bucktech Posted December 18, 2006 Share Posted December 18, 2006 trying to do the dircopy thing, there are 12 folders a few files and about 5.5MB total to move to a mapped drive. However I only get 3 folders copied, I have even changed to different machines and have the same problem. I have done it the hard way. create a dir in the destination then copy the contents using filecopy and it worked, just more typing is all. Any suggestions? CODE$LocalSettingsMS = "U:\appdata\LocalSettings\Microsoft" DirCopy(@UserProfileDir & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft", $LocalSettingsMS) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GEOSoft Posted December 18, 2006 Share Posted December 18, 2006 trying to do the dircopy thing, there are 12 folders a few files and about 5.5MB total to move to a mapped drive.However I only get 3 folders copied, I have even changed to different machines and have the same problem.I have done it the hard way.create a dir in the destination then copy the contents using filecopy and it worked, just more typing is all.Any suggestions?CODE$LocalSettingsMS = "U:\appdata\LocalSettings\Microsoft"DirCopy(@UserProfileDir & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft", $LocalSettingsMS)I think what you may be running into with that folder is a problem with File Attributes.I would start by using a recursive folder search and get the folder names into an array. Then put the Array into a loop that copies the folders with anIf @Error then ContinueLoopThat will let you see which ones are causing the problemThen see what you can do with FileSetAttrib.Remember that since some of those folders are system critical you should use FileGetAttrib before changing the attrib so that you can immediatly reset them.You will also find that some folders will just refuse to be copied. George Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.*** The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number. Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else. "Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danny35d Posted December 18, 2006 Share Posted December 18, 2006 Following GEOSoft advice I would start by using a recursive folder search and get the folder names into an array. Then put the Array into a loop that copies the foldersyou can use or modify this script done by craig.gill expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> Global $OverallQty, $Overall, $Progress0Text, $progressbar1, $Progressbar2, $Progress2Text, $source, $Progress1Text Global $OverallPercent Local $LocalSettingsMS = "U:\appdata\LocalSettings\Microsoft" ProgressCopy(@UserProfileDir & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft", $LocalSettingsMS) Func ProgressCopy($current, $destination, $UseMultiColour=0, $attrib = "", $overwrite = 1 ,$Run1 = 0 ) ;FirstTimeRun Get original DirSize and set up Gui If $Run1 = 0 Then If not FileExists ($Destination) then DirCreate ($Destination); This is why it was failing, the dir did not exist $source = $current If StringRight($current, 1) = '' Then $current = StringTrimRight($current, 1) If StringRight($destination, 1) = '' Then $destination = StringTrimRight($destination, 1) $tosearch = $current $Overall = DirGetSize($tosearch, 1) $OverallQty = $Overall[1] $PrCopyGui = GUICreate("Copying Files", 420, 100, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_BORDER, $WS_POPUP), $WS_EX_TOPMOST) $Progress0Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please Wait", 10, 5, 400, 20, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) $progressbar1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 20, 400, 20,$PBS_SMOOTH) $Progress1Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 44, 400, 20, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) $progressbar2 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 60, 400, 20, $PBS_SMOOTH) $Progress2Text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 82, 400, 20, $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP) GUISetFont(10, 600) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUICtrlSetData($Progress1Text, "Working Directory " & $tosearch) $Run1 = 1 EndIf $Size = DirGetSize($current, 3) $Qty = $Size[1] Local $search = FileFindFirstFile($current & "\*.*") While 1 Dim $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Or StringLen($file) < 1 Then ExitLoop If Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($current & "\" & $file), "D") And ($file <> "." Or $file <> "..") Then $Qty -= 1 $LocalPercent = 100 - (($Qty / $Size[1]) * 100) $OverallQty -= 1 $overallpercent = 100 - (($OverallQty / $Overall[1]) * 100) GUICtrlSetData($Progress0Text, "Total Progress " & Int($overallpercent) & "% completed") GUICtrlSetData($progressbar1, $overallpercent) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar2, $LocalPercent) GUICtrlSetData($Progress2Text, "Copying File " & $file) If $useMultiColour then GUICtrlSetColor($Progressbar2, _ChangeColour($LocalPercent)) GUICtrlSetColor($Progressbar1, _ChangeColour($OverallPercent)) EndIf $iRet = FileCopy($current & "\" & $file, $destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file, $overwrite + 8) If Not $iRet And (Not FileExists($destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file) Or $overwrite) Then RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c xcopy "'& $current & '\' & $file & '" "' & $destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & '" /g /h /r /y /z', @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) EndIf FileSetAttrib($destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file, $attrib) EndIf If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($current & "\" & $file), "D") And ($file <> "." Or $file <> "..") Then DirCreate($destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file) FileSetAttrib($destination & StringTrimLeft($current, StringLen($source)) & "\" & $file, $attrib) GUICtrlSetData($Progress1Text, $current & "\" & $file) ProgressCopy($current & "\" & $file, $destination, $UseMultiColour, $attrib, $overwrite,1) EndIf WEnd FileClose($search) ;when overall percent = 100 set end gui text, delete gui and reset run1 to 0 If $overallpercent = 100 Then GUICtrlSetData($Progress0Text, "Total Progress 100% completed") GUICtrlSetData($progressbar1, 100) GUICtrlSetData($progressbar2, 100) GUICtrlSetData($Progress2Text, "Done!") Sleep(2000) GUIDelete($PRCopyGui) $Run1 = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>ProgressCopy Func _ChangeColour($start) $Redness = Int(255 - ($start / 100 * 512)) If $Redness < 0 Then $Redness = 0 $Greeness = Int(($start / 100 * 512) - 257) If $Greeness < 0 Then $Greeness = 0 $Blueness = Int(255 - ($Redness + $Greeness)) Return ($Redness * 256 * 256) + ($Greeness * 256) + $Blueness EndFunc AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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