flyingboz Posted December 29, 2006 Share Posted December 29, 2006 (edited) Grisoft has a freeware a/v checker out there that has been getting some better at not screaming about false positives on au3 exes. I got tired of having it in my system tray and clicking on its windows when it updated definitions, so I wrote this. This enables me to easily force a a/v update, and prevents the control application from hogging RAM when it isn't doing anything immediately useful. Most gratifying, it prevents that 30 second window from annoying me, but speedily dismisses it. Edit: Logic enhancements. expandcollapse popupFunc _UpdateAVG() Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",3) Local $reg, $pid $reg = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "AVG7_CC") If Not StringLen($reg) Then $reg = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Grisoft\Avg Free\avgcc.exe" Else $reg = StringReplace($reg, "/STARTUP", '') EndIf If Not FileExists($reg) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $pid = ProcessExists("avgcc.exe") If Not $pid Then $pid = Run($reg) If WinExists("AVG Free Edition - Control Center") Then WinActivate("AVG Free Edition - Control Center") WinWaitActive("AVG Free Edition - Control Center") ControlClick("AVG Free Edition - Control Center","Check for Updates",32791) Do Select Case WinActive("AVG Update") ;Updates are current, click OK and Exit. If WinActive("AVG Update") Then ControlClick("AVG Update","OK",1) WinWaitNotActive("AVG Update") ExitLoop Case WinActive("AVG Free Edition Update Selection") ;Need to Update. ControlClick("AVG Free Edition Update Selection","Update",1) Case Else EndSelect Until 0=1 ProcessClose($pid) _RefreshSystemTray() EndFunc ;==>_UpdateAVG oÝ÷ ØÚ-y:槶ÊË^:ÚȬyµZ)7öÏÛEçëzÈRÊË^:ÚÉû§rب·©®nqç[zZ0N§ËhU©bú+¶¬{yا®±çîû§rب«¢+Ø((()Õ¹}IÉÍ¡MåÍѵQÉä ÀÌØí¹±äôÄÀÀÀ¤($ìôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôô($ì}IÉÍ¡MåÍѵQÉä ÀÌØí¹±äôÄÀÀÀ¤(ìÕÑ¡½ÈèY±¥¬¡¡ÑÑÀè¼½ÝÝܹÕѽ¥ÑÍÉ¥Áй½´½½ÉÕ´½¥¹à¹Á¡ÀýÌôµÀíÍ¡½ÝѽÁ¥ôÜÐÀеÀíÙ¥Üõ¥¹Á½ÍеÀíÀôÔÈÔÈ̤(ìIµ½Ù̹䥽¹Ìɽ´Ñ¡¹½Ñ¥¥Ñ¥½¸É¸(ìAɵÑÉÌè(ìÀÌØí¹±ä´%8½=AQ%=90´Q¡±äѼݥнÈÑ¡¹½Ñ¥¥Ñ¥½¸ÉѼáÁ¹Ý¥Ñ ]¥¹½ÝÌa@ÌäíÌ(ìÅÕ½Ðí!¥%¹Ñ¥Ù%½¹ÌÅÕ½ÐìÑÕÉ¡%¸µ¥±±¥Í½¹Ì¤¸(ìIÑÕɹÌè(ìMÑÌÉɽȽ¸¥±ÕÉè(ìÄ´QÉä½Õ±¸Ìäíнչ¸(ìÈ´±± ±°Éɽȸ(((ìôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôôô(ìMÙ=ÁÐÍÑÑ¥¹Ì(1½°ÀÌØí½±5Ñ¡5½ô=ÁÐ ÅÕ½Ðí]¥¹Q¥Ñ±5Ñ¡5½ÅÕ½Ðì°Ð¤(1½°ÀÌØí½± ¡¥±5½ô=ÁÐ ÅÕ½Ðí]¥¹MÉ¡ ¡¥±É¸ÅÕ½Ðì°Ä¤(1½°ÀÌØíÉɽÈôÀ(¼ìAÍÕ¼±½½À(1½°ÀÌØí¡]¹ô]¥¹Ñ!¹± ÅÕ½Ðí±Í͹µõQÉå9½Ñ¥å]¹ÅÕ½Ðì¤(%ÉɽÈQ¡¸(ÀÌØíÉɽÈôÄ(á¥Ñ1½½À(¹%((1½°ÀÌØí¡ ½¹Ñɽ°ô ½¹Ñɽ±Ñ!¹± ÀÌØí¡]¹°ÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½Ðí ÕÑѽ¸ÄÅÕ½Ðì¤((ì]Ìäíɽ¸a@¹Ñ¡!¥%¹Ñ¥Ù%½¹ÌÕÑѽ¸¥ÌѡɰͼáÁ¹¥Ð(%ÀÌØí¡ ½¹Ñɽ°±ÐìÐìÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì¹ ½¹Ñɽ± ½µµ¹ ÀÌØí¡]¹°ÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØí¡ ½¹Ñɽ°°ÅÕ½Ðí%ÍY¥Í¥±ÅÕ½Ðì¤Q¡¸( ½¹Ñɽ± ±¥¬ ÀÌØí¡]¹°ÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØí¡ ½¹Ñɽ°¤(M±À ÀÌØí¹±ä¤(¹%((1½°ÀÌØíÁ½ÍMÑÉÐô5½ÕÍÑA½Ì ¤(1½°ÀÌØíÁ½Í]¥¸ô]¥¹ÑA½Ì ÀÌØí¡]¹¤((1½°ÀÌØíäôÀÌØíÁ½Í]¥¹lÅt(]¡¥±ÀÌØíä±ÐìÀÌØíÁ½Í]¥¹lÍt¬ÀÌØíÁ½Í]¥¹lÅt(1½°ÀÌØíàôÀÌØíÁ½Í]¥¹lÁt(]¡¥±ÀÌØíà±ÐìÀÌØíÁ½Í]¥¹lÉt¬ÀÌØíÁ½Í]¥¹lÁt(±± ±° ÅÕ½ÐíÕÍÈÌȹ±°ÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½Ðí¥¹ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½ÐíMÑ ÕÉͽÉA½ÌÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½Ðí¥¹ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØíà°ÅÕ½Ðí¥¹ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØíä¤(%ÉɽÈQ¡¸(ÀÌØíÉɽÈôÈ(á¥Ñ1½½ÀÌì)ÕµÀ½Õн]¡¥±½]¡¥±½¼(¹%(ÀÌØíàôÀÌØíà¬à(]¹(ÀÌØíäôÀÌØíä¬à(]¹(±± ±° ÅÕ½ÐíÕÍÈÌȹ±°ÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½Ðí¥¹ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½ÐíMÑ ÕÉͽÉA½ÌÅÕ½Ðì°ÅÕ½Ðí¥¹ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØíÁ½ÍMÑÉÑlÁt°ÅÕ½Ðí¥¹ÐÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØíÁ½ÍMÑÉÑlÅt¤(ì]Ìäíɽ¸a@ͼݹѼ¡¥Ñ¡¥¹Ñ¥Ù¥½¹Ì¥¸¸(%ÀÌØí¡ ½¹Ñɽ°±ÐìÐìÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì¹ ½¹Ñɽ± ½µµ¹ ÀÌØí¡]¹°ÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØí¡ ½¹Ñɽ°°ÅÕ½Ðí%ÍY¥Í¥±ÅÕ½Ðì¤Q¡¸( ½¹Ñɽ± ±¥¬ ÀÌØí¡]¹°ÅÕ½ÐìÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØí¡ ½¹Ñɽ°¤(¹%(U¹Ñ¥°Ä((ìIÍѽÉ=ÁÐÍÑÑ¥¹Ì(=ÁÐ ÅÕ½Ðí]¥¹Q¥Ñ±5Ñ¡5½ÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØí½±5Ñ¡5½¤(=ÁÐ ÅÕ½Ðí]¥¹MÉ¡ ¡¥±É¸ÅÕ½Ðì°ÀÌØí½± ¡¥±5½¤(MÑÉÉ½È ÀÌØíÉɽȤ)¹Õ¹ì}IÉÍ¡MåÍѵQÉä ¤( Edited January 1, 2007 by flyingboz Reading the help file before you post... Not only will it make you look smarter, it will make you smarter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blinkdt Posted January 1, 2007 Share Posted January 1, 2007 Nice. Have you noticed that sometimes during the update process Grisoft's server is experiencing difficulties? Or after the priority updates are downloaded and installed, you can go back immediately and download/install "optional" updates? I've tried to account for these events in the following script: Update() While 1 If WinExists('AVG Free Edition Update Selection', 'Please select update') Then ControlClick('AVG Free Edition Update Selection', 'Please select update', 'Button2') ElseIf WinExists ('AVG Free Edition', 'Update was successfully finished') Then ControlClick('AVG Free Edition', 'Update was successfully finished', 'Button1') Update() Else If WinExists('Update AVG', 'An error occurred when trying to connect') Then ControlClick('Update AVG', 'An error occurred when trying to connect', 'Button1') ElseIf WinExists('AVG Update', 'Your AVG program already has the latest updates installed') Then ControlClick('AVG Update', 'Your AVG program already has the latest updates installed', 'Button1') Exit EndIf EndIf Sleep(40) WEnd Func Update() $var = Ping('') If $var Then Run(@Programfilesdir & '\Grisoft\AVG Free\avginet.exe') Else Exit EndIf EndFunc "No peace for the wicked, no rest for the good." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PerryRaptor Posted January 2, 2007 Share Posted January 2, 2007 You can get to the update process directly via "avginet.exe." Nice code by the way--it works! ...and I may add this to my home computers Automated Processes Manager. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
llamnuds Posted January 3, 2007 Share Posted January 3, 2007 Works for me. Thanks. llamnuds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flyingboz Posted January 8, 2007 Author Share Posted January 8, 2007 You can get to the update process directly via "avginet.exe."Yes -- If you've got the machine configured not to run the avgcc on startup (deleted the run reg key) , and still want updates to operate, you can do it that way -- but I wanted to have a way of dealing with killing the control center anyway, but didn't want to hack the registry.Nice code by the way--it works!...and I may add this to my home computers Automated Processes Manager.Thank you, you are more than welcome to use the code how you wish. Reading the help file before you post... Not only will it make you look smarter, it will make you smarter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
titewad Posted July 10, 2007 Share Posted July 10, 2007 Nice. Have you noticed that sometimes during the update process Grisoft's server is experiencing difficulties? Or after the priority updates are downloaded and installed, you can go back immediately and download/install "optional" updates? I've tried to account for these events in the following script: Update() While 1 If WinExists('AVG Free Edition Update Selection', 'Please select update') Then ControlClick('AVG Free Edition Update Selection', 'Please select update', 'Button2') ElseIf WinExists ('AVG Free Edition', 'Update was successfully finished') Then ControlClick('AVG Free Edition', 'Update was successfully finished', 'Button1') Update() Else If WinExists('Update AVG', 'An error occurred when trying to connect') Then ControlClick('Update AVG', 'An error occurred when trying to connect', 'Button1') ElseIf WinExists('AVG Update', 'Your AVG program already has the latest updates installed') Then ControlClick('AVG Update', 'Your AVG program already has the latest updates installed', 'Button1') Exit EndIf EndIf Sleep(40) WEnd Func Update() $var = Ping('') If $var Then Run(@Programfilesdir & '\Grisoft\AVG Free\avginet.exe') Else Exit EndIf EndFuncIs anyone using this script? I tried it and it hangs. I tried adding winactivate, winwaitactive, control focus, and finally winwaitclose to each case, but it still hangs. I tried increasing the sleep time. I call this function after installing AVG via a script, before running AVGSCAN.EXE via winwait with line commands to scan in a dos window. All three steps are done in one script: install, update, run. I am using the installation program from Grisoft's site, named avg75free_467a1008.exe The update downloads and then AVG starts to install the update and that's where it hangs. I always have to turn off the PC at that point. I can't escape from the script, even with an ESC hotkey, nor can I use the task manager to cancel the task, or control+alt+delete. I have to push the off button and hold it until the PC shuts down. My final code after making changes to try and stop the hanging looks like this: expandcollapse popupFunc Update_AVG() Local $Done = False Run(@Programfilesdir & "\Grisoft\AVG7\avginet.exe") While Not $Done If WinExists("AVG Free Edition Update Selection", "Please select update") Then WinActivate("AVG Free Edition Update Selection") WinWaitActive("AVG Free Edition Update Selection", "Please select update") ControlFocus("AVG Free Edition Update Selection","","Button2") ControlClick("AVG Free Edition Update Selection", "Please select update", "Button2") WinWaitClose("AVG Free Edition Update Selection") ElseIf WinExists ("AVG Free Edition", "Update was successfully finished") Then WinActivate("AVG Free Edition") WinWaitActive("AVG Free Edition", "Update was successfully finished") ControlFocus("AVG Free Edition","","Button1") ControlClick("AVG Free Edition", "Update was successfully finished", "Button1") WinWaitClose("AVG Free Edition") Run(@Programfilesdir & "\Grisoft\AVG7\avginet.exe") ElseIf WinExists("Update AVG", "An error occurred when trying to connect") Then WinActivate("Update AVG") WinWaitActive("Update AVG", "An error occurred when trying to connect") ControlFocus("Update AVG","","Button1") ControlClick("Update AVG", "An error occurred when trying to connect", "Button1") WinWaitClose("Update AVG") $Done = True ElseIf WinExists("AVG Update", "Your AVG program already has the latest updates installed") Then WinActivate("AVG Update") WinWaitActive("AVG Update", "Your AVG program already has the latest updates installed") ControlFocus("AVG Update","","Button1") ControlClick("AVG Update", "Your AVG program already has the latest updates installed", "Button1") WinWaitClose("AVG Update") $Done = True Else Sleep(5000) ContinueLoop EndIf WEnd EndFunc The does not respond to a ping, so I removed it from the script. This would be a great way to make sure the AVG virus database is up to date before running the scan, but I am not able to get it to not hang when I run the entire script. Finally, I added this to the XPClean script, which is where I am running it from. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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