] & "|" & $VicePresidentCnt[3] & "|" & $VicePresidentCnt[4] & "|" & $VicePresidentCnt[5]) $nList5 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 543, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $FinRecordingSec[1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[3] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[4] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[5]) $nList6 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 724, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $FinRecordingSecCnt[1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSecCnt[2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSecCnt[3] & "|" & $FinRecordingSecCnt[4] & "|" & $FinRecordingSecCnt[5]) $nList7 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 810, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $Treasurer[1] & "|" & $Treasurer[2] & "|" & $Treasurer[3] & "|" & $Treasurer[4] & "|" & $Treasurer[5]) $nList8 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 991, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $TreasurerCnt[1] & "|" & $TreasurerCnt[2] & "|" & $TreasurerCnt[3] & "|" & $TreasurerCnt[4] & "|" & $TreasurerCnt[5]) $nList9 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 1077, $listtop, 210, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $ExecBoardMember[1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[3] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[4] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[5]) $nList10 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 1283, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $ExecBoardMemberCnt[1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[3] & "|" & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[4] & "|" & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[5]) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug $MyFile = -1 While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else If $MyFile = -1 Then If FileExists($results) Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) EndIf EndIf If $MyFile <> -1 Then $rawline = FileReadLine($MyFile) If @error = -1 Then Sleep(500) If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then parse( $rawline) FillTable() EndIf Else Sleep(5000) EndIf EndSelect WEnd If $MyFile <> -1 Then FileClose($MyFile) EndIf DeleteObject($hBrush1) DeleteObject($hBrush2) Quit() Func Parse($StringToParce) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug $ParsedString = 0 $PartialString = "" $Check = "" ; Clear out the array $Officers Dim 6 FOR $x = 1 to 5 $Officers [$x] = "" NEXT $Length = stringlen($StringToParce) + 1 For $i = 11 to $Length $Character = StringMid ( $StringToParce, $i ,1) if $Character = "," then ;End of first field $i = $i + 1 ;Skip " For $i = $i + 1 to $Length ;Reading Name $Character = StringMid ( $StringToParce, $i ,1) If $Character <> '"' Then $PartialString = $PartialString & $Character Else ExitLoop EndIf $ParcingString = "Yes" next endif if $ParsedString < "5" then $ParsedString = $ParsedString + 1 $Officers [$ParsedString] = $PartialString $PartialString = "" $ParcingString = "Finished" $msg = "ParsedString,$Officers " & $ParsedString & " *" & $Officers[$ParsedString] & "*" endif NEXT return ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug endfunc Func FillTable() ;;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug $Found = "" If $Officers[1] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[1] = $President[$i] Then $PresidentCnt[$i] = $PresidentCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[1] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $President[$i] = "" Then $President[$i] = $Officers[1] $PresidentCnt[$i] = $PresidentCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "President Votes " & $President[1] & " " & $PresidentCnt[1] & @CRLF & _ $President[2] & " " & $PresidentCnt[2] $Found = "" If $Officers[2] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[2] = $VicePresident[$i] Then $VicePresidentCnt[$i] = $VicePresidentCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[2] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $VicePresident[$i] = "" Then $VicePresident[$i] = $Officers[2] $VicePresidentCnt[$i] = $VicePresidentCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "VicePresident Votes " & $VicePresident[1] & " " & $VicePresidentCnt[1] & @CRLF & $VicePresident[2] & " " & $VicePresidentCnt[2] & @CRLF & $VicePresident[3] & " " & $VicePresidentCnt[3] $Found = "" If $Officers[3] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[3] = $FinRecordingSec[$i] Then $FinRecordingSecCnt[$i] = $FinRecordingSecCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[3] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $FinRecordingSec[$i] = "" Then $FinRecordingSec[$i] = $Officers[3] $FinRecordingSecCnt[$i] = $FinRecordingSecCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "FinRecordingSec Votes " & $FinRecordingSec[1] & " " & $FinRecordingSecCnt[1] & @CRLF & $FinRecordingSec[2] & " " & $FinRecordingSecCnt[2] $Found = "" If $Officers[4] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[4] = $Treasurer[$i] Then $TreasurerCnt[$i] = $TreasurerCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[4] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $Treasurer[$i] = "" Then $Treasurer[$i] = $Officers[4] $TreasurerCnt[$i] = $TreasurerCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "Treasurer Votes " & $Treasurer[1] & " " & $TreasurerCnt[1] & @CRLF & $Treasurer[2] & " " & $TreasurerCnt[2] & @CRLF & $Treasurer[3] & " " & $TreasurerCnt[3] $Found = "" If $Officers[5] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[5] = $ExecBoardMember[$i] Then $ExecBoardMemberCnt[$i] = $ExecBoardMemberCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[5] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $ExecBoardMember[$i] = "" Then $ExecBoardMember[$i] = $Officers[5] $ExecBoardMemberCnt[$i] = $ExecBoardMemberCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "ExecBoardMember Votes " & $ExecBoardMember[1] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[1] & @CRLF & $ExecBoardMember[2] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[2] & @CRLF & $ExecBoardMember[3] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[3] & @CRLF & $ExecBoardMember[4] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[4] & @CRLF & $ExecBoardMember[5] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[5] ;;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug endfunc Func WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList1) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList2) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList3) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList4) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList5) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList6) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList7) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList8) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList9) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList10) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetListBoxColor($hDC, $nTextClr, $nBkColor, ByRef $hBrush) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug SetTextColor($hDC, $nTextClr) SetBkColor($hDC, $nBkColor) If $hBrush = 0 Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nBkColor) Return $hBrush ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetTextColor($hDC, $nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $nLastColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SetTextColor", "hwnd", $hDC, "int", $nColor) Return $nLastColor[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetBkColor($hDC, $nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $nLastColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SetBkColor", "hwnd", $hDC, "int", $nColor) Return $nLastColor[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func CreateSolidBrush($nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "hwnd", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", $nColor) Return $hBrush[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func DeleteObject($hObj) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "DeleteObject", "hwnd", $hObj) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func Quit() ; Close file. FileClose($MyFile) Exit 0 EndFunc Func SetColumnsWidth() ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, 180) ;President GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, 87) GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 2, 180) ;Vice President GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 3, 87) GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 4, 180) ;Fin Recording Sec GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 5, 87) GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 6, 180) ;Treasurer GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 7, 87) GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 8, 205) ;Exec Board Member GUICtrlSendMsg($ListView, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 9, 87) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func ReverseColorOrder($v_color) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Dim $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc;==>ReverseColorOder The code reads this data file: It needs to be saved as "Results - Officers.txt""DIV1","Tom","","","","" "OFFICERS","Scott","Buck","Jack","Hank","Buzz" "OFFICERS","BLANK","BLANK","Jack","Hank","Buzz" When this is run I expect names and numbers to show up in the GUI and they don't. Thank you for looking at it. Docfxit Edited December 16, 2006 by docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valuater Posted December 15, 2006 Share Posted December 15, 2006 (edited) You really have a mess here #1 $listtop was not found so i fixed that ( you should be checking this script in SciTE Editor ( thats the least of the problems #2 You are creating a listview.. $listview = GuiCtrlCreateListView ($ListviewHead,10,50,1365,240) ( this is probably what you want.. however #3 in the samne space/area, you are creating numerous Lists"... $nList1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $President[1]&"|"&$President[2]&"|"&$President[3]&"|"&$President[4]&"|"&$President[5]) $nList2 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 190, $listtop, 90, 200) etc... etc I think what you are after is a "listview" not all of these "list" controls its one or the other ... then you can work on the loop and how the data is set... but this comes first list or listview 8) Edited December 15, 2006 by Valuater Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 15, 2006 Author Share Posted December 15, 2006 (edited) You really have a mess here #1 $listtop was not found so i fixed that ( you should be checking this script in SciTE Editor ( thats the least of the problemsSorry. In my haste to clean up some things to make it easier to read I inadvertently removed that. I have fixed it in my last post so no one else needs to worry about it. I am using the SciTE Editor. It's the best. #2 You are creating a listview.. $listview = GuiCtrlCreateListView ($ListviewHead,10,50,1365,240) ( this is probably what you want.. howeverYes it is. #3 in the samne space/area, you are creating numerous Lists"... $nList1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $President[1]&"|"&$President[2]&"|"&$President[3]&"|"&$President[4]&"|"&$President[5]) $nList2 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 190, $listtop, 90, 200) etc... etcThe different lists are allowing me to have multiple columns with different colors. I borrowed the code (concept) from Holger. You can see a link to his column coloring in the credits at the top of my script. I tried to expand upon the concept. If you run it you will see the colors. I think what you are after is a "listview" not all of these "list" controls its one or the otherI know this isn't something you normally see. Holger made it work in his sample. I guess I must have messed something up when I was adapting it to what I need. ... then you can work on the loop and how the data is set... but this comes first list or listviewHow could I put a heading on the columns without using ListView? I removed all references to ListView lines and I still can't get the data to show This is what it looks like now. Thank you very much for the suggestions and looking at it. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> ; Color ListBox credits go to: ; Author Holger at$listview ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1);0-off ; Set so that tray displays current line number ;Press F3 to terminate script, HotKeySet("{F3}", "Quit") Global Const $WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = 0x0134 Dim $nTextClr1 = ReverseColorOrder(0x0000FF); RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Dark Blue Dim $nBkClr1 = ReverseColorOrder(0xC0F0F0); RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Light Blue Dim $hBrush1 = 0 Dim $nTextClr2 = ReverseColorOrder(0x000000); RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Black Dim $nBkClr2 = ReverseColorOrder(0x00ffff); RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Cyan Dim $hBrush2 = 0 Global $Officers[6] ; $Officers needs to be one more than the number of Officers Positions. ; Path to Results - Officers.txt file. $results = "C:\My Documents2\ATU\Election 2006 results\Unofficial Results - Officers\Results - Officers.txt" ;$results = "Results - Officers.txt" dim $President[6], $PresidentCnt[6] dim $VicePresident[6], $VicePresidentCnt[6] dim $FinRecordingSec[6], $FinRecordingSecCnt[6] dim $Treasurer[6], $TreasurerCnt[6] dim $ExecBoardMember[6], $ExecBoardMemberCnt[6] dim $Found = "" Dim $hGUI = GUICreate("Officers Election 2006", 1395, 329, 200, 20 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) , $WS_EX_TOPMOST) $font="Comic Sans MS" $Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("ATU Election Results as They Are Being Tabulated", (@DesktopWidth-800)/2, 8, 550, 35) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,15, 400, 4, $font) $Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("The results shown are not Official. They are still being tabulated.", 800, 310, 550, 35) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,11, 400, 0, $font) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, "WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX") GUISetState() $listtop = 80 $nList1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $President[1]&"|"&$President[2]&"|"&$President[3]&"|"&$President[4]&"|"&$President[5]) $nList2 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 190, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $PresidentCnt[1]&"|"&$PresidentCnt[2]&"|"&$PresidentCnt[3]&"|"&$PresidentCnt[4]&"|"&$PresidentCnt[5]) $nList3 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 276, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $VicePresident[1] & "|" & $VicePresident[2] & "|" & $VicePresident[3] & "|" & $VicePresident[4] & "|" & $VicePresident[5]) $nList4 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 457, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $VicePresidentCnt[1] & "|" & $VicePresidentCnt[2] & "|" & $VicePresidentCnt[3] & "|" & $VicePresidentCnt[4] & "|" & $VicePresidentCnt[5]) $nList5 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 543, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $FinRecordingSec[1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[3] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[4] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[5]) $nList6 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 724, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $FinRecordingSecCnt[1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSecCnt[2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSecCnt[3] & "|" & $FinRecordingSecCnt[4] & "|" & $FinRecordingSecCnt[5]) $nList7 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 810, $listtop, 185, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $Treasurer[1] & "|" & $Treasurer[2] & "|" & $Treasurer[3] & "|" & $Treasurer[4] & "|" & $Treasurer[5]) $nList8 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 991, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $TreasurerCnt[1] & "|" & $TreasurerCnt[2] & "|" & $TreasurerCnt[3] & "|" & $TreasurerCnt[4] & "|" & $TreasurerCnt[5]) $nList9 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 1077, $listtop, 210, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $ExecBoardMember[1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[3] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[4] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[5]) $nList10 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 1283, $listtop, 90, 200) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $ExecBoardMemberCnt[1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[3] & "|" & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[4] & "|" & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[5]) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug $MyFile = -1 While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else If $MyFile = -1 Then If FileExists($results) Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) EndIf EndIf If $MyFile <> -1 Then $rawline = FileReadLine($MyFile) If @error = -1 Then Sleep(500) If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then parse( $rawline) FillTable() EndIf Else Sleep(5000) EndIf EndSelect WEnd If $MyFile <> -1 Then FileClose($MyFile) EndIf DeleteObject($hBrush1) DeleteObject($hBrush2) Quit() Func Parse($StringToParce) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug $ParsedString = 0 $PartialString = "" $Check = "" ; Clear out the array $Officers Dim 6 FOR $x = 1 to 5 $Officers [$x] = "" NEXT $Length = stringlen($StringToParce) + 1 For $i = 11 to $Length $Character = StringMid ( $StringToParce, $i ,1) if $Character = "," then ;End of first field $i = $i + 1 ;Skip " For $i = $i + 1 to $Length ;Reading Name $Character = StringMid ( $StringToParce, $i ,1) If $Character <> '"' Then $PartialString = $PartialString & $Character Else ExitLoop EndIf $ParcingString = "Yes" next endif if $ParsedString < "5" then $ParsedString = $ParsedString + 1 $Officers [$ParsedString] = $PartialString $PartialString = "" $ParcingString = "Finished" $msg = "ParsedString,$Officers " & $ParsedString & " *" & $Officers[$ParsedString] & "*" endif NEXT return ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug endfunc Func FillTable() ;;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug $Found = "" If $Officers[1] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[1] = $President[$i] Then $PresidentCnt[$i] = $PresidentCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[1] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $President[$i] = "" Then $President[$i] = $Officers[1] $PresidentCnt[$i] = $PresidentCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "President Votes " & $President[1] & " " & $PresidentCnt[1] & @CRLF & _ $President[2] & " " & $PresidentCnt[2] $Found = "" If $Officers[2] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[2] = $VicePresident[$i] Then $VicePresidentCnt[$i] = $VicePresidentCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[2] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $VicePresident[$i] = "" Then $VicePresident[$i] = $Officers[2] $VicePresidentCnt[$i] = $VicePresidentCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "VicePresident Votes " & $VicePresident[1] & " " & $VicePresidentCnt[1] & @CRLF & $VicePresident[2] & " " & $VicePresidentCnt[2] & @CRLF & $VicePresident[3] & " " & $VicePresidentCnt[3] $Found = "" If $Officers[3] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[3] = $FinRecordingSec[$i] Then $FinRecordingSecCnt[$i] = $FinRecordingSecCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[3] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $FinRecordingSec[$i] = "" Then $FinRecordingSec[$i] = $Officers[3] $FinRecordingSecCnt[$i] = $FinRecordingSecCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "FinRecordingSec Votes " & $FinRecordingSec[1] & " " & $FinRecordingSecCnt[1] & @CRLF & $FinRecordingSec[2] & " " & $FinRecordingSecCnt[2] $Found = "" If $Officers[4] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[4] = $Treasurer[$i] Then $TreasurerCnt[$i] = $TreasurerCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[4] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $Treasurer[$i] = "" Then $Treasurer[$i] = $Officers[4] $TreasurerCnt[$i] = $TreasurerCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "Treasurer Votes " & $Treasurer[1] & " " & $TreasurerCnt[1] & @CRLF & $Treasurer[2] & " " & $TreasurerCnt[2] & @CRLF & $Treasurer[3] & " " & $TreasurerCnt[3] $Found = "" If $Officers[5] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[5] = $ExecBoardMember[$i] Then $ExecBoardMemberCnt[$i] = $ExecBoardMemberCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[5] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $ExecBoardMember[$i] = "" Then $ExecBoardMember[$i] = $Officers[5] $ExecBoardMemberCnt[$i] = $ExecBoardMemberCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $msg = "ExecBoardMember Votes " & $ExecBoardMember[1] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[1] & @CRLF & $ExecBoardMember[2] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[2] & @CRLF & $ExecBoardMember[3] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[3] & @CRLF & $ExecBoardMember[4] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[4] & @CRLF & $ExecBoardMember[5] & " " & $ExecBoardMemberCnt[5] ;;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug endfunc Func WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList1) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList2) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList3) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList4) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList5) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList6) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList7) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList8) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList9) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList10) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetListBoxColor($hDC, $nTextClr, $nBkColor, ByRef $hBrush) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug SetTextColor($hDC, $nTextClr) SetBkColor($hDC, $nBkColor) If $hBrush = 0 Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nBkColor) Return $hBrush ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetTextColor($hDC, $nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $nLastColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SetTextColor", "hwnd", $hDC, "int", $nColor) Return $nLastColor[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetBkColor($hDC, $nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $nLastColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SetBkColor", "hwnd", $hDC, "int", $nColor) Return $nLastColor[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func CreateSolidBrush($nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "hwnd", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", $nColor) Return $hBrush[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func DeleteObject($hObj) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "DeleteObject", "hwnd", $hObj) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func Quit() ; Close file. FileClose($MyFile) Exit 0 EndFunc Func ReverseColorOrder($v_color) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Dim $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc ;==>ReverseColorOder Thank you, Docfxit Edited December 16, 2006 by docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stumpii Posted December 15, 2006 Share Posted December 15, 2006 Some things are not right in your code, for example in the following, when I traced it, $President[1] is null/blank, so $Found is 'N'. The next part where $President[1] is set to a value is then skipped. $President[$i] never appeared to be set to a value. It was hard to follow as there is no high level description of the program. I think that you should debug Parse and Filltable to see what is happening. These are both skipped at the moment. Also note that you can used codebox instead of code to show the script as below. CODE For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[1] = $President[$i] Then $PresidentCnt[$i] = $PresidentCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[1] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $President[$i] = "" Then $President[$i] = $Officers[1] $PresidentCnt[$i] = $PresidentCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 15, 2006 Author Share Posted December 15, 2006 (edited) Some things are not right in your code, for example in the following, when I traced it, $President[1] is null/blank, so $Found is 'N'. The next part where $President[1] is set to a value is then skipped. $President[$i] never appeared to be set to a value. It was hard to follow as there is no high level description of the program. I think that you should debug Parse and Filltable to see what is happening. These are both skipped at the moment.Thank you for looking at my code. The code that has to do with filling the value into $President[1] works just fine. I think I can clear up the confusion by describing what this script does so it would be easier to follow it. First I'd like to explain each line of the text file that gets read in has votes for candidates in an election. The script is only looking at the Officers votes. The first field in each line of the text file is a record ID. If Officers is in the record ID it's used in the script. The second field in the record is a vote for the president. The third field is a vote for the Vice President. etc.. When the record is read in the script looks to see if the name for president is in the array $President[$i]. If the name is in the array the script adds one to the count for President ($PresidentCnt[$i]). If the name is not in the array the script looks for the first empty slot in the array and adds the name also one gets added to the count. $President[1] doesn't get filled in until the second record that gets read in. If you don't see that let me know the steps you are taking and I will try to figure out the problem. I'm guessing if you didn't see $President[1] get filled in it's because you only looked at the first record. That is very nice of you to take the time to put it in the debugger and try it out. Thank you, DocfxitAlso note that you can used codebox instead of code to show the script as below.I'm guessing the difference between using code and codebox is that codebox would create a scrolling box? I'm happy to do what ever you like. Wouldn't that make it harder to understand what is happening in a case like this?CODE For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[1] = $President[$i] Then $PresidentCnt[$i] = $PresidentCnt[$i] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[1] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $President[$i] = "" Then $President[$i] = $Officers[1] $PresidentCnt[$i] = $PresidentCnt[$i] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Edited December 15, 2006 by docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stumpii Posted December 16, 2006 Share Posted December 16, 2006 I think I have found your problem. I think you should do is: 1. Remove the line by line parsing of the file from the GUI monitoring loop. This should be seperate. 2. Create a function that is executed one time, once the complete file has been parsed. 3. Move all the 'GUICtrlSetData' statements for the Lists to the new function. This will load the values in the list, but only after the data has been parsed. 4. Consider parsing the text file using 'StringSplit' instead of manually (if possible). After these changes, some data was shown that looked ok. The script was butchered, so I won't paste it here. To codebox, or not to code box... I find that sometimes I miss small posts between large ones. Personal choice I guess. Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 16, 2006 Author Share Posted December 16, 2006 (edited) That is really great of you to work on it. Thanks. I think I have found your problem. I think you should do is: 1. Remove the line by line parsing of the file from the GUI monitoring loop. This should be seperate.Ok. This caused the X in the upper right to stop working again. 2. Create a function that is executed one time, once the complete file has been parsed.The purpose of this script is to show the progress of the count during the count. The file that this reads is growing during the counting process. The people being elected want to see their votes during the 6hr count. 3. Move all the 'GUICtrlSetData' statements for the Lists to the new function. This will load the values in the list, but only after the data has been parsed.Ok. 4. Consider parsing the text file using 'StringSplit' instead of manually (if possible).Ok. After these changes, some data was shown that looked ok. The script was butchered, so I won't paste it here. To codebox, or not to code box... I find that sometimes I miss small posts between large ones. Personal choice I guess.Is there a way to color code when using codebox? Can I do [autoitbox] ? Does it look better (easier to read) since I added color to the code boxes? This is what I have so far. It is looking much better: CODE #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include<Array.au3> ; Array Sort #include <Date.au3> ; Time display ; Color ListBox credits go to: ; Author Holger at$listview ; Operational Notes: ; Each line of the text file that gets read in has votes for candidates in an election. The script is only looking at the Officers votes. ; The first field in each line of the text file is a record ID. If Officers is in the record ID it's used in the script. ; The second field in the record is a vote for the president. The third field is a vote for the Vice President. etc.. ; When the record is read in the script looks to see if the name for president is in the array $President[$i][1]. ; If the name is in the array the script adds one to the count for President ($President[$i][2]). ; If the name is not in the array the script looks for the first empty slot in the array, adds the name and one gets added to the count. ; $President[1] doesn't get filled in until the second record that gets read in because the first record doesn't have a record ID = "Officers". AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;0-off ; Set so that tray displays current line number ;Press F3 to terminate script, HotKeySet("{F3}", "Quit") HotKeySet("{F9}", "OnScreenShot") Global Const $WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = 0x0134 Dim $nTextClr1 = ReverseColorOrder(0x0000FF) ; RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Dark Blue Dim $nBkClr1 = ReverseColorOrder(0xC0F0F0) ; RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Light Blue Dim $hBrush1 = 0 Dim $nTextClr2 = ReverseColorOrder(0x000000) ; RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Black Dim $nBkClr2 = ReverseColorOrder(0x00ffff) ; RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Cyan Dim $hBrush2 = 0 Global $Officers[5] ; $Officers needs to be one more than the number of Officers Positions. ; Path to Results - Officers.txt file. ;;$results = "C:\My Documents2\ATU\Election 2006 results\Unofficial Results - Officers\Results - Officers.txt" $results = "Results - Officers.txt" dim $President[6][3] ;Name, Count dim $VicePresident[6][3] ;Name, Count dim $FinRecordingSec[6][3] ;Name, Count dim $Treasurer[6][3] ;Name, Count dim $ExecBoardMember[8][3] ;Name, Count dim $Found = "" Dim $nList1 = "", $nList2 = "", $nList3 = "", $nList4 = "", $nList5 = "" Dim $nList6 = "", $nList7 = "", $nList8 = "", $nList9 = "", $nList10 = "" Dim $MyFile Dim $LastFileSize = 0 Dim $RecordCount = 0 Dim $XS_btnx $hGUI = GUICreate("Officers Election 2006", 1385, 300, 207, 20 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) $font="Comic Sans MS" $Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("ATU Election Results as They Are Being Tabulated", (@DesktopWidth-800)/2, 8, 550, 35) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,15, 400, 4, $font) $Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("The results shown are not Official. They are still being tabulated. " & _NowTime(), 800, 280, 550, 35) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,11, 400, 0, $font) $buttonPrint = IconButton("Print", 1300, 35, 70, 30, 16) ShowGUI() While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;-3 user clicked the close button 'x' in corner Quit() Case $msg = $buttonPrint ; 6 user clicked the OnScreenShot() Case Else ConsoleWrite("Else - " & $msg & @LF) $FileSize = FileGetSize($results) If $FileSize <> $LastFileSize Then ReadFile() $LastFileSize = $FileSize Sleep(250) EndIf Sleep(100) EndSelect WEnd Func ReadFile() $MyFile = -1 While 1 If $MyFile = -1 Then If FileExists($results) Then $MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0) EndIf EndIf If $MyFile <> -1 Then $rawline = FileReadLine($MyFile) If @error = -1 Then FileClose($MyFile) ;Reached End of File ExitLoop EndIf If StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then $RecordCount = $RecordCount + 1 parse( $rawline) FillTable() EndIf Else ; Wait for file to be created Sleep(5000) EndIf WEnd _Arraysort($President,1,1,0,UBound($President,2),2) _Arraysort($VicePresident,1,1,0,UBound($VicePresident,2),2) _Arraysort($FinRecordingSec,1,1,0,UBound($FinRecordingSec,2),2) _Arraysort($Treasurer,1,1,0,UBound($Treasurer,2),2) _Arraysort($ExecBoardMember,1,1,0,UBound($ExecBoardMember,2),2) ShowGUI() endfunc Func DisplayArray($array, $Title, $ArrayElement=0) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug ConsoleWrite($Title & @LF) For $x = $ArrayElement To UBound($array,1) - 1 ConsoleWrite($x & " - " & $array[$x][1] & " - " & $array[$x][2] & @LF) Next ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc;==>DisplayArray Func ShowGUI() ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug GUIRegisterMsg($WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, "WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX") GUISetState() Global $listtop = 80, $FontSize = 15, $ListInsideHeight = 230 $nList1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, $listtop, 185, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $President[1][1]&"|"&$President[2][1]&"|"&$President[3][1]&"|"&$President[4][1]&"|"&$President[5][1]) $nList2 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 190, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $President[1][2]&"|"&$President[2][2]&"|"&$President[3][2]&"|"&$President[4][2]&"|"&$President[5][2]) $nList3 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 276, $listtop, 185, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $VicePresident[1][1] & "|" & $VicePresident[2][1] & "|" & $VicePresident[3][1] & "|" & $VicePresident[4][1] & "|" & $VicePresident[5][1]) $nList4 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 457, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $VicePresident[1][2] & "|" & $VicePresident[2][2] & "|" & $VicePresident[3][2] & "|" & $VicePresident[4][2] & "|" & $VicePresident[5][2]) $nList5 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 543, $listtop, 185, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $FinRecordingSec[1][1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[2][1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[3][1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[4][1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[5][1]) $nList6 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 724, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $FinRecordingSec[1][2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[2][2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[3][2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[4][2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[5][2]) $nList7 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 810, $listtop, 185, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $Treasurer[1][1] & "|" & $Treasurer[2][1] & "|" & $Treasurer[3][1] & "|" & $Treasurer[4][1] & "|" & $Treasurer[5][1]) $nList8 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 991, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $Treasurer[1][2] & "|" & $Treasurer[2][2] & "|" & $Treasurer[3][2] & "|" & $Treasurer[4][2] & "|" & $Treasurer[5][2]) $nList9 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 1077, $listtop, 210, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $ExecBoardMember[1][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[2][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[3][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[4][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[5][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[6][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[7][1]) $nList10 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 1283, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $ExecBoardMember[1][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[2][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[3][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[4][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[5][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[6][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[7][2]) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug endfunc Func Parse($StringToParce) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug $StringToParce = StringMid($StringToParce, 12) $StringToParce = StringReplace($StringToParce,'"','') $Officers = StringSplit($StringToParce, ",") return ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug endfunc Func FillTable() ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug $Found = "" If $Officers[1] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[1] = $President[$i][1] Then $President[$i][2] = $President[$i][2] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[1] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $President[$i][1] = "" Then $President[$i][1] = $Officers[1] $President[$i][2] = $President[$i][2] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $Found = "" If $Officers[2] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[2] = $VicePresident[$i][1] Then $VicePresident[$i][2] = $VicePresident[$i][2] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[2] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $VicePresident[$i][1] = "" Then $VicePresident[$i][1] = $Officers[2] $VicePresident[$i][2] = $VicePresident[$i][2] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $Found = "" If $Officers[3] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[3] = $FinRecordingSec[$i][1] Then $FinRecordingSec[$i][2] = $FinRecordingSec[$i][2] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[3] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $FinRecordingSec[$i][1] = "" Then $FinRecordingSec[$i][1] = $Officers[3] $FinRecordingSec[$i][2] = $FinRecordingSec[$i][2] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $Found = "" If $Officers[4] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 5 If $Officers[4] = $Treasurer[$i][1] Then $Treasurer[$i][2] = $Treasurer[$i][2] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[4] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 6 If $Treasurer[$i][1] = "" Then $Treasurer[$i][1] = $Officers[4] $Treasurer[$i][2] = $Treasurer[$i][2] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $Found = "" If $Officers[5] <> "" Then For $i = 1 to 7 If $Officers[5] = $ExecBoardMember[$i][1] Then $ExecBoardMember[$i][2] = $ExecBoardMember[$i][2] + 1 $Found = "Y" ExitLoop EndIf Next If $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[5] <> "BLANK" Then For $i = 1 to 8 If $ExecBoardMember[$i][1] = "" Then $ExecBoardMember[$i][1] = $Officers[5] $ExecBoardMember[$i][2] = $ExecBoardMember[$i][2] + 1 ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf EndIf ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug endfunc Func WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList1) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList2) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList3) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList4) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList5) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList6) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList7) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList8) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) Else If $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList9) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1) ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList10) Then Return SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetListBoxColor($hDC, $nTextClr, $nBkColor, ByRef $hBrush) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug SetTextColor($hDC, $nTextClr) SetBkColor($hDC, $nBkColor) If $hBrush = 0 Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nBkColor) Return $hBrush ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetTextColor($hDC, $nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $nLastColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SetTextColor", "hwnd", $hDC, "int", $nColor) Return $nLastColor[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func SetBkColor($hDC, $nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $nLastColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SetBkColor", "hwnd", $hDC, "int", $nColor) Return $nLastColor[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func CreateSolidBrush($nColor) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Local $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "hwnd", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", $nColor) Return $hBrush[0] ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func DeleteObject($hObj) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "DeleteObject", "hwnd", $hObj) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func OnScreenShot() ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug If Not FileExists (@scriptdir & "\screenshots") Then DirCreate (@scriptdir & "\screenshots") If Not FileExists(@scriptdir & "\captplugin.dll") Then FileInstall( "captplugin.dll", @scriptdir & "" ,1) Local $Cwin1 = WinGetHandle(""); gets the handle of the active window Local $Cwin2 = WinGetPos($Cwin1); gets active window dimensions Local $Quality = 85; use -1 to save as BMP or use number between 0 - 100 to save as JPG quality If $Quality = -1 Then Local $SaveAs = ".bmp" Else Local $SaveAs = ".jpg" EndIf Local $CaptureDirectory = @ScriptDir & "\Screenshots\"; directory uses to store screen caps Local $CaptureFile = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "_" & @HOUR & @MIN & "-" & @SEC & $SaveAs ; Capture given region ; Fist parameter - filename, next four: left, top, width, height. Last one - jpeg quality. ; Set quality to any negative number to capture into BMP $Result = DllCall(@scriptdir & "\captdll.dll", "int", "CaptureRegion", "str", $CaptureDirectory & $CaptureFile, "int", $Cwin2[0], "int", $Cwin2[1], "int", $Cwin2[2], "int", $Cwin2[3], "int", $Quality) If @error Then MsgBox(262160,"ERROR","The screen was not captured" & @CRLF & "Error - " & @error & @CRLF & "DLL Result" & $result,4) Send("{enter}") _FilePrintCom($CaptureDirectory & $CaptureFile) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func _FilePrintCom($iFile) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug ; works when there is a Print option available for a file Extension: ; for a picture it opened it with the windows picture viewer, for a TXT it printed to the default. If Not FileExists($iFile) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) $objShellApp = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") $objShellApp.ShellExecute($iFile,0,0,"PRINT",0) Send("{enter}") ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func IconButton($BItext, $BIleft, $BItop, $BIwidth, $BIheight, $BIconNum, $BIDLL = "shell32.dll") ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug GUICtrlCreateIcon($BIDLL, $BIconNum, $BIleft + 5, $BItop + (($BIheight - 16) / 2), 16, 16) GUICtrlSetState( -1, $GUI_DISABLE) $XS_btnx = GUICtrlCreateButton($BItext, $BIleft, $BItop, $BIwidth, $BIheight, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) Return $XS_btnx ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc Func ReverseColorOrder($v_color) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug Dim $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6) Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2) ;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_Debug EndFunc ;==>ReverseColorOder Func Quit() ;DeleteObject($hBrush1) ;DeleteObject($hBrush2) ; Close file. FileClose($MyFile) Exit 0 EndFunc When I run this in the Debugger and select RUN none of the variables show. Is there a way to make them show? When I run this in the Debugger and step through it some of the variables show but not all of them. I can see the correct variable info in the GUI but not in the debugger variables. What am I doing wrong? The information is showing up in the GUI centered top to bottom. How can I make it list starting at the top? How can I make the X in the top right work again? Did I move everything the way you suggested? Thank you very much for spending time on it. That's really great of you. I realize it's different because of the different colored columns. Some people said it couldn't be done in AutoIt. I think it looks good. Docfxit Edited December 27, 2006 by docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stumpii Posted December 17, 2006 Share Posted December 17, 2006 The X does not work because the message loop is never reached. The first loop never exits. The message loop should always be priority. All other functions should be called from it. If the results file is being written to, there should be some code to detect when the file changes so that it can be read again. This check should be made from the message loop. Suggest reading the whole file in one go then returning to the message loop until another change is detected. I don't think you can colour the codebox. The debugger does not show variables when RUN unless it is paused or a breakpoint reached. This allows the program to run faster than if you continually hit step on. The data is centred in the GUI because you are adding empty items through the arrays (Sam|||). Try it yourself with a seperate script. Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zedna Posted December 17, 2006 Share Posted December 17, 2006 Also you are using variable $Msg for two purposes at the same time, maybe it's reason of your problems with not closing. Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 18, 2006 Author Share Posted December 18, 2006 Also you are using variable $Msg for two purposes at the same time, maybe it's reason of your problems with not closing.Great catch. Removing the second reference to $Msg has re-activated the closing of the GUI. I still need to wait for 500ms which is understandable. It sure would be nice if they modified the Sleep command so it could be interrupted with the $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE event.Great job finding that. :-)Thank you,Docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 18, 2006 Author Share Posted December 18, 2006 The X does not work because the message loop is never reached.Zedna found that $Msg was being used multiple times for different purposes. The first loop never exits. The message loop should always be priority. All other functions should be called from it.I moved that code out of the message loop because you suggested that in post#11 Item#1. I don't understand how to code it when you say "This should be seperate." and "All other functions should be called from it" Could you please give me a code sample so I would know how to change it. If the results file is being written to, there should be some code to detect when the file changes so that it can be read again. This check should be made from the message loop. Suggest reading the whole file in one go then returning to the message loop until another change is detected.Are you suggesting that I check the file size within the message loop to determine when to read the file? If not what would you suggest I use to detect a file change? I don't think you can colour the codebox.No problem. I can see if a person is going to download the code it would be nicer to put it into a codebox. I can see if a person is going to look at the code in the thread it would be nicer to put it into a [autoit box. I will put the remaining updates into a codebox for you. The debugger does not show variables when RUN unless it is paused or a breakpoint reached.I didn't know you could use breakpoints. I just went to your web page and discovered how to use the breakpoint feature. That's great. :-) Nice feature. The web page shows boxes for the breakpoint. I have a blank area where the boxes should be. Is it possible the boxes require a special font? Is there a way to put a breakpoint in the code? How can a person pause the script when RUN is selected? Is there a way to show the variables when the script is finished? This allows the program to run faster than if you continually hit step on. The data is centred in the GUI because you are adding empty items through the arrays (Sam|||). Try it yourself with a seperate script.I don't see that. If you look at it in the debugger you can see that the first time the data is written into the arrays it's written into the first element in the array ($President[1]). When that gets written the first time to the GUI $President[1] gets centered. The debugger is great. It shows this very clearly. Thank you very much for looking at the code and making these suggestions. All suggestions are welcome. I will try to discover a way to detect when the file read has been changed. Thank you, Docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stumpii Posted December 18, 2006 Share Posted December 18, 2006 (edited) If the file is being written to external to this program, I guess that you would want to read the data in a fixed interval, or just when the file date or size changes. You have not really detailed this part of the operation. I would probably do something like this for the message loop: #Include <Date.au3> Dim $LastCheck While 1 $Msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $Msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else CheckTimer() EndSelect WEnd Func CheckTimer() If _DateDiff("s", _NowCalc(), $LastCheck) > 10 Then Check For file change... $LastCheck = _NowCalc() EndIf Endfunc A fixed interval check is easiest, as shown above. I think there are other 'file change detection' scripts on the forum also. For the item appearing in the middle of the list, try the following example and note that 'Item1' is not at the top as I would have expected. I think this is what is happening with you dim 6 array with only one value, You may want to change it to a variable length array using _ArrayAdd/_ArrayDelete. #include <GUIConstants.au3> GUICreate("My GUI"); will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered GUICtrlCreateList ("", 10,10) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"item1|||||", "item3") GUISetState () ; will display an empty dialog box with a combo control with focus on ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd The debugger pic on the website is a bit old. Click the line number in your example to add a breakpoint. You cannot put a breakpoint in the au3 file. At some point I would like the program to store it that way. That may not happen for a while though. You can pause the script when running by clicking on the Step-Into button while the program is running. The variables will be shown when paused. Note that Enable_Debug and Disable_Debug disable variable tracking until the variable is processed again in single step mode. I may change that in the future. Edited December 18, 2006 by Stumpii Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 19, 2006 Author Share Posted December 19, 2006 You can pause the script when running by clicking on the Step-Into button while the program is running. The variables will be shown when paused.Thank you very much for your suggestions. I'm working on them.I ran into something interesting. I'm trying to run my changes in the Debugger. I found with my changes that the results come out wrong when I run it with a live file. When I ran it in the Debugger I let it run 2.5 hrs. I tried pausing it but it didn't work. The Debugger didn't pause. I did discover that I could add a breakpoint while it was running which was really great. The Debugger did stop with a breakpoint I added on the fly. After running 2.5 hrs. it was on record # 40 of 2,677 records. I noticed that after stopping the Debugger with a breakpoint the task in TaskManager kept running using about 98% of the CPU. It sounds to me that the Debugger gets into a tight loop and doesn't quit when it stops at a breakpoint. I hope that will give you some information to improve the Debugger.Thank you,Docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stumpii Posted December 19, 2006 Share Posted December 19, 2006 Thank you very much for your suggestions. I'm working on them.I ran into something interesting. I'm trying to run my changes in the Debugger. I found with my changes that the results come out wrong when I run it with a live file. When I ran it in the Debugger I let it run 2.5 hrs. I tried pausing it but it didn't work. The Debugger didn't pause. I did discover that I could add a breakpoint while it was running which was really great. The Debugger did stop with a breakpoint I added on the fly. After running 2.5 hrs. it was on record # 40 of 2,677 records. I noticed that after stopping the Debugger with a breakpoint the task in TaskManager kept running using about 98% of the CPU. It sounds to me that the Debugger gets into a tight loop and doesn't quit when it stops at a breakpoint. I hope that will give you some information to improve the Debugger.Thank you,DocfxitI think the problem is that the trace window gets continually longer and slows the program down. I need to add an enable/disable trace feature when I get time. Thanks for letting me know. The debugger still needs some work for use with long scripts. Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Docfxit Posted December 27, 2006 Author Share Posted December 27, 2006 (edited) I have made a bunch of changes to the script. I'm having a couple problems that I would like help on if your up for the challenge. 1. When I click on the X in the top right corner while it's reading the file it won't exit. Of course I am reading a live file with 2677 records. If I press HotKey F3 it closes just fine. Is there some way I could define a HotKey to the X in the top right corner?2. When I click on the print button it prints multiple pages. Is there some way to make it only print once?3. When it prints it brings up a program I have loaded to view jpg files. Is there a way to hide the program or minimize it for this operation? CODE#include <GUIConstants.au3>#include<Array.au3> ; Array Sort#include <Date.au3> ; Time display; Color ListBox credits go to:; Author Holger at$listview; Operational Notes:; Each line of the text file that gets read in has votes for candidates in an election. The script is only looking at the Officers votes.; The first field in each line of the text file is a record ID. If Officers is in the record ID it's used in the script.; The second field in the record is a vote for the president. The third field is a vote for the Vice President. etc..; When the record is read in the script looks to see if the name for president is in the array $President[$i][1].; If the name is in the array the script adds one to the count for President ($President[$i][2]).; If the name is not in the array the script looks for the first empty slot in the array, adds the name and one gets added to the count.; $President[1] doesn't get filled in until the second record that gets read in because the first record doesn't have a record ID = "Officers".AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;0-off; Set so that tray displays current line number;Press F3 to terminate script,HotKeySet("{F3}", "Quit")HotKeySet("{F9}", "OnScreenShot")Global Const $WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = 0x0134Dim $nTextClr1 = ReverseColorOrder(0x0000FF) ; RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Dark BlueDim $nBkClr1 = ReverseColorOrder(0xC0F0F0) ; RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value Light BlueDim $hBrush1 = 0Dim $nTextClr2 = ReverseColorOrder(0x000000) ; RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value BlackDim $nBkClr2 = ReverseColorOrder(0x00ffff) ; RGB in parenthesis converted to BGR-value CyanDim $hBrush2 = 0Global $Officers[5]; $Officers needs to be one more than the number of Officers Positions.; Path to Results - Officers.txt file.;;$results = "C:\My Documents2\ATU\Election 2006 results\Unofficial Results - Officers\Results - Officers.txt"$results = "Results - Officers.txt"dim $President[6][3] ;Name, Countdim $VicePresident[6][3] ;Name, Countdim $FinRecordingSec[6][3] ;Name, Countdim $Treasurer[6][3] ;Name, Countdim $ExecBoardMember[8][3] ;Name, Countdim $Found = ""Dim $nList1 = "", $nList2 = "", $nList3 = "", $nList4 = "", $nList5 = ""Dim $nList6 = "", $nList7 = "", $nList8 = "", $nList9 = "", $nList10 = ""Dim $MyFileDim $LastFileSize = 0Dim $RecordCount = 0Dim $XS_btnx$hGUI = GUICreate("Officers Election 2006", 1385, 300, 207, 20 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS), $WS_EX_TOPMOST)$font="Comic Sans MS"$Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("ATU Election Results as They Are Being Tabulated", (@DesktopWidth-800)/2, 8, 550, 35)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,15, 400, 4, $font)$Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("The results shown are not Official. They are still being tabulated. " & _NowTime(), 800, 280, 550, 35)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,11, 400, 0, $font)$buttonPrint = IconButton("Print", 1300, 35, 70, 30, 16)ShowGUI()While 1$Msg = GUIGetMsg()SelectCase $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;-3 user clicked the close button 'x' in cornerQuit()Case $msg = $buttonPrint ; 6 user clicked theOnScreenShot()Case ElseConsoleWrite("Else - " & $msg & @LF)$FileSize = FileGetSize($results)If $FileSize <> $LastFileSize ThenReadFile()$LastFileSize = $FileSizeSleep(250)EndIfSleep(100)EndSelectWEndFunc ReadFile()$MyFile = -1While 1If $MyFile = -1 ThenIf FileExists($results) Then$MyFile = FileOpen($results, 0)EndIfEndIfIf $MyFile <> -1 Then$rawline = FileReadLine($MyFile)If @error = -1 ThenFileClose($MyFile) ;Reached End of FileExitLoopEndIfIf StringInStr($rawline, "Officers") Then$RecordCount = $RecordCount + 1parse( $rawline)FillTable()EndIfElse; Wait for file to be createdSleep(5000)EndIfWEnd_Arraysort($President,1,1,0,UBound($President,2),2)_Arraysort($VicePresident,1,1,0,UBound($VicePresident,2),2)_Arraysort($FinRecordingSec,1,1,0,UBound($FinRecordingSec,2),2)_Arraysort($Treasurer,1,1,0,UBound($Treasurer,2),2)_Arraysort($ExecBoardMember,1,1,0,UBound($ExecBoardMember,2),2)ShowGUI()endfuncFunc DisplayArray($array, $Title, $ArrayElement=0);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugConsoleWrite($Title & @LF)For $x = $ArrayElement To UBound($array,1) - 1ConsoleWrite($x & " - " & $array[$x][1] & " - " & $array[$x][2] & @LF)Next;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFunc;==>DisplayArrayFunc ShowGUI();AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugGUIRegisterMsg($WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX, "WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX")GUISetState()Global $listtop = 80, $FontSize = 15, $ListInsideHeight = 230$nList1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, $listtop, 185, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $President[1][1]&"|"&$President[2][1]&"|"&$President[3][1]&"|"&$President[4][1]&"|"&$President[5][1])$nList2 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 190, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $President[1][2]&"|"&$President[2][2]&"|"&$President[3][2]&"|"&$President[4][2]&"|"&$President[5][2])$nList3 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 276, $listtop, 185, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $VicePresident[1][1] & "|" & $VicePresident[2][1] & "|" & $VicePresident[3][1] & "|" & $VicePresident[4][1] & "|" & $VicePresident[5][1])$nList4 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 457, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $VicePresident[1][2] & "|" & $VicePresident[2][2] & "|" & $VicePresident[3][2] & "|" & $VicePresident[4][2] & "|" & $VicePresident[5][2])$nList5 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 543, $listtop, 185, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $FinRecordingSec[1][1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[2][1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[3][1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[4][1] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[5][1])$nList6 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 724, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $FinRecordingSec[1][2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[2][2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[3][2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[4][2] & "|" & $FinRecordingSec[5][2])$nList7 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 810, $listtop, 185, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $Treasurer[1][1] & "|" & $Treasurer[2][1] & "|" & $Treasurer[3][1] & "|" & $Treasurer[4][1] & "|" & $Treasurer[5][1])$nList8 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 991, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $Treasurer[1][2] & "|" & $Treasurer[2][2] & "|" & $Treasurer[3][2] & "|" & $Treasurer[4][2] & "|" & $Treasurer[5][2])$nList9 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 1077, $listtop, 210, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $ExecBoardMember[1][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[2][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[3][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[4][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[5][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[6][1] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[7][1])$nList10 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 1283, $listtop, 90, $ListInsideHeight, $WS_BORDER)GUICtrlSetFont (-1,$FontSize, 400, 0, $font)GUICtrlSetData(-1, $ExecBoardMember[1][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[2][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[3][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[4][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[5][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[6][2] & "|" & $ExecBoardMember[7][2]);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugendfuncFunc Parse($StringToParce);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug$StringToParce = StringMid($StringToParce, 12)$StringToParce = StringReplace($StringToParce,'"','')$Officers = StringSplit($StringToParce, ",")return;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugendfuncFunc FillTable();AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug$Found = ""If $Officers[1] <> "" ThenFor $i = 1 to 5If $Officers[1] = $President[$i][1] Then$President[$i][2] = $President[$i][2] + 1$Found = "Y"ExitLoopEndIfNextIf $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[1] <> "BLANK" ThenFor $i = 1 to 6If $President[$i][1] = "" Then$President[$i][1] = $Officers[1]$President[$i][2] = $President[$i][2] + 1ExitLoopEndIfNextEndIfEndIf$Found = ""If $Officers[2] <> "" ThenFor $i = 1 to 5If $Officers[2] = $VicePresident[$i][1] Then$VicePresident[$i][2] = $VicePresident[$i][2] + 1$Found = "Y"ExitLoopEndIfNextIf $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[2] <> "BLANK" ThenFor $i = 1 to 6If $VicePresident[$i][1] = "" Then$VicePresident[$i][1] = $Officers[2]$VicePresident[$i][2] = $VicePresident[$i][2] + 1ExitLoopEndIfNextEndIfEndIf$Found = ""If $Officers[3] <> "" ThenFor $i = 1 to 5If $Officers[3] = $FinRecordingSec[$i][1] Then$FinRecordingSec[$i][2] = $FinRecordingSec[$i][2] + 1$Found = "Y"ExitLoopEndIfNextIf $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[3] <> "BLANK" ThenFor $i = 1 to 6If $FinRecordingSec[$i][1] = "" Then$FinRecordingSec[$i][1] = $Officers[3]$FinRecordingSec[$i][2] = $FinRecordingSec[$i][2] + 1ExitLoopEndIfNextEndIfEndIf$Found = ""If $Officers[4] <> "" ThenFor $i = 1 to 5If $Officers[4] = $Treasurer[$i][1] Then$Treasurer[$i][2] = $Treasurer[$i][2] + 1$Found = "Y"ExitLoopEndIfNextIf $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[4] <> "BLANK" ThenFor $i = 1 to 6If $Treasurer[$i][1] = "" Then$Treasurer[$i][1] = $Officers[4]$Treasurer[$i][2] = $Treasurer[$i][2] + 1ExitLoopEndIfNextEndIfEndIf$Found = ""If $Officers[5] <> "" ThenFor $i = 1 to 7If $Officers[5] = $ExecBoardMember[$i][1] Then$ExecBoardMember[$i][2] = $ExecBoardMember[$i][2] + 1$Found = "Y"ExitLoopEndIfNextIf $Found <> "Y" and $Officers[5] <> "BLANK" ThenFor $i = 1 to 8If $ExecBoardMember[$i][1] = "" Then$ExecBoardMember[$i][1] = $Officers[5]$ExecBoardMember[$i][2] = $ExecBoardMember[$i][2] + 1ExitLoopEndIfNextEndIfEndIf;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugendfuncFunc WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList1) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList2) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList3) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList4) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList5) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList6) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList7) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList8) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList9) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr1, $nBkClr1, $hBrush1)ElseIf $lParam = GUICtrlGetHandle($nList10) ThenReturn SetListBoxColor($wParam, $nTextClr2, $nBkClr2, $hBrush2)EndIfEndIfEndIfEndIfEndIf;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc SetListBoxColor($hDC, $nTextClr, $nBkColor, ByRef $hBrush);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugSetTextColor($hDC, $nTextClr)SetBkColor($hDC, $nBkColor)If $hBrush = 0 Then $hBrush = CreateSolidBrush($nBkColor)Return $hBrush;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc SetTextColor($hDC, $nColor);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugLocal $nLastColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SetTextColor", "hwnd", $hDC, "int", $nColor)Return $nLastColor[0];AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc SetBkColor($hDC, $nColor);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugLocal $nLastColor = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "SetBkColor", "hwnd", $hDC, "int", $nColor)Return $nLastColor[0];AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc CreateSolidBrush($nColor);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugLocal $hBrush = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "hwnd", "CreateSolidBrush", "int", $nColor)Return $hBrush[0];AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc DeleteObject($hObj);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugDllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "DeleteObject", "hwnd", $hObj);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc OnScreenShot();AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugIf Not FileExists (@scriptdir & "\screenshots") Then DirCreate (@scriptdir & "\screenshots")If Not FileExists(@scriptdir & "\captplugin.dll") Then FileInstall( "captplugin.dll", @scriptdir & "" ,1)Local $Cwin1 = WinGetHandle(""); gets the handle of the active windowLocal $Cwin2 = WinGetPos($Cwin1); gets active window dimensionsLocal $Quality = 85; use -1 to save as BMP or use number between 0 - 100 to save as JPG qualityIf $Quality = -1 ThenLocal $SaveAs = ".bmp"ElseLocal $SaveAs = ".jpg"EndIfLocal $CaptureDirectory = @ScriptDir & "\Screenshots\"; directory uses to store screen capsLocal $CaptureFile = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "_" & @HOUR & @MIN & "-" & @SEC & $SaveAs; Capture given region; Fist parameter - filename, next four: left, top, width, height. Last one - jpeg quality.; Set quality to any negative number to capture into BMP$Result = DllCall(@scriptdir & "\captdll.dll", "int", "CaptureRegion", "str", $CaptureDirectory & $CaptureFile, "int", $Cwin2[0], "int", $Cwin2[1], "int", $Cwin2[2], "int", $Cwin2[3], "int", $Quality)If @error Then MsgBox(262160,"ERROR","The screen was not captured" & @CRLF & "Error - " & @error & @CRLF & "DLL Result" & $result,4)Send("{enter}")_FilePrintCom($CaptureDirectory & $CaptureFile);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc _FilePrintCom($iFile);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_Debug; works when there is a Print option available for a file Extension:; for a picture it opened it with the windows picture viewer, for a TXT it printed to the default.If Not FileExists($iFile) Then Return SetError(1,0,0)$objShellApp = ObjCreate("Shell.Application")$objShellApp.ShellExecute($iFile,0,0,"PRINT",0)Send("{enter}");AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc IconButton($BItext, $BIleft, $BItop, $BIwidth, $BIheight, $BIconNum, $BIDLL = "shell32.dll");AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugGUICtrlCreateIcon($BIDLL, $BIconNum, $BIleft + 5, $BItop + (($BIheight - 16) / 2), 16, 16)GUICtrlSetState( -1, $GUI_DISABLE)$XS_btnx = GUICtrlCreateButton($BItext, $BIleft, $BItop, $BIwidth, $BIheight, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)Return $XS_btnx;AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFuncFunc ReverseColorOrder($v_color);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Disable_DebugDim $tc = Hex(String($v_color), 6)Return '0x' & StringMid($tc, 5, 2) & StringMid($tc, 3, 2) & StringMid($tc, 1, 2);AutoIt_Debugger_Command:Enable_DebugEndFunc ;==>ReverseColorOderFunc Quit();DeleteObject($hBrush1);DeleteObject($hBrush2); Close file.FileClose($MyFile)Exit 0EndFuncThank you,Docfxit Edited December 27, 2006 by docfxit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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