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Using arrays in GUI construction


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I'm designing a GUI for a client, and I'm noticing it is getting quite large as far as amount of controls. This in turn is leading to many commands being repeated. Talking a page from Smoke_n's playbook, I like to start using arrays in my construction of GUIs as far as the use of controls. For that matter, when ever possible. Could someone look at the following code and convert it to using arrays so I can see the difference? I would really like to learn how to do this right so I can shorten the amount of code I have to do. Currently I have over 500 controls to deal with, and it is getting messy.

In researching this, I have spent hours and I still don't quite get it. Any help would be welcomed. The following is a example script that basically the start of the control interface I'm dealing with. It will be containing about 10 tabs with different stuff.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
#include <GuiCombo.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
Global $sini = @ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini"
opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", "|")
$date1=_DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(), 1)
$font="Comic Sans MS"
$gui1 = GuiCreate("Marquee Console", 932, 334,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
GUISetFont(9, 400, 0, $font)
$ini1 = IniReadSection($sini, "names") ; 8 item array that is used for the listing of names
$ini22 = IniReadSection($sini, "spec") ; 8 item array that is used for the listing of stats they user will be monitored from
#region - tab 0
$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, 932, 334)
$tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Yesterday")
$Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator", 60, 40, 60, 20)
$Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Stats", 750, 40, 40, 20)
$Group_3 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 690, 20, 230, 245)
$Group_4 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 20, 670, 245)

$Input_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[1][1], 20, 60, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_6 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[2][1], 20, 85, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[3][1], 20, 110, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_8 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[4][1], 20, 135, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_9 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[5][1], 20, 160, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_10 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[6][1], 20, 185, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_11 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[7][1], 20, 210, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_12 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[8][1], 20, 235, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_26 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[1][1], 180, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_27 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[2][1], 240, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[3][1], 300, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_58 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[4][1], 360, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_59 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[5][1], 420, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_60 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[6][1], 480, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_61 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[7][1], 540, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_62 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[8][1], 600, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
;The following can be put into a array...how?
While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case Else
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This is untested, but will maybe give you a general idea of what to do. I commented out what my code should have replaced. Hopefully I didn't make too many mistakes.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
#include <GuiCombo.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

Global $sini = @ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini"

opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", "|")
$date1=_DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(), 1)
$font="Comic Sans MS"
$gui1 = GuiCreate("Marquee Console", 932, 334,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
GUISetFont(9, 400, 0, $font)
$ini1 = IniReadSection($sini, "names") ; 8 item array that is used for the listing of names
$ini22 = IniReadSection($sini, "spec") ; 8 item array that is used for the listing of stats they user will be monitored from
#region - tab 0
$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, 932, 334)
$tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Yesterday")
$Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator", 60, 40, 60, 20)
$Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Stats", 750, 40, 40, 20)
$Group_3 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 690, 20, 230, 245)
$Group_4 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 20, 670, 245)

Dim $input, $j = 1, $y = 35, $x = 120
For $i = 5 To 12
    $input[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini1[$j][1], 20, ($y +25), 140, 20)
    $j += 1

$j = 1
For $i = 26 To 62
    $input[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini22[$j][1], ($x + 60), 35, 50, 20)
    GUICtrlSetBkColor($input[$i], $opstatcol)
    $j += 1

$Input_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[1][1], 20, 60, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_6 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[2][1], 20, 85, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[3][1], 20, 110, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_8 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[4][1], 20, 135, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_9 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[5][1], 20, 160, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_10 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[6][1], 20, 185, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_11 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[7][1], 20, 210, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_12 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[8][1], 20, 235, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_26 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[1][1], 180, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_27 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[2][1], 240, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[3][1], 300, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_58 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[4][1], 360, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_59 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[5][1], 420, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_60 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[6][1], 480, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_61 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[7][1], 540, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_62 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[8][1], 600, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
;The following can be put into a array...how?

While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case Else

Edit: Noticed a typo already. And note that the second For loop is obviously wrong, but your naming convention for your inputs wasn't easily expressed, so I just made it easy for myself.

Edited by mikehunt114
IE Dev ToolbarMSDN: InternetExplorer ObjectMSDN: HTML/DHTML Reference Guide[quote]It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to. - Walter Linn[/quote]--------------------[font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Post a reproducer with less than 100 lines of code.[/font]
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Ok, I see what you did.

Dim $input, $j = 1, $y = 35, $x = 120

For $i = 5 To 12

$input[$i]= GUICtrlCreateInput($ini1[$j][1], 20, ($y +25), 140, 20)

$j += 1


$j = 1

For $i = 26 To 62

$input[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini22[$j][1], ($x + 60), 35, 50, 20)

GUICtrlSetBkColor($input[$i], $opstatcol)

$j += 1


My next question is this. For this part:

$j = 1
For $i = 26 To 62
    $input[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini22[$j][1], ($x + 60), 35, 50, 20)
    GUICtrlSetBkColor($input[$i], $opstatcol)
    $j += 1

I need to put in 7 more rows. Can I do this in the same section, or am I going to need to repeat this 7 times, with the next row of 8 being (25) down from the last row.

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I tested just the first section, and I get a error saying it is a badly formatted variable. This is where I get lost...

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
#include <GuiCombo.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
Global $sini = @ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini"
opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", "|")
$date1=_DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(), 1)
$font="Comic Sans MS"
$gui1 = GuiCreate("Marquee Console", 932, 334,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
GUISetFont(9, 400, 0, $font)
$ini1 = IniReadSection($sini, "names") ; 8 item array that is used for the listing of names
$ini22 = IniReadSection($sini, "spec") ; 8 item array that is used for the listing of stats they user will be monitored from
#region - tab 0
$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, 932, 334)
$tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Yesterday")
$Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator", 60, 40, 60, 20)
$Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Stats", 750, 40, 40, 20)
$Group_3 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 690, 20, 230, 245)
$Group_4 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 20, 670, 245)
Dim $input, $j = 1, $y = 35, $x = 120
For $i = 5 To 12
    $input[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini1[$j][1], 20, ($y +25), 140, 20)
    $j += 1

;~ $Input_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[1][1], 20, 60, 140, 20) ;names
;~ $Input_6 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[2][1], 20, 85, 140, 20) ;names
;~ $Input_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[3][1], 20, 110, 140, 20) ;names
;~ $Input_8 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[4][1], 20, 135, 140, 20) ;names
;~ $Input_9 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[5][1], 20, 160, 140, 20) ;names
;~ $Input_10 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[6][1], 20, 185, 140, 20) ;names
;~ $Input_11 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[7][1], 20, 210, 140, 20) ;names
;~ $Input_12 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[8][1], 20, 235, 140, 20) ;names
$Input_13 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[1][1], 180, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_14 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[2][1], 240, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_15 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[3][1], 300, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_16 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[4][1], 360, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_17 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[5][1], 420, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_18 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[6][1], 480, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[7][1], 540, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
$Input_20 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[8][1], 600, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat
;The following can be put into a array...how?
While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case Else
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Sorry, you'll have to be a bit more descriptive for me. What is the exact error? As for adding more inputs ("rows"?) you can just adjust the bounds of the For loop, all that does is provide a location in the array. Tell me a bit more about the problems you are still encountering.

IE Dev ToolbarMSDN: InternetExplorer ObjectMSDN: HTML/DHTML Reference Guide[quote]It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to. - Walter Linn[/quote]--------------------[font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Post a reproducer with less than 100 lines of code.[/font]
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Don't you have to give $input a size when you use it like this?

Dim $input, $j = 1, $y = 35, $x = 120
For $i = 5 To 12
    $input[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini1[$j][1], 20, ($y +25), 140, 20)
    $j += 1
NextoÝ÷ Ù*&zØb  bëaÆ®¶­sdFÒb33c¶çWE³"ÓR³Ð¢Âb33c¶¢ÒÂb33c·Ò3RÂb33c·Ò#¤f÷"b33c¶ÒRFò ¢b33c¶çWE²b33c¶ÓUÒÒuT7G&Ä7&VFTçWBb33c¶æ²b33c¶¥Õ³ÒÂ#Âb33c·³#RÂCÂ#¢b33c¶¢³Ò¤æW

I think Dim replaces $input if it was defined before. Not sure since I always use Local and Global. Sorry if I'm oversimplify here @Volly. I thought you knew most of this so I guess I don't really understand your problem.:P

Edited by Uten
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Yeah, sorry, I forgot to declare it as an array. It would probably work best to declare it as [1] and then ReDim it according to the For loop bounds.

IE Dev ToolbarMSDN: InternetExplorer ObjectMSDN: HTML/DHTML Reference Guide[quote]It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men will do when they don't have to. - Walter Linn[/quote]--------------------[font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Post a reproducer with less than 100 lines of code.[/font]
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Don't you have to give $input a size when you use it like this?

Dim $input, $j = 1, $y = 35, $x = 120
For $i = 5 To 12
    $input[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini1[$j][1], 20, ($y +25), 140, 20)
    $j += 1
NextoÝ÷ Ù*&zØb  bëaÆ®¶­sdFÒb33c¶çWE³"ÓR³Ð¢Âb33c¶¢ÒÂb33c·Ò3RÂb33c·Ò#¤f÷"b33c¶ÒRFò ¢b33c¶çWE²b33c¶ÓUÒÒuT7G&Ä7&VFTçWBb33c¶æ²b33c¶¥Õ³ÒÂ#Âb33c·³#RÂCÂ#¢b33c¶¢³Ò¤æW

I think Dim replaces $input if it was defined before. Not sure since I always use Local and Global. Sorry if I'm oversimplify here @Volly. I thought you knew most of this so I guess I don't really understand your problem.:P

Arrays to me are like kryponite to Superman. I've always have had issues with them, and difficulty understanding them. When I have asked in the past, I would be sent a script with the example in it, but it was nothing like what I was working with. I couldn't see how it worked between the 2 ways. WIth this, I get more of a understanding.

I'm still not clear on how to add a second row just under the first. My GUI will end up having 8 rows of 8 input boxes. (Like a excel spreadsheet). (I would use excel and access the spreadsheet directly, but a concern about users tinkering with the spreadsheet is making me go this direction.)

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@Uten- I put your code in, and it doesn't make the collumn. It only has one input box. :P

Sorry, you'll have to be a bit more descriptive for me. What is the exact error? As for adding more inputs ("rows"?) you can just adjust the bounds of the For loop, all that does is provide a location in the array. Tell me a bit more about the problems you are still encountering.

@mikehunt114 - I need to see it in code. I do not understand what you are telling me. Sorry, like I said, Arrays are something I struggle with, and the only way I get it is to see it both ways, then I can see what is happening. Edited by Volly
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Let me show you what I'm dealing with. It is a console for controling a marquee. Per request of the client, this is how they want the console laid out. They do NOT want to use Excel and have AutoIt access the spreadsheet. There is a concern that users will attempt to alter the spreadsheet, breaking the application. As you can see in the script in its current form (It is in the middle of editing so some things are wrong), I'm up to almost 500 inputs along with other controls. I wanted to put them in arrays to shorten the code, and make it more manageable. What I'm struggling with is how to do this. I want to learn how, but I need to see the code in a manner that takes what I have and changes it to an array, so I can see how to to it. I do not wish to see a different script for a different program, for then I would have to use trial and many errors on just what to do. This is very fustrating for me. I've spent hours searching for examples and have found nothing that shows how to do this sort of thing. I know it can be done. HOW????? (As I bang my head in the desk in fustration)

#include <GuiConstants.au3>#include <Date.au3>#include <GuiCombo.au3>#include <Misc.au3>opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", "|")$date1=_DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(), 1)$font="Comic Sans MS"$gui1 = GuiCreate("Marquee Console", 932, 334,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))GUISetFont(9, 400, 0, $font)dim $ini1, $ini2, $ini3, $ini4, $ini5, $ini6, $ini7, $ini8, $ini9, $ini10, $ini11, $ini12dim $ini13, $ini14, $ini15, $ini16, $ini17, $ini18, $ini19, $ini20, $ini21, $ini22, $ini23, $ini24dim $ini25, $ini26, $ini27, $ini28dim $Ccolor, $Ccolor2, $Ccolor3, $Ccolor4, $Ccolor5, $Ccolor6, $Ccolor7dim $clr1, $clr2, $clr3, $clr4, $clr5, $clr6, $clr7dim $clr1a, $clr2a, $clr3a, $clr4a, $clr5a, $clr6a, $clr7aGlobal $sini = @ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini"$flchk = FileExists($sini)if $flchk = 0 then _mkini()_inilist()#region - tab 0;---------------tab0-------------------------------------------$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, 932, 334)$tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Yesterday")$Label_25 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator", 60, 40, 60, 20)$Label_43 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Stats", 750, 40, 40, 20)$Group_42 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 690, 20, 230, 245)$Group_29 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 20, 670, 245);----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[1][1], 20, 60, 140, 20) ;names$Input_3 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[2][1], 20, 85, 140, 20) ;names$Input_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[3][1], 20, 110, 140, 20) ;names$Input_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[4][1], 20, 135, 140, 20) ;names$Input_9 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[5][1], 20, 160, 140, 20) ;names$Input_11 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[6][1], 20, 185, 140, 20) ;names$Input_50 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[7][1], 20, 210, 140, 20) ;names$Input_54 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[8][1], 20, 235, 140, 20) ;names;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$opstatcol="0xF4F960"$Input_26 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[1][1], 180, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat$Input_27 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[2][1], 240, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat$Input_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[3][1], 300, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat$Input_58 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[4][1], 360, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat$Input_59 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[5][1], 420, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat$Input_60 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[6][1], 480, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat$Input_61 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[7][1], 540, 35, 50, 20) ;op stat$Input_62 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[8][1], 600, 35, 50, 20) ;op statGUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_26,$opstatcol)GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_27,$opstatcol)GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_19,$opstatcol)GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_58,$opstatcol)GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_59,$opstatcol)GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_60,$opstatcol)GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_61,$opstatcol)GUICtrlSetBkColor($Input_62,$opstatcol);----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini2[1][1], 180, 60, 50, 20) ;column 1   ;ACD_yesterday$Input_4 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini2[2][1], 180, 85, 50, 20) ;column 1   ;ACD_yesterday$Input_6 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini2[3][1], 180, 110, 50, 20) ;column 1   ;ACD_yesterday$Input_8 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini2[4][1], 180, 135, 50, 20) ;column 1   ;ACD_yesterday$Input_10 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini2[5][1], 180, 160, 50, 20) ;column 1   ;ACD_yesterday$Input_12 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini2[6][1], 180, 185, 50, 20) ;column 1   ;ACD_yesterday$Input_51 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini2[7][1], 180, 210, 50, 20) ;column 1   ;ACD_yesterday$Input_55 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini2[8][1], 180, 235, 50, 20) ;column 1   ;ACD_yesterday;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_13 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini3[1][1], 240, 60, 50, 20) ;column 2   ;TL_yesterday$Input_14 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini3[2][1], 240, 85, 50, 20) ;column 2   ;TL_yesterday$Input_15 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini3[3][1], 240, 110, 50, 20) ;column 2   ;TL_yesterday$Input_16 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini3[4][1], 240, 135, 50, 20) ;column 2   ;TL_yesterday$Input_17 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini3[5][1], 240, 160, 50, 20) ;column 2   ;TL_yesterday$Input_18 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini3[6][1], 240, 185, 50, 20) ;column 2   ;TL_yesterday$Input_52 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini3[7][1], 240, 210, 50, 20) ;column 2   ;TL_yesterday$Input_56 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini3[8][1], 240, 235, 50, 20) ;column 2   ;TL_yesterday;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini4[1][1], 300, 60, 50, 20) ;column 3   ;TT_yesterday$Input_20 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini4[2][1], 300, 85, 50, 20) ;column 3   ;TT_yesterday$Input_21 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini4[3][1], 300, 110, 50, 20) ;column 3   ;TT_yesterday$Input_22 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini4[4][1], 300, 135, 50, 20) ;column 3   ;TT_yesterday$Input_23 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini4[5][1], 300, 160, 50, 20) ;column 3   ;TT_yesterday$Input_24 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini4[6][1], 300, 185, 50, 20) ;column 3   ;TT_yesterday$Input_53 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini4[7][1], 300, 210, 50, 20) ;column 3   ;TT_yesterday$Input_57 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini4[8][1], 300, 235, 50, 20) ;column 3   ;TT_yesterday;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;-------added collumns$Input_63 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[1][1], 360, 60, 50, 20) ;column 4$Input_64 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[2][1], 360, 85, 50, 20) ;column 4$Input_65 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[3][1], 360, 110, 50, 20) ;column 4$Input_66 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[4][1], 360, 135, 50, 20) ;column 4$Input_67 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[5][1], 360, 160, 50, 20) ;column 4$Input_68 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[6][1], 360, 185, 50, 20) ;column 4$Input_69 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[7][1], 360, 210, 50, 20) ;column 4$Input_70 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[8][1], 360, 235, 50, 20) ;column 4;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_71 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[1][1], 420, 60, 50, 20) ;column 5$Input_72 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[2][1], 420, 85, 50, 20) ;column 5$Input_73 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[3][1], 420, 110, 50, 20) ;column 5$Input_74 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[4][1], 420, 135, 50, 20) ;column 5$Input_75 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[5][1], 420, 160, 50, 20) ;column 5$Input_76 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[6][1], 420, 185, 50, 20) ;column 5$Input_77 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[7][1], 420, 210, 50, 20) ;column 5$Input_78 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[8][1], 420, 235, 50, 20) ;column 5;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_79 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[1][1], 480, 60, 50, 20) ;column 6$Input_80 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[2][1], 480, 85, 50, 20) ;column 6$Input_81 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[3][1], 480, 110, 50, 20) ;column 6$Input_82 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[4][1], 480, 135, 50, 20) ;column 6$Input_83 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[5][1], 480, 160, 50, 20) ;column 6$Input_84 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[6][1], 480, 185, 50, 20) ;column 6$Input_85 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[7][1], 480, 210, 50, 20) ;column 6$Input_86 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[8][1], 480, 235, 50, 20) ;column 6;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_87 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[1][1], 540, 60, 50, 20) ;column 7$Input_88 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[2][1], 540, 85, 50, 20) ;column 7$Input_89 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[3][1], 540, 110, 50, 20) ;column 7$Input_90 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[4][1], 540, 135, 50, 20) ;column 7$Input_91 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[5][1], 540, 160, 50, 20) ;column 7$Input_92 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[6][1], 540, 185, 50, 20) ;column 7$Input_93 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[7][1], 540, 210, 50, 20) ;column 7$Input_94 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[8][1], 540, 235, 50, 20) ;column 7;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_95 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[1][1], 600, 60, 50, 20) ;column 8$Input_96 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[2][1], 600, 85, 50, 20) ;column 8$Input_97 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[3][1], 600, 110, 50, 20) ;column 8$Input_98 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[4][1], 600, 135, 50, 20) ;column 8$Input_99 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[5][1], 600, 160, 50, 20) ;column 8$Input_100= GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[6][1], 600, 185, 50, 20) ;column 8$Input_101= GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[7][1], 600, 210, 50, 20) ;column 8$Input_102= GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[8][1], 600, 235, 50, 20) ;column 8;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_30 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[1][1], 710, 60, 110, 20) ;Stat_names$Input_32 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[2][1], 710, 85, 110, 20) ;Stat_names$Input_34 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[3][1], 710, 110, 110, 20) ;Stat_names$Input_36 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[4][1], 710, 135, 110, 20) ;Stat_names$Input_38 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[5][1], 710, 160, 110, 20) ;Stat_names$Input_40 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[6][1], 710, 185, 110, 20) ;Stat_names$Input_42x = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[7][1], 710, 210, 110, 20) ;Stat_names$Input_44x = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[8][1], 710, 235, 110, 20) ;Stat_names;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$Input_31 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[1][1], 840, 60, 50, 20) ;Stat_yesterday$Input_33 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[2][1], 840, 85, 50, 20) ;Stat_yesterday$Input_35 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[3][1], 840, 110, 50, 20) ;Stat_yesterday$Input_37 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[4][1], 840, 135, 50, 20) ;Stat_yesterday$Input_39 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[5][1], 840, 160, 50, 20) ;Stat_yesterday$Input_41 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[6][1], 840, 185, 50, 20) ;Stat_yesterday$Input_43x = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[7][1], 840, 210, 50, 20) ;Stat_yesterday$Input_45x = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[8][1], 840, 235, 50, 20) ;Stat_yesterday;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$button_44 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 20, 295, 80, 20)$button_44_b = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 190, 295, 80, 20)$_colorG = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 110, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800) ;shows what color is selected$inicolor_a = IniRead($sini, "color", "1", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorG,$inicolor_a)$Label_45_b = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("  Stats Text color", 190, 275, 120, 20)$_colorG_b = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 280, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800) ;shows what color is selected$inicolor_a_b = IniRead($sini, "color", "8", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorG_b,$inicolor_a_<img src='http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />$Label_45 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator Text color", 20, 275, 120, 20)$Button_47 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 340, 275, 80, 20)$Button_46 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Changes", 435, 275, 80, 20)$Button_48 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("View in Excel", 530, 275, 85, 20)$Label_49 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($date1, 445, 300, 200, 20)#endregion#region - tab1;---------------tab1-------------------------------------------$tab1=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Today")$Labela_25 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator", 60, 40, 60, 20)$Groupa_29 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 20, 670, 245)$Groupa_42 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 690, 20, 230, 245);names----------------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[1][1], 20, 60, 140, 20)$Inputa_3 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[2][1], 20, 85, 140, 20)$Inputa_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[3][1], 20, 110, 140, 20)$Inputa_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[4][1], 20, 135, 140, 20)$Inputa_9 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[5][1], 20, 160, 140, 20)$Inputa_11 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[6][1], 20, 185, 140, 20)$Inputa_50 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[7][1], 20, 210, 140, 20)$Inputa_54 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[8][1], 20, 235, 140, 20);op stat--------------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_26 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[1][1], 180, 35, 50, 20)$Inputa_27 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[2][1], 240, 35, 50, 20)$Inputa_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[3][1], 300, 35, 50, 20)$Inputa_58 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[4][1], 360, 35, 50, 20)$Inputa_59 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[5][1], 420, 35, 50, 20)$Inputa_60 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[6][1], 480, 35, 50, 20)$Inputa_61 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[7][1], 540, 35, 50, 20)$Inputa_62 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[8][1], 600, 35, 50, 20);column 1   ;ACD_today---------------------------------------------$Inputa_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini6[1][1], 180, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_4 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini6[2][1], 180, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_6 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini6[3][1], 180, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_8 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini6[4][1], 180, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_10 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini6[5][1], 180, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_12 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini6[6][1], 180, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_51 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini6[7][1], 180, 210, 50, 20)$Inputa_55 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini6[8][1], 180, 235, 50, 20);column 2   ;TL_today----------------------------------------------$Inputa_13 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini7[1][1], 240, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_14 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini7[2][1], 240, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_15 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini7[3][1], 240, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_16 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini7[4][1], 240, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_17 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini7[5][1], 240, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_18 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini7[6][1], 240, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_52 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini7[7][1], 240, 210, 50, 20)$Inputa_56 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini7[8][1], 240, 235, 50, 20);column 3   ;TT_ttday----------------------------------------------$Inputa_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini8[1][1], 300, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_20 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini8[2][1], 300, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_21 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini8[3][1], 300, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_22 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini8[4][1], 300, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_23 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini8[5][1], 300, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_24 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini8[6][1], 300, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_53 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini8[7][1], 300, 210, 50, 20)$Inputa_57 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini8[8][1], 300, 235, 50, 20);column 4----------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_63 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[1][1], 360, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_64 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[2][1], 360, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_65 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[3][1], 360, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_66 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[4][1], 360, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_67 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[5][1], 360, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_68 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[6][1], 360, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_69 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[7][1], 360, 210, 50, 20)$Inputa_70 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[8][1], 360, 235, 50, 20);column 5----------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_71 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[1][1], 420, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_72 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[2][1], 420, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_73 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[3][1], 420, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_74 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[4][1], 420, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_75 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[5][1], 420, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_76 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[6][1], 420, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_77 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[7][1], 420, 210, 50, 20)$Inputa_78 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[8][1], 420, 235, 50, 20);column 6----------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_79 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[1][1], 480, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_80 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[2][1], 480, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_81 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[3][1], 480, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_82 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[4][1], 480, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_83 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[5][1], 480, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_84 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[6][1], 480, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_85 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[7][1], 480, 210, 50, 20)$Inputa_86 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[8][1], 480, 235, 50, 20);column 7-----------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_87 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[1][1], 540, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_88 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[2][1], 540, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_89 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[3][1], 540, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_90 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[4][1], 540, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_91 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[5][1], 540, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_92 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[6][1], 540, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_93 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[7][1], 540, 210, 50, 20)$Inputa_94 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[8][1], 540, 235, 50, 20);column 8-----------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_95 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[1][1], 600, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_96 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[2][1], 600, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_97 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[3][1], 600, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_98 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[4][1], 600, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_99 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[5][1], 600, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_100= GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[6][1], 600, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_101= GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[7][1], 600, 210, 50, 20)$Inputa_102= GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[8][1], 600, 235, 50, 20);Stat_names---------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_30 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[1][1], 710, 60, 110, 20)$Inputa_32 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[2][1], 710, 85, 110, 20)$Inputa_34 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[3][1], 710, 110, 110, 20)$Inputa_36 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[4][1], 710, 135, 110, 20)$Inputa_38 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[5][1], 710, 160, 110, 20)$Inputa_40 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[6][1], 710, 185, 110, 20)$Inputa_42x = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[7][1], 710, 210, 110, 20) ;Stat_names$Inputa_44x = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[8][1], 710, 235, 110, 20) ;Stat_names;Stat_today----------------------------------------------------------$Inputa_31 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini16[1][1], 840, 60, 50, 20)$Inputa_33 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini16[2][1], 840, 85, 50, 20)$Inputa_35 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini16[3][1], 840, 110, 50, 20)$Inputa_37 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini16[4][1], 840, 135, 50, 20)$Inputa_39 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini16[5][1], 840, 160, 50, 20)$Inputa_41 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini16[6][1], 840, 185, 50, 20)$Inputa_43x = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[7][1], 840, 210, 50, 20) ;Stat_today$Inputa_45x = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini15[8][1], 840, 235, 50, 20) ;Stat_today;-----$Labela_43 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Stats", 750, 40, 40, 20)$buttona_44 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 20, 295, 80, 20)$buttona_44_b = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 190, 295, 80, 20)$_coloraG = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 110, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolora_a = IniRead($sini, "color", "2", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_coloraG,$inicolora_a)$Label_45a_b = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("  Stats Text color", 190, 275, 120, 20)$_colorGa_b = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 280, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolora_a_b = IniRead($sini, "color", "9", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorGa_b,$inicolora_a_<img src='http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />$Labela_45 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator Text color", 20, 275, 120, 20)$Buttona_47 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit",340, 275, 80, 20)$Buttona_46 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Changes", 435, 275, 80, 20)$Buttona_48 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("View in Excel", 530, 275, 85, 20)$Labela_49 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($date1, 445, 300, 200, 20)#endregion#region - tab2;---------------tab2-------------------------------------------$tab2=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Monthly")$Groupb_42 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 690, 25, 230, 225)$Groupb_29 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 25, 670, 245)$Labelb_43 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Stats", 750, 40, 40, 20)$Labelb_25 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator", 60, 40, 60, 20);names----------------------------------------------------------------$Inputb_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[1][1], 20, 60, 140, 20)$Inputb_3 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[2][1], 20, 85, 140, 20)$Inputb_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[3][1], 20, 110, 140, 20)$Inputb_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[4][1], 20, 135, 140, 20)$Inputb_9 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[5][1], 20, 160, 140, 20)$Inputb_11 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[6][1], 20, 185, 140, 20)$Inputb_50 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[7][1], 20, 210, 140, 20)$Inputb_54 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[8][1], 20, 235, 140, 20);op stat--------------------------------------------------------------$Inputb_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini9[1][1], 180, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_4 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini9[2][1], 180, 85, 50, 20)$Inputb_6 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini9[3][1], 180, 110, 50, 20)$Inputb_8 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini9[4][1], 180, 135, 50, 20)$Inputb_10 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini9[5][1], 180, 160, 50, 20)$Inputb_12 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini9[6][1], 180, 185, 50, 20)$Inputb_51 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini9[7][1], 180, 210, 50, 20)$Inputb_55 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini9[8][1], 180, 235, 50, 20);column 1   ;ACD_month---------------------------------------------$Inputb_13 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini10[1][1], 240, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_14 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini10[2][1], 240, 85, 50, 20)$Inputb_15 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini10[3][1], 240, 110, 50, 20)$Inputb_16 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini10[4][1], 240, 135, 50, 20)$Inputb_17 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini10[5][1], 240, 160, 50, 20)$Inputb_18 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini10[6][1], 240, 185, 50, 20)$Inputb_52 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini10[7][1], 240, 210, 50, 20)$Inputb_56 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini10[8][1], 240, 235, 50, 20);column 2   ;TL_month----------------------------------------------$Inputb_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini11[1][1], 300, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_20 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini11[2][1], 300, 85, 50, 20)$Inputb_21 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini11[3][1], 300, 110, 50, 20)$Inputb_22 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini11[4][1], 300, 135, 50, 20)$Inputb_23 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini11[5][1], 300, 160, 50, 20)$Inputb_24 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini11[6][1], 300, 185, 50, 20)$Inputb_53 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini11[7][1], 300, 210, 50, 20)$Inputb_57 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini11[8][1], 300, 235, 50, 20);column 3   ;TT_month----------------------------------------------$Inputb_30 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[1][1], 710, 60, 110, 20)$Inputb_32 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[2][1], 710, 90, 110, 20)$Inputb_34 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[3][1], 710, 120, 110, 20)$Inputb_36 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[4][1], 710, 150, 110, 20)$Inputb_38 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[5][1], 710, 180, 110, 20)$Inputb_40 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[6][1], 710, 210, 110, 20);column 4 ---------------------------------------------------------$Inputb_31 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini17[1][1], 840, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_33 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini17[2][1], 840, 90, 50, 20)$Inputb_35 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini17[3][1], 840, 120, 50, 20)$Inputb_37 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini17[4][1], 840, 150, 50, 20)$Inputb_39 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini17[5][1], 840, 180, 50, 20)$Inputb_41 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini17[6][1], 840, 210, 50, 20);column 5 ---------------------------------------------------------$Inputb_26 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[1][1], 180, 35, 50, 20)$Inputb_27 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[2][1], 240, 35, 50, 20)$Inputb_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[3][1], 300, 35, 50, 20)$Inputb_44 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[4][1], 360, 35, 50, 20)$Inputb_45 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[5][1], 420, 35, 50, 20)$Inputb_46 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[6][1], 480, 35, 50, 20)$Inputb_47 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[7][1], 540, 35, 50, 20)$Inputb_48 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[8][1], 600, 35, 50, 20);column 6 ---------------------------------------------------------$Inputb_49 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[1][1], 360, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_50 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[2][1], 360, 85, 50, 20)$Inputb_51 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[3][1], 360, 110, 50, 20)$Inputb_52 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[4][1], 360, 135, 50, 20)$Inputb_53 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[5][1], 360, 160, 50, 20)$Inputb_54 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[6][1], 360, 185, 50, 20)$Inputb_55 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[7][1], 360, 210, 50, 20)$Inputb_56 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[8][1], 360, 235, 50, 20);column 7 ---------------------------------------------------------$Inputb_57 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[1][1], 420, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_58 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[2][1], 420, 85, 50, 20)$Inputb_59 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[3][1], 420, 110, 50, 20)$Inputb_60 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[4][1], 420, 135, 50, 20)$Inputb_61 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[5][1], 420, 160, 50, 20)$Inputb_62 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[6][1], 420, 185, 50, 20)$Inputb_63 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[7][1], 420, 210, 50, 20)$Inputb_64 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[8][1], 420, 235, 50, 20);column 8 ---------------------------------------------------------$Inputb_65 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[1][1], 480, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_66 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[2][1], 480, 85, 50, 20)$Inputb_67 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[3][1], 480, 110, 50, 20)$Inputb_68 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[4][1], 480, 135, 50, 20)$Inputb_69 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[5][1], 480, 160, 50, 20)$Inputb_70 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[6][1], 480, 185, 50, 20)$Inputb_71 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[7][1], 480, 210, 50, 20)$Inputb_72 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[8][1], 480, 235, 50, 20)$Inputb_73 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[1][1], 540, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_74 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[2][1], 540, 85, 50, 20)$Inputb_75 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[3][1], 540, 110, 50, 20)$Inputb_76 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[4][1], 540, 135, 50, 20)$Inputb_77 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[5][1], 540, 160, 50, 20)$Inputb_78 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[6][1], 540, 185, 50, 20)$Inputb_79 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[7][1], 540, 210, 50, 20)$Inputb_80 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[8][1], 540, 235, 50, 20)$Inputb_81 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[1][1], 600, 60, 50, 20)$Inputb_82 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[2][1], 600, 85, 50, 20)$Inputb_83 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[3][1], 600, 110, 50, 20)$Inputb_84 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[4][1], 600, 135, 50, 20)$Inputb_85 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[5][1], 600, 160, 50, 20)$Inputb_86 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[6][1], 600, 185, 50, 20)$Inputb_87 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[7][1], 600, 210, 50, 20)$Inputb_88 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[8][1], 600, 235, 50, 20);-------$buttonb_44 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 20, 295, 80, 20)$buttonb_44_b = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 190, 295, 80, 20)$_colorbG = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 110, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolorb_a = IniRead($sini, "color", "3", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorbG,$inicolorb_a)$Label_45b_b = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("  Stats Text color", 190, 275, 120, 20)$_colorGb_b = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 280, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolorb_a_b = IniRead($sini, "color", "10", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorGb_b,$inicolorb_a_<img src='http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />$Labelb_45 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator Text color", 20, 275, 120, 20)$Buttonb_47 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 340, 275, 80, 20)$Buttonb_46 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Changes", 435, 275, 80, 20)$Buttonb_48 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("View in Excel", 530, 275, 85, 20)$Labelb_49 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($date1, 445, 300, 200, 20)#endregion#region - tab 3;---------------tab3-------------------------------------------$tab3=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Year to date")$Inputc_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[1][1], 20, 60, 140, 20)$Inputc_2 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini12[1][1], 180, 60, 50, 20)$Inputc_3 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[2][1], 20, 85, 140, 20)$Inputc_4 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini12[2][1], 180, 85, 50, 20)$Inputc_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[3][1], 20, 110, 140, 20)$Inputc_6 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini12[3][1], 180, 110, 50, 20)$Inputc_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[4][1], 20, 135, 140, 20)$Inputc_8 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini12[4][1], 180, 135, 50, 20)$Inputc_9 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[5][1], 20, 160, 140, 20)$Inputc_10 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini12[5][1], 180, 160, 50, 20)$Inputc_11 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[6][1], 20, 185, 140, 20)$Inputc_12 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini12[6][1], 180, 185, 50, 20)$Inputc_13 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini13[1][1], 240, 60, 50, 20)$Inputc_14 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini13[2][1], 240, 85, 50, 20)$Inputc_15 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini13[3][1], 240, 110, 50, 20)$Inputc_16 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini13[4][1], 240, 135, 50, 20)$Inputc_17 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini13[5][1], 240, 160, 50, 20)$Inputc_18 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini13[6][1], 240, 185, 50, 20)$Inputc_19 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini14[1][1], 300, 60, 50, 20)$Inputc_20 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini14[2][1], 300, 85, 50, 20)$Inputc_21 =  GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini14[3][1], 300, 110, 50, 20)$Inputc_22 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini14[4][1], 300, 135, 50, 20)$Inputc_23 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini14[5][1], 300, 160, 50, 20)$Inputc_24 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini14[6][1], 300, 185, 50, 20)$Labelc_25 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator", 60, 40, 60, 20)$Labelc_26 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("ACD", 190, 40, 30, 20)$Labelc_27 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("TL", 260, 40, 20, 20)$Labelc_28 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("TT", 320, 40, 20, 20)$Groupc_29 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 25, 370, 245)$Inputc_30 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[1][1], 710, 60, 110, 20)$Inputc_31 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini18[1][1], 840, 60, 50, 20)$Inputc_32 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[2][1], 710, 90, 110, 20)$Inputc_33 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini18[2][1], 840, 90, 50, 20)$Inputc_34 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[3][1], 710, 120, 110, 20)$Inputc_35 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini18[3][1], 840, 120, 50, 20)$Inputc_36 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[4][1], 710, 150, 110, 20)$Inputc_37 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini18[4][1], 840, 150, 50, 20)$Inputc_38 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[5][1], 710, 180, 110, 20)$Inputc_39 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini18[5][1], 840, 180, 50, 20)$Inputc_40 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini5[6][1], 710, 210, 110, 20)$Inputc_41 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini18[6][1], 840, 210, 50, 20)$Groupc_42 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 390, 25, 230, 225)$Labelc_43 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Stats", 450, 40, 40, 20);-------;-------added collumns$Input_44 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[1][1], 360, 35, 50, 20)$Input_45 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[2][1], 420, 35, 50, 20)$Input_46 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[3][1], 480, 35, 50, 20)$Input_47 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[4][1], 540, 35, 50, 20)$Input_48 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini22[5][1], 600, 35, 50, 20)$Input_49 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[1][1], 360, 60, 50, 20)$Input_50 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[2][1], 360, 85, 50, 20)$Input_51 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[3][1], 360, 110, 50, 20)$Input_52 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[4][1], 360, 135, 50, 20)$Input_53 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[5][1], 360, 160, 50, 20)$Input_54 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[6][1], 360, 185, 50, 20)$Input_55 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[7][1], 360, 210, 50, 20)$Input_56 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini23[8][1], 360, 235, 50, 20)$Input_57 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[1][1], 420, 60, 50, 20)$Input_58 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[2][1], 420, 85, 50, 20)$Input_59 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[3][1], 420, 110, 50, 20)$Input_60 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[4][1], 420, 135, 50, 20)$Input_61 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[5][1], 420, 160, 50, 20)$Input_62 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[6][1], 420, 185, 50, 20)$Input_63 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[7][1], 420, 210, 50, 20)$Input_64 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini24[8][1], 420, 235, 50, 20)$Input_65 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[1][1], 480, 60, 50, 20)$Input_66 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[2][1], 480, 85, 50, 20)$Input_67 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[3][1], 480, 110, 50, 20)$Input_68 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[4][1], 480, 135, 50, 20)$Input_69 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[5][1], 480, 160, 50, 20)$Input_70 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[6][1], 480, 185, 50, 20)$Input_71 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[7][1], 480, 210, 50, 20)$Input_72 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini25[8][1], 480, 235, 50, 20)$Input_73 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[1][1], 540, 60, 50, 20)$Input_74 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[2][1], 540, 85, 50, 20)$Input_75 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[3][1], 540, 110, 50, 20)$Input_76 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[4][1], 540, 135, 50, 20)$Input_77 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[5][1], 540, 160, 50, 20)$Input_78 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[6][1], 540, 185, 50, 20)$Input_79 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[7][1], 540, 210, 50, 20)$Input_80 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini26[8][1], 540, 235, 50, 20)$Input_81 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[1][1], 600, 60, 50, 20)$Input_82 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[2][1], 600, 85, 50, 20)$Input_83 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[3][1], 600, 110, 50, 20)$Input_84 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[4][1], 600, 135, 50, 20)$Input_85 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[5][1], 600, 160, 50, 20)$Input_86 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[6][1], 600, 185, 50, 20)$Input_87 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[7][1], 600, 210, 50, 20)$Input_88 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini27[8][1], 600, 235, 50, 20)$buttonc_44 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 20, 295, 80, 20)$buttonc_44_b = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 190, 295, 80, 20)$_colorcG = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 110, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolorc_a = IniRead($sini, "color", "3", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorcG,$inicolorc_a)$Label_45c_b = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("  Stats Text color", 190, 275, 120, 20)$_colorGc_b = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 280, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolorc_a_b = IniRead($sini, "color", "10", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorGc_b,$inicolorc_a_<img src='http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />$Labelc_45 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator Text color", 20, 275, 120, 20)$Buttonc_46 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Changes", 435, 275, 80, 20)$Buttonc_47 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 340, 275, 80, 20)$Buttonc_48 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("View in Excel", 530, 275, 85, 20)$Labelc_49 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($date1, 445, 300, 200, 20)$Inputc_50 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[7][1], 20, 210, 140, 20)$Inputc_51 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini12[7][1], 180, 210, 50, 20)$Inputc_52 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini13[7][1], 240, 210, 50, 20)$Inputc_53 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini14[7][1], 300, 210, 50, 20)$Inputc_54 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini1[8][1], 20, 235, 140, 20)$Inputc_55 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini12[8][1], 180, 235, 50, 20)$Inputc_56 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini13[7][1], 240, 235, 50, 20)$Inputc_57 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini14[7][1], 300, 235, 50, 20)#endregion#region - tab 4;---------------tab 4-------------------------------------------$tab4=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Weather")$Inputd_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini19[1][1], 20, 60, 585, 20)$Labeld_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Virginia Radar Loop", 20, 43, 120, 20)$Inputd_3 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini19[2][1], 20, 100, 585, 20)$Labeld_4 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Carolina Radar Loop", 20, 83, 120, 20)$Inputd_5 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini19[3][1], 20, 140, 585, 20)$Labeld_6 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Georgia Radar Loop", 20, 123, 120, 20)$Inputd_7 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini19[4][1], 20, 180, 585, 20)$Labeld_8 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Florida Radar Loop", 20, 163, 120, 20)$Inputd_9 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini19[5][1], 20, 220, 585, 20)$Labeld_10 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Tennessee Radar Loop", 20, 203, 120, 20)$Buttond_11 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Changes", 160, 290, 80, 30)$Buttond_12 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 255, 290, 80, 30)$Buttond_13 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("View in Excel", 350, 290, 85, 30)$Labeld_14 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($date1, 445, 300, 200, 20)$buttond_15 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 20, 295, 80, 20)$_colordG = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 110, 295, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolord_a = IniRead($sini, "color", "5", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colordG,$inicolord_a)#endregion#region - tab 5;---------------tab 5-------------------------------------------$tab5=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Opening messages")$Inpute_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini20[1][1], 20, 60, 585, 20)$Labele_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Message 1", 20, 43, 120, 20)$Inpute_3 = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ini20[2][1], 20, 100, 585, 20)$Labele_4 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Message 2", 20, 83, 120, 20)$Buttone_5 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Changes", 160, 290, 80, 30)$Buttone_6 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 255, 290, 80, 30)$Buttone_7 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("View in Excel", 350, 290, 85, 30)$Labele_8 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($date1, 445, 300, 200, 20);$Labele_9 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Note -  The date and weather message can not be changed when the marquee first starts.", 20, 140, 600, 20)$buttone_10 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 40, 195, 80, 20)$_coloreG = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 130, 195, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolore_a = IniRead($sini, "color", "6", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_coloreG,$inicolore_a)$Labele_11 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Text color - announcement 1", 20, 175, 200, 20)$buttone2_10 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("choose color", 240, 195, 80, 20)$_colore2G = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 330, 195, 20, 20, 0x0800)$inicolore2_a = IniRead($sini, "color", "7", "")GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colore2G,$inicolore2_a)$Labele_13 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Text color - announcement 2", 220, 175, 200, 20)#endregion#region - tab 6;---------------tab 6-------------------------------------------$tab6=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("&Options");$Inputg_1 = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 20, 50, 150, 20);$Editg_2 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 20, 80, 150, 80, $ES_READONLY)$Editg_2 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 20, 50, 150, 120,$CBS_SIMPLE)GUICtrlSetData($Editg_2, $ini21)$Labelg_3 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Marquee console access"&@CRLF& ""&@CRLF _                            &" Enter in the RACF of the user"&@CRLF _                               &"you wish to grant access to the"&@CRLF _                              &"marquee console from the system"&@CRLF _                              &"tray icon. Any user however, can"&@CRLF _                             &"use the password option.", 190, 50, 200, 200)$Buttong_4 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Add User", 20, 170, 60, 30)$Buttong_5 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Delete User", 90, 170, 80, 30)$Inputg_6 = GuiCtrlCreateInput(iniread(@ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini","unc", "1", ""), 20, 240, 590, 20)$Labele_7 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Excel file save path - Must use UNC naming", 20, 222, 250, 20)$Buttong_8 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save Changes", 160, 290, 80, 30)$Buttong_9 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Exit", 255, 290, 80, 30)$Buttong_10 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("View in Excel", 350, 290, 85, 30)$Labelg_11 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel($date1, 445, 300, 200, 20)$Buttong_12 = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Set Password", 460, 100, 115, 30)$Groupg_13 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 25, 610, 190)#endregion_inputset()GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW)While 1   $msg = GuiGetMsg()  Select      Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE            ExitLoop        Case $msg=$Button_47 or $msg=$Buttona_47 or $msg=$Buttonb_47 or $msg=$Buttonc_47 or $msg=$Buttond_12 or $msg=$Buttone_6 or $msg=$Buttong_9          exit            Case $msg=$Button_46 or $msg=$Buttona_46 or $msg=$Buttonb_46 or $msg=$Buttonc_46 or $msg=$Buttond_11 or $msg=$Buttone_5 or $msg=$Buttong_8          _savechange()           _savechange2()          Case $msg=$Button_48 or $msg=$Buttona_48 or $msg=$Buttonb_48 or $msg=$Buttonc_48 or $msg=$Buttond_13 or $msg=$Buttone_7 or $msg=$Buttong_10         _viewexcel()        Case $msg = $Buttong_4 ;add         _GUICtrlComboAddString($Editg_2,GUICtrlRead($Editg_2))          send("+{tab}")          send("{backspace}")         $add_item = GUICtrlRead($Editg_2)               IniWrite($sini,"admin", "1", $ini21 & $add_item & "|")          GUICtrlSetData($Editg_2,"B|C|D|E|F")        Case $msg = $Buttong_5      ;   $rem_item = GUICtrlRead($Inputg_1)      ;   $data1 = StringReplace($ini21, $rem_item & "|", "")     ;   IniWrite($sini, "admin", "1", $data1)           ;   Guictrlsetdata( $ini21,     Case $msg = $tab            _savechange()           _refreshlist()      Case $msg = $Buttong_12         _setpass()      Case $msg = $button_44              $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorG,$color)          IniWrite($sini,"color", "1", $color)        Case $msg = $button_44_b                $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorG_b,$color)            IniWrite($sini,"color", "8", $color)        Case $msg = $buttona_44             $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_coloraG,$color)         IniWrite($sini,"color", "2", $color)        Case $msg = $buttona_44_b               $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorGa_b,$color)           IniWrite($sini,"color", "9", $color)        Case $msg = $buttonb_44             $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorbG,$color)         IniWrite($sini,"color", "3", $color)        Case $msg = $buttonb_44_b               $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorGb_b,$color)           IniWrite($sini,"color", "10", $color)       Case $msg = $buttonc_44             $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorcG,$color)         IniWrite($sini,"color", "4", $color)        Case $msg = $buttonc_44_b               $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorGc_b,$color)           IniWrite($sini,"color", "11", $color)       Case $msg = $buttond_15             $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colorcG,$color)         IniWrite($sini,"color", "5", $color)        Case $msg = $buttone_10             $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_coloreG,$color)         IniWrite($sini,"color", "6", $color)        Case $msg = $buttone2_10                $color = _ChooseColor (2, 0x0000FF, 2)          GUICtrlSetBkColor($_colore2G,$color)            IniWrite($sini,"color", "7", $color)                    Case Else           ;;; EndSelectWEndExitfunc _savechange() $sini = @ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini"  ;names---------------------     $Ssa = "names"  $sdataa = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Input_1)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Input_3)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Input_5)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Input_7)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Input_9)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Input_11)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Input_50)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Input_54)    IniWriteSection($sini, $Ssa, $sdataa)       ;Stat_names---------------------------------------------------------------- $Ssb = "Stat_names" $sdatab = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Input_30)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Input_32)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Input_34)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Input_36)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Input_38)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Input_40)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Input_42x)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Input_44x) IniWriteSection($sini, $Ssb, $sdatab)       EndFuncfunc _savechange2()  SplashTextOn("Saving Changes", "Saving changes, please wait...",200, 60)    ;ACD_yesterday--------------------------------------------------------------    $sdata1 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Input_2)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Input_4)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Input_6)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Input_8)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Input_10)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Input_12)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Input_51)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Input_55)   IniWriteSection($sini, "ACD_yesterday", $sdata1)    ;TL_yesterday-------------------------------------------------------------- $sdata2 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Input_13)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Input_14)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Input_15)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Input_16)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Input_17)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Input_18)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Input_52)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Input_56)   IniWriteSection($sini, "TL_yesterday", $sdata2)     ;yesterday_TT-------------------------------------------------------------- $sdata3 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Input_19)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Input_20)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Input_21)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Input_22)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Input_23)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Input_24)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Input_53)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Input_57)   IniWriteSection($sini, "TT_yesterday", $sdata3)     ;Stat_yesterday---------------------------------------------------------------- $sdata4 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Input_31)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Input_33)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Input_35)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Input_37)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Input_39)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Input_41)   IniWriteSection($sini, "Stat_yesterday", $sdata4)   ;ACD_today------------------------------------------------------------  $sdata5 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_2)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_4)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_6)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_8)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_10)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_12)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_51)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_55)   IniWriteSection($sini, "ACD_today", $sdata5)    ;TL_today-------------------------------------------------------------- $sdata6 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_13)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_14)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_15)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_16)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_17)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_18)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_52)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_56)   IniWriteSection($sini, "TL_today", $sdata6)         ;TT_today-------------------------------------------------------------- $sdata7 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_19)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_20)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_21)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_22)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_23)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_24)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_53)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_57)   IniWriteSection($sini, "TT_today", $sdata7)             ;Stat_today------------------------------------------------------------ $sdata8 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_31)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_33)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_35)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_37)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_39)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputa_41) IniWriteSection($sini, "Stat_today", $sdata8)       ;ACD_month------------------------------------------------------------- $sdata9 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_2)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_4)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_6)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_8)&@LF& _             "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_10)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_12)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_51)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_55)   IniWriteSection($sini, "ACD_month", $sdata9)            ;TL_month-------------------------------------------------------------- $sdata10 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_13)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_14)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_15)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_16)&@LF& _            "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_17)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_18)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_52)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_56)   IniWriteSection($sini, "TL_month", $sdata10)                ;TT_month--------------------------------------------------------------     $sdata11 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_19)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_20)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_21)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_22)&@LF& _            "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_23)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_24)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_53)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_57)   IniWriteSection($sini, "TT_month", $sdata11)        ;Stat_month------------------------------------------------------------ $sdata12 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_31)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_33)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_35)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_37)&@LF& _            "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_39)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputb_41) IniWriteSection($sini, "Stat_month", $sdata12)      ;ACD_year-------------------------------------------------------------- $sdata13 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_2)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_4)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_6)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_8)&@LF& _            "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_10)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_12)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_51)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_55)   IniWriteSection($sini, "ACD_year", $sdata13)        ;TL_year--------------------------------------------------------------  $sdata14 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_13)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_14)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_15)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_16)&@LF& _            "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_17)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_18)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_52)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_56)   IniWriteSection($sini, "TL_year", $sdata14)     ;TT_year--------------------------------------------------------------  $sdata15 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_19)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_20)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_21)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_22)&@LF& _            "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_23)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_24)&@LF&"7="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_53)&@LF&"8="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_57)   IniWriteSection($sini, "TT_year", $sdata15)     ;Stat_year----------------------------------------------------------------  $sdata16 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_31)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_33)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_35)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_37)&@LF& _            "5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_39)&@LF&"6="&GUICtrlRead($Inputc_41) IniWriteSection($sini, "Stat_year", $sdata16)    ;weather-----------------------------------------------------------------  $sdata18 = "1="&GUICtrlRead($Inputd_1)&@LF&"2="&GUICtrlRead($Inputd_3)&@LF& "3="&GUICtrlRead($Inputd_5)&@LF&"4="&GUICtrlRead($Inputd_7)&@LF&"5="&GUICtrlRead($Inputd_9)     IniWriteSection($sini, "weather", $sdata18)         ;announcement------------------------------------------------------------   IniWrite(@ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini", "announcement", 1, GUICtrlRead($Inpute_1)) IniWrite(@ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini", "announcement", 2, GUICtrlRead($Inpute_3))         ;UNC---------------------------------------------------------------------   IniWrite(@ScriptDir&"/bin/settings.ini", "unc", 1, GUICtrlRead($Inputg_6))  SplashOff() MsgBox(0, "saved changes", " All changes saved!", 2)    EndFuncFunc _viewexcel()    MsgBox(0, "View in Excel", "Viewing data in Excel", 1)EndFuncFunc _adduser()    MsgBox(0, "Add user", "Add User's RACF to admin list", 1)EndFunc    Func _deluser() MsgBox(0, "Delete user", "Delete User's RACF from admin list", 1)EndFunc    func _inputset()    GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_1, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_1, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_1, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_3, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_3, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_3, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_5, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_5, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_5, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_7, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_7, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_7, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_9, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_9, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_9, $GUI_DISABLE)    GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_11, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_11, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_11, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_50, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_50, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_50, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_54, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_54, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_54, $GUI_DISABLE);$Inputb_50    GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_30, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_32, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_34, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_36, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_38, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_40, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_42x, $GUI_DISABLE)  GUICtrlSetState($Inputa_44x, $GUI_DISABLE)      GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_30, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_32, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_34, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_36, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_38, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_40, $GUI_DISABLE)   ;GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_42x, $GUI_DISABLE) ;GUICtrlSetState($Inputb_44x, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_30, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_32, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_34, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_36, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_38, $GUI_DISABLE)   GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_40, $GUI_DISABLE)   ;GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_42x, $GUI_DISABLE) ;GUICtrlSetState($Inputc_44x, $GUI_DISABLE)EndFunc  func _inilist() $ini1 = IniReadSection($sini, "names")  $ini2 = IniReadSection($sini, "ACD_yesterday")  $ini3 = IniReadSection($sini, "TL_yesterday")   $ini4 = IniReadSection($sini, "TT_yesterday")   $ini5 = IniReadSection($sini, "stat_names") $ini6 = IniReadSection($sini, "ACD_today")  $ini7 = IniReadSection($sini, "TL_today")   $ini8 = IniReadSection($sini, "TT_today")   $ini9 = IniReadSection($sini, "ACD_month")  $ini10= IniReadSection($sini, "TL_month")   $ini11 = IniReadSection($sini, "TT_month")  $ini12 = IniReadSection($sini, "ACD_year")  $ini13 = IniReadSection($sini, "TL_year")   $ini14 = IniReadSection($sini, "TT_year")   $ini15 = IniReadSection($sini, "Stat_yesterday")    $ini16 = IniReadSection($sini, "Stat_today")    $ini17 = IniReadSection($sini, "Stat_month")    $ini18 = IniReadSection($sini, "Stat_year") $ini19 = IniReadSection($sini, "weather")   $ini20 = IniReadSection($sini, "announcement")  $ini21 = IniRead($sini, "admin", "1", "")   $ini22 = IniReadSection($sini, "spec")  $ini23 = IniReadSection($sini, "stat4") $ini24 = IniReadSection($sini, "stat5") $ini25 = IniReadSection($sini, "stat6") $ini26 = IniReadSection($sini, "stat7") $ini27 = IniReadSection($sini, "stat8") EndFuncfunc _refreshlist()  _inilist()  GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_1, $ini1[1][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_3, $ini1[2][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_5, $ini1[3][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_7, $ini1[4][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_9, $ini1[5][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_11, $ini1[6][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_50, $ini1[7][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_54, $ini1[8][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_1, $ini1[1][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_3, $ini1[2][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_5, $ini1[3][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_7, $ini1[4][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_9, $ini1[5][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_11, $ini1[6][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_50, $ini1[7][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_54, $ini1[8][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_1, $ini1[1][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_3, $ini1[2][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_5, $ini1[3][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_7, $ini1[4][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_9, $ini1[5][1])  GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_11, $ini1[6][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_50, $ini1[7][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_54, $ini1[8][1])         GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_30, $ini5[1][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_32, $ini5[2][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_34, $ini5[3][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_36, $ini5[4][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_38, $ini5[5][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputa_40, $ini5[6][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_30, $ini5[1][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_32, $ini5[2][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_34, $ini5[3][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_36, $ini5[4][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_38, $ini5[5][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputb_40, $ini5[6][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_30, $ini5[1][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_32, $ini5[2][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_34, $ini5[3][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_36, $ini5[4][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_38, $ini5[5][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Inputc_40, $ini5[6][1]) EndFunc func _setpass() $inipw = IniRead($sini, "pw", "1", "")  $ms = MsgBox(3, "Current password", "The current password is set to:"&@CRLF _                                     & "" &@CRLF _                                   & "" &@CRLF _                                   & "            "&$inipw &@CRLF _                                    & ""&@CRLF _                                    & ""&@CRLF _                                    & "Would you like to change it?")     if $ms = 6 then     $setpass = InputBox("Set Password", "Enter in the password you would like to use")      IniWrite($sini, "pw", "1", $setpass)    EndIf   if $ms = 7 then MsgBox(0, "Password kept!", "Password was not changed")EndFuncFunc _mkini() $sData  = "1=" & @LF & "2=" & @LF & "3="& @LF & "4=" & @LF & "5="& @LF & "6=" & @LF & "7="& @LF & "8="  $sData7 = "1=" & @LF & "2=" & @LF & "3="& @LF & "4=" & @LF & "5="& @LF & "6=" & @LF & "7="  $sData2 = "1=" & @LF & "2=" & @LF & "3="& @LF & "4=" & @LF & "5="& @LF & "6="   $sData3 = "1=" & @LF & "2=" & @LF & "3="& @LF & "4=" & @LF & "5="   $sData1 = "1=" & @LF & "2=" & @LF & "3="& @LF & "4="    $sData6 = "1=" & @LF & "2=" & @LF & "3="    $sData4 = "1=" & @LF & "2=" $sData5 = "1="  IniWriteSection($sini, "color", $sData1)    IniWriteSection($sini, "names", $sData) IniWriteSection($sini, "ACD_yesterday", $sData) IniWriteSection($sini, "TL_yesterday", $sData)  IniWriteSection($sini, "TT_yesterday", $sData)  IniWriteSection($sini, "ACD_today", $sData) IniWriteSection($sini, "TL_today", $sData)  IniWriteSection($sini, "TT_today", $sData)  IniWriteSection($sini, "ACD_month", $sData) IniWriteSection($sini, "TL_month", $sData)  IniWriteSection($sini, "TT_month", $sData)  IniWriteSection($sini, "ACD_year", $sData)  IniWriteSection($sini, "TL_year", $sData)       IniWriteSection($sini, "TT_year", $sData1)  IniWriteSection($sini, "stat_names", $sData2)   IniWriteSection($sini, "stat_yesterday", $sData2)   IniWriteSection($sini, "stat_today", $sData2)   IniWriteSection($sini, "stat_month", $sData2)   IniWriteSection($sini, "stat_year", $sData2)    IniWriteSection($sini, "weather", $sData3)  IniWriteSection($sini, "announcement", $sData4) IniWriteSection($sini, "unc", $sData5)  IniWriteSection($sini, "pw", $sData5)   IniWriteSection($sini, "admin", $sData5)EndFunc ;~ func _consoleaccess_del();~  $rem_item = GUICtrlRead($Inputg_1);~    $data1 = StringReplace($ini21, $rem_item & "|", "");~   IniWrite($sini, "admin", "1", $data1);~ EndFunc;~ func _consoleaccess_add();~   $add_item = GUICtrlRead($Inputg_1)  ;~  IniWrite($sini,"admin", "1", $ini21 & $adddata & "|");~ EndFunc ;~  ;~ Func _SaveData($s_file, $s_data);~   $s_file, @UserName, "QuickType", $s_data);~ EndFunc  ;==>_SaveData
Edited by Volly
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Ok, I now have the code on the first tab looking like this:

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
#include <GuiCombo.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>
Global $sini = @ScriptDir&"/bin/settings2.ini"
Dim $ini1, $ini2, $ini3
opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar", "|")
$date1=_DateTimeFormat( _NowCalc(), 1)
$font="Comic Sans MS"
$gui1 = GuiCreate("Marquee Console", 932, 334,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
GUISetFont(9, 400, 0, $font)
#region - tab 0
$tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(0, 0, 932, 334)
$tab0=GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Yesterday")
$Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Operator", 60, 40, 60, 20)
$Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Stats", 750, 40, 40, 20)
$Group_3 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 690, 20, 230, 245)
$Group_4 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("", 10, 20, 670, 245)
;names - input_name_1 thru _8
Dim $input_name_[9], $input_opt_[9], $input_track_1[65]
Dim $j = 1, $y = 60, $x = 180 
For $i = 1 To 8  ;step 1
    $input_name_[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini1[$j][1], 20, ($y), 140, 20)
    $j = $j+ 1
    $y = $y + 25
;opt names - boxes are yellow - $input_opt_1 thru 8
$j = 1
For $i = 1 To 8
    $input_opt_[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini2[$j][1], $x, 35, 50, 20)
    GUICtrlSetBkColor($input_opt_[$i], $opstatcol)
    $j = $j+ 1
    $x = $x + 60
;opt tracking data - 64 boxes are listed by collumn. 
$j= 1
$x = 180
dim $y = 60
while $y < 260
For $i = 1 To 8
    $input_track_1[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput($ini3[$j][1], $x, $y, 50, 20)
    $j = $j+ 1
    $x = $x + 60
$y = $y+25
$x = 180

While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case Else

func _iniread()
    $ini1 = IniReadSection($sini, "names")
    $ini2 = IniReadSection($sini, "opt")
    $ini3 = IniReadSection($sini, "opt_trak_1")

My new question is this. I need to get the information from the controls into a ini file when a button is pressed in the GUI. I like to use IniWriteSection. I thought of creating a array to capture the 64 input controls, but it says I'm limited to 21 elements. How do I get the 64 in one shot?

Edited by Volly
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