JoshDB Posted December 20, 2006 Share Posted December 20, 2006 (edited) Hey guys.Alright, here's the deal: I am utterly clueless. Wait, Jimmy, don't close this thread yet! Read on a little bit!I've made a great GUI with great functionality. Everything on it works except a pie chart. What stumps me is that it was working. I saved the file. Then when I re-opened it, it's not working! It doesn't refresh with the rest of the window unless it's dragged offscreen or another window in dragged over it, so it's clearly being updated. It's just not being shown for some reason.Egads!Here's my code:Skin files are located hereexpandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> #include <XSkin.au3> #include <File.au3> HotKeySet("{F1}","ChangeLog") HotKeySet("{F2}","ClearLog") DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\1.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\1.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\2.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\2.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\3.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\3.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\4.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\4.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\5.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\5.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\6.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\6.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\7.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\7.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\skin.dat",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\skin.dat") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\Standard1.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\Standard1.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\Standard2.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\Standard2.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\Standard3.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\Standard3.bmp") ; folder of skin $Skin_Folder = @ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser" $XSkinGui = XSkinGUICreate("Parser", 500, 300, $Skin_Folder) $Icon_Folder = @ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser" $XIcon = XSkinIcon($XSkinGui, 3) ;SETUP INFO $hostcharacter = 'Your Character' Global $_name[101] Global $_damage[101] Global $_dps[101] Global $_average[101] Global $_time[101] Global $_count[101] Global $_guiname[101] Global $_guidps[101] Global $_guiaverage[101] Global $_guidamage[101] Global $_guitime[101] $minutereference = 61 $secondreference = 61 ; RANDOM VARIABLES $_equation1 = 0 $_equation2 = 0 $lastreadline = 1 $preferences = @ScriptDir & '\Dock.preferences' ;FILE INFO $log = IniRead($preferences,'parser','log','') GUISetBkColor(0xE8E8E8) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Player',15,74,100,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guiname[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',25,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('DPS',75,74,30,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guidps[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',85,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('Average',115,74,100,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guiaverage[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',125,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('Total',205,74,100,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guidamage[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',215,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('Time',255,74,100,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guitime[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',265,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('press F1 to change the log file being parsed',315,54,200,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,7,400) GUICtrlCreateLabel('press F2 to clear the current log file',349,64,200,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,7,400) $highest = GUICtrlCreateLabel('',190,235,300,14,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) $Pie = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(350, 140, 100,100) GUICtrlSetStyle($Pie, $SS_NOTIFY) GUISetBkColor(0xD3D3D7) If FileExists($log) Then $file = FileOpen($log, 0) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf Else MsgBox(0,'Notification','Please select the log file you wish to parse.') $log = FileOpenDialog("File Browser","C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest II\logs\","TXT File (*.txt)",3) If FileExists($log) Then IniWrite($preferences,'parser','log',$log) $file = FileOpen($log, 0) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf Else $file = 'nil' EndIf EndIf Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $XIcon[1] Exit Case $msg = $XIcon[2] WinSetState("Dock",'',@SW_MINIMIZE) Case $msg = $XIcon[3] MsgBox(0,'Help File','To use this bot, first log in in-game. Go to a gambling vendor and talk to him. Then press "Start Gambling". You have five seconds after EQ2 becomes the active window before the bot begins to pause your mouse over the "Buy" button. The bot will start buying tickets for an infinite amount of time (relative to your money). Stop the bot by pressing ESC.') EndSelect If FileExists($log) Then If $file = 'nil' Then $file = FileOpen($log, 0) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf EndIf Parse() EndIf Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE FileClose($file) Func Parse() While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file,$lastreadline) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop $lastreadline = $lastreadline + 1 If IsCombat($line) Then Report($line) Wend EndFunc Func IsCombat($str) If StringInStr($str, ' says in ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' says, ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' says to ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' says out ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' tells ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' shouts in ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' damage ') Then Return 1 If StringInStr($str, ' hits ') Then Return 1 EndFunc Func Report($str) $time = StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($str,StringInStr($str,':') - 2),StringLen($str) - StringInStr($str,']') + 6) $hour = StringMid($time,0,2) $minute = StringMid($time,3,2) $second = StringMid($time,6,2) $playername = StringTrimLeft($str,StringInStr($str,']') + 1) If StringInStr($playername,'YOU') Then If StringInStr($playername,'YOU hit') Or StringInStr($playername,'YOU critically hit') Or StringInStr($playername,'YOUR') Then $playername = $hostcharacter EndIf Else If StringInStr($playername,"'") Then $playername = StringTrimRight($playername,StringLen($playername) - StringInStr($playername,"'",0,1) + 1) Else $playername = StringTrimRight($playername,StringLen($playername) - StringInStr($playername," ",0,1) + 1) EndIf EndIf If IsCharacter($playername) Then If $minutereference > 60 Then $minutereference = $minute If $secondreference > 60 Then $secondreference = $second If $minutereference <> $minute Then $minutereference = $minute $secondreference = $second EndIf $NamePos = _ArraySearch ($_name, $playername) If $NamePos <= 0 Then $_name[0] = $_name[0] + 1 $_name[$_name[0]] = $playername $NamePos = $_name[0] GUICtrlSetData($_guiname[$NamePos],$playername ) EndIf If $_time[$NamePos] = 0 Then $_time[$NamePos] = 1 $_count[$NamePos] = $_count[$NamePos] + 1 $_damage[$NamePos] = $_damage[$NamePos] + Damage($str) $_damage[0] = $_damage[0] + Damage($str) If $_damage[$NamePos] > $_time[0] Then $_time[0] = $_damage[$NamePos] $_time[$NamePos] = $_time[$NamePos] + $second - $secondreference $_average[$NamePos] = Round($_damage[$NamePos] / $_count[$NamePos]) $_dps[$NamePos] = Round($_damage[$NamePos] / $_time[$NamePos]) GUICtrlSetData($_guidps[$NamePos],$_dps[$NamePos]) GUICtrlSetData($_guiaverage[$NamePos],$_average[$NamePos]) GUICtrlSetData($_guidamage[$NamePos],$_damage[$NamePos]) GUICtrlSetData($_guitime[$NamePos],$_time[$NamePos]) If $_damage[$NamePos] >= $_time[0] Then $equation1 = $_damage[0] - $_damage[$NamePos] / $_damage[0] $equation2 = $_damage[$NamePos] / $_damage[0] GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x69696B,0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,360*$equation1,360*$equation2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xE9E9EB, 0xffffff) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,0,360*$equation1) GUICtrlSetData($highest,'Most damage: ' & $playername & ' (' & Round($equation2*100) & '%)') Else $TopPos = _ArraySearch ($_name, StringMid(GUICtrlRead($highest),14,StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($highest),'(')-15)) $equation1 = $_damage[0] - $_damage[$TopPos] / $_damage[0] $equation2 = $_damage[$TopPos] / $_damage[0] GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x69696B,0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,360*$equation1,360*$equation2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xE9E9EB, 0xffffff) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,0,360*$equation1) GUICtrlSetData($highest,'Most damage: ' & StringMid(GUICtrlRead($highest),14,StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($highest),'(')-15) & ' (' & Round($equation2*100) & '%)') EndIf Sleep(10) GUISetState() If $secondreference <> $second Then $secondreference = $second EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func IsCharacter($str) If StringCount($str,' ') > 1 Then Return 0 If Asc(StringLeft($str,1)) > 65 AND Asc(StringLeft($str,1)) < 90 Then Return 1 Return 0 EndFunc Func Damage($str) $damage = StringTrimLeft($str,StringInStr($str,'for') + 3) $damage = StringLeft($damage,StringInStr($damage,' ') - 1) Return $damage EndFunc Func StringCount($Si,$Sf) If StringLen($Sf)<1 Then Exit $ts = StringSplit(StringReplace($Si,$Sf,chr(01)),chr(01)) Return($ts[0]-1) EndFunc Func ChangeLog() MsgBox(0,'Notification','Please select the log file you wish to parse.') $log = FileOpenDialog("File Browser","C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest II\logs\","TXT File (*.txt)",3) If FileExists($log) Then IniWrite($preferences,'parser','log',$log) If @Compiled = 1 Then Run( FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) Else Run( FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & " " & FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) EndIf Exit Else MsgBox(0,'Error',"That file doesn't exist!") EndIf EndFunc Func ClearLog() FileClose($file) If WinExists("Everquest") Then WinActivate("Everquest") Send("{ENTER}/log{ENTER}") FileDelete(IniRead($preferences,'parser','log',$log)) Send("{ENTER}/log{ENTER}") Else FileDelete(IniRead($preferences,'parser','log',$log)) EndIf _FileCreate(IniRead($preferences,'parser','log',$log)) If @Compiled = 1 Then Run( FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) Else Run( FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & " " & FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) EndIf Exit EndFuncAnd, if you have no EQ2 log of your own, here's a sample:Save as .txt(1166557450)[Tue Dec 19 13:44:10 2006] Player1 hits Pluckito for 73 piercing damage. (1166557450)[Tue Dec 19 13:44:10 2006] Player2 hits Pluckito for 91 piercing damage. (1166557450)[Tue Dec 19 13:44:10 2006] Player1 hits Pluckito for 37 piercing damage. (1166557093)[Tue Dec 19 13:38:13 2006] YOUR Shanghai hits a spirited orb for 251 slashing damage.Please oh please oh please help me out!I weep Edited December 20, 2006 by JoshDB Ha, I haven't been on these forums since... 2006, almost. Behold, my legacy signature:My AutoIt idol is Valuater. You know you love him, too.My Stuff: D&D AGoT Tools Suite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valuater Posted December 20, 2006 Share Posted December 20, 2006 putting this within a looped function can cause problems GUISetState() Also... it is right about where you placed that line, you should put GUICtrlSetState( $pie, $GUI_FOCUS) or $GUI_SHOW 8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshDB Posted December 20, 2006 Author Share Posted December 20, 2006 Oh dear sweet mother of God, Valuater. You're my saviour. $GUI_SHOW worked for me. Thanks a bunch! Now then... I wonder why it worked before I closed it? Maybe I switched something around... Bah... Ha, I haven't been on these forums since... 2006, almost. Behold, my legacy signature:My AutoIt idol is Valuater. You know you love him, too.My Stuff: D&D AGoT Tools Suite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valuater Posted December 20, 2006 Share Posted December 20, 2006 Welcome....Please post your skin in the XSkin thread 8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshDB Posted December 20, 2006 Author Share Posted December 20, 2006 I will. It's not entirely finished, though, and as you can see it's titled incorrectly. It should be 'parser'. But this is all part of a bigger project, so I'll post that. If anyone's interested, here's the code after being fixed and tweaked about: expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> #include <XSkin.au3> #include <File.au3> HotKeySet("{F1}","ChangeLog") HotKeySet("{F2}","ClearLog") DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\1.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\1.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\2.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\2.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\3.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\3.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\4.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\4.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\5.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\5.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\6.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\6.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\7.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\7.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\skin.dat",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\skin.dat") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\Standard1.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\Standard1.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\Standard2.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\Standard2.bmp") FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Josh\My Documents\Programs\Dock\Dist\Skins\Parser\Standard3.bmp",@ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser\Standard3.bmp") ; folder of skin $Skin_Folder = @ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser" $XSkinGui = XSkinGUICreate("Parser", 500, 300, $Skin_Folder) $Icon_Folder = @ScriptDir & "\Skins\Parser" $XIcon = XSkinIcon($XSkinGui, 3) ;SETUP INFO $hostcharacter = 'Your Character' Global $_name[101] Global $_damage[101] Global $_dps[101] Global $_average[101] Global $_time[101] Global $_count[101] Global $_guiname[101] Global $_guidps[101] Global $_guiaverage[101] Global $_guidamage[101] Global $_guitime[101] $minutereference = 61 $secondreference = 61 ; RANDOM VARIABLES $_equation1 = 0 $_equation2 = 0 $preferences = @ScriptDir & '\Dock.preferences' $lastreadline = iniread($preferences,'parser','lastreadline',1) ;FILE INFO $log = IniRead($preferences,'parser','log','') GUISetBkColor(0xE8E8E8) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Player',15,74,100,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guiname[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',25,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('DPS',75,74,30,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guidps[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',85,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('Average',115,74,100,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guiaverage[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',125,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('Total',205,74,100,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guidamage[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',215,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('Time',255,74,100,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) For $i = 1 To 12 $_guitime[$i] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(' ',265,80+12*$i-1,60) Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('press F1 to change the log file being parsed',315,54,200,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,7,400) GUICtrlCreateLabel('press F2 to clear the current log file',349,64,200,14) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,7,400) $highest = GUICtrlCreateLabel('',190,235,300,14,$SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlSetFont(-1,9,800) $Pie = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(350, 140, 100,100) GUICtrlSetStyle($Pie, $SS_NOTIFY) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x69696B,0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,0,180) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xE9E9EB, 0xffffff) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,180,180) GUISetState() WinMove('Parser','',IniRead($preferences,'parser','x',@DesktopWidth/2),IniRead($preferences,'parser','y',@DesktopHeight/2)) GUISetBkColor(0xD3D3D7) If FileExists($log) Then $file = FileOpen($log, 0) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf Else MsgBox(0,'Notification','Please select the log file you wish to parse.') $log = FileOpenDialog("File Browser","C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest II\logs\","TXT File (*.txt)",3) If FileExists($log) Then IniWrite($preferences,'parser','log',$log) $file = FileOpen($log, 0) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf Else $file = 'nil' EndIf EndIf Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $XIcon[1] IniDelete('Dock.preferences','parser','x') IniDelete('Dock.preferences','parser','y') Exit Case $msg = $XIcon[2] WinSetState("Dock",'',@SW_MINIMIZE) Case $msg = $XIcon[3] MsgBox(0,'Help File','To use this bot, first log in in-game. Go to a gambling vendor and talk to him. Then press "Start Gambling". You have five seconds after EQ2 becomes the active window before the bot begins to pause your mouse over the "Buy" button. The bot will start buying tickets for an infinite amount of time (relative to your money). Stop the bot by pressing ESC.') EndSelect If FileExists($log) Then If $file = 'nil' Then $file = FileOpen($log, 0) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf EndIf Parse() EndIf Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE FileClose($file) Func Parse() While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file,$lastreadline) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop $lastreadline = $lastreadline + 1 If IsCombat($line) Then Report($line) Wend EndFunc Func IsCombat($str) If StringInStr($str, ' says in ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' says, ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' says to ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' says out ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' tells ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' shouts in ') Then Return 0 If StringInStr($str, ' damage ') Then Return 1 If StringInStr($str, ' hits ') Then Return 1 EndFunc Func Report($str) $time = StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($str,StringInStr($str,':') - 2),StringLen($str) - StringInStr($str,']') + 6) $hour = StringMid($time,0,2) $minute = StringMid($time,3,2) $second = StringMid($time,6,2) $playername = StringTrimLeft($str,StringInStr($str,']') + 1) If StringInStr($playername,'YOU') Then If StringInStr($playername,'YOU hit') Or StringInStr($playername,'YOU critically hit') Or StringInStr($playername,'YOUR') Then $playername = $hostcharacter EndIf Else If StringInStr($playername,"'") Then $playername = StringTrimRight($playername,StringLen($playername) - StringInStr($playername,"'",0,1) + 1) Else $playername = StringTrimRight($playername,StringLen($playername) - StringInStr($playername," ",0,1) + 1) EndIf EndIf If IsCharacter($playername) Then If $minutereference > 60 Then $minutereference = $minute If $secondreference > 60 Then $secondreference = $second If $minutereference <> $minute Then $minutereference = $minute $secondreference = $second EndIf $NamePos = _ArraySearch ($_name, $playername) If $NamePos <= 0 Then $_name[0] = $_name[0] + 1 $_name[$_name[0]] = $playername $NamePos = $_name[0] GUICtrlSetData($_guiname[$NamePos],$playername ) EndIf If $_time[$NamePos] = 0 Then $_time[$NamePos] = 1 $_count[$NamePos] = $_count[$NamePos] + 1 $_damage[$NamePos] = $_damage[$NamePos] + Damage($str) $_damage[0] = $_damage[0] + Damage($str) If $_damage[$NamePos] > $_time[0] Then $_time[0] = $_damage[$NamePos] $_time[$NamePos] = $_time[$NamePos] + $second - $secondreference $_average[$NamePos] = Round($_damage[$NamePos] / $_count[$NamePos]) $_dps[$NamePos] = Round($_damage[$NamePos] / $_time[$NamePos]) GUICtrlSetData($_guidps[$NamePos],$_dps[$NamePos]) GUICtrlSetData($_guiaverage[$NamePos],$_average[$NamePos]) GUICtrlSetData($_guidamage[$NamePos],$_damage[$NamePos]) GUICtrlSetData($_guitime[$NamePos],$_time[$NamePos]) If $_damage[$NamePos] >= $_time[0] Then $equation1 = $_damage[0] - $_damage[$NamePos] / $_damage[0] $equation2 = $_damage[$NamePos] / $_damage[0] GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x69696B,0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,360*$equation1,360*$equation2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xE9E9EB, 0xffffff) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,0,360*$equation1) GUICtrlSetData($highest,'Most damage: ' & $playername & ' (' & Round($equation2*100) & '%)') Else $TopPos = _ArraySearch ($_name, StringMid(GUICtrlRead($highest),14,StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($highest),'(')-15)) $equation1 = $_damage[0] - $_damage[$TopPos] / $_damage[0] $equation2 = $_damage[$TopPos] / $_damage[0] GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0x69696B,0x000000) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,360*$equation1,360*$equation2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_COLOR, 0xE9E9EB, 0xffffff) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Pie,$GUI_GR_PIE, 50,50, 40,0,360*$equation1) GUICtrlSetData($highest,'Most damage: ' & StringMid(GUICtrlRead($highest),14,StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($highest),'(')-15) & ' (' & Round($equation2*100) & '%)') EndIf GUICtrlSetState( $pie, $GUI_SHOW) If $secondreference <> $second Then $secondreference = $second EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func IsCharacter($str) If StringCount($str,' ') > 1 Then Return 0 If Asc(StringLeft($str,1)) > 65 AND Asc(StringLeft($str,1)) < 90 Then Return 1 Return 0 EndFunc Func Damage($str) $damage = StringTrimLeft($str,StringInStr($str,'for') + 3) $damage = StringLeft($damage,StringInStr($damage,' ') - 1) Return $damage EndFunc Func StringCount($Si,$Sf) If StringLen($Sf)<1 Then Exit $ts = StringSplit(StringReplace($Si,$Sf,chr(01)),chr(01)) Return($ts[0]-1) EndFunc Func ChangeLog() MsgBox(0,'Notification','Please select the log file you wish to parse.') $log = FileOpenDialog("File Browser","C:\Program Files\Sony\Everquest II\logs\","TXT File (*.txt)",3) If FileExists($log) Then IniWrite($preferences,'parser','log',$log) $pos = WinGetPos('Parser') IniWrite('Dock.preferences','parser','x',$pos[0]) IniWrite('Dock.preferences','parser','y',$pos[1]) If @Compiled = 1 Then Run( FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) Else Run( FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & " " & FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) EndIf Exit Else MsgBox(0,'Error',"That file doesn't exist!") EndIf EndFunc Func ClearLog() FileClose($file) IniWrite('Dock.preferences','parser','lastreadline',$lastreadline) $pos = WinGetPos('Parser') IniWrite('Dock.preferences','parser','x',$pos[0]) IniWrite('Dock.preferences','parser','y',$pos[1]) If @Compiled = 1 Then Run( FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) Else Run( FileGetShortName(@AutoItExe) & " " & FileGetShortName(@ScriptFullPath)) EndIf Exit EndFunc Ha, I haven't been on these forums since... 2006, almost. Behold, my legacy signature:My AutoIt idol is Valuater. You know you love him, too.My Stuff: D&D AGoT Tools Suite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valuater Posted December 20, 2006 Share Posted December 20, 2006 You should post this in "Example Scripts" .... previously "Scripts and Scraps" 8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshDB Posted December 20, 2006 Author Share Posted December 20, 2006 I posted it as "Dock", but haven't updated it. I'll post it when it's done. For sure. I say it's done now, but I know it's add to it tomorrow. Ha, I haven't been on these forums since... 2006, almost. Behold, my legacy signature:My AutoIt idol is Valuater. You know you love him, too.My Stuff: D&D AGoT Tools Suite Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valuater Posted December 20, 2006 Share Posted December 20, 2006 I know what you mean.... it took a long time for me to realize... A program is never "done" ... just the programmer is done with it! lol 8) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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