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I'm running and installation of a program, and it requires to connect to a database server. Well sometimes when I enter the IP address of the server, it comes back saying 'Unable To Connect', other times it goes through. If it doesn't connect using the IP address, then I usually change the IP address to the DNS server name.

Here's the tricky part (for me).

Note: %WinTitle% is my own generic label to represent the "Windows Title"

I would like to be able to monitor whether the %WinTitle% is "Unable To Connect" or "%ProgramName%".

Here's the code:

                $title = WinGetTitle("", "")
            Until $title = "Unable To Connect"
                If $title = "Unable To Connect" Then
                WinWaitActive("Unable To Connect", "")
                ControlClick("Unable To Connect", "", "Button1")
                WinWaitActive("Specify Database Server", "")
                If Not WinActive("Specify Database Server","") Then WinActivate("Specify Database Server","")
                WinWaitActive("Specify Database Server","")
                MsgBox(0,"Turn on network", "Turn on your network connection now please.")
                ControlSetText("Specify Database Server", "", "Edit1", "%ServerName%")
                ControlClick("Specify Database Server", "", "Button2")
                If WinActive("%ProgramName%", "") Then
                $Satis = ControlGetText("%ProgramName%", "", "Button1")
                If $Satis = "&Finish >" Then
                    WinActivate("%ProgramName%", "")
                    ControlClick("%ProgramName%", "", "Button1")
                    MsgBox(0, "Attention", 'Please click the Finish button.')

The problem with this code is, if the %WinTitle% never goes to "Unable To Connect" it's stuck in an infinite loop.

So I would like it to check every Sleep(100) seconds (10th of a second) for the name of the windows title, if it's "Unable To Connect" do x, if it's "%ProgramName%" do y.

To be even simpler: Do 1 if x, if 1 fails do 2, Else do A if y. I hope this makes sense.

Can someone help pls?


Posted (edited)

    $title = WinGetTitle("", "")
    If $title = "Title1" Then 
    ElseIf $title = "Title2" Then 
Until GuiGetMsg = -3 ;$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

You could asloe use the regexp option in WinWait("regexp=" & $title1" & "|" & $title2)

PS: The syntax could be wrong so look it up in the help file. You have to search for regexp.

EDIT: Darn to late..:) Nice solution in previous post!

Edited by Uten
Until $title = "Unable to connect" Or "%Program Name%"oÝ÷ Ù8^W­Ê«÷¥±ë-jצz{ajwe{Z¶Ú£ú®¢×¢ØZL(mv!jØ^Á©í±8Z·
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No, thank won't do what he wants,

That would do the actions regardless of which of the 2 conditions is true, he wants something different for each condition

Try this:

Switch $title
     Case "Unable to connect"
          ;Do Something
     Case "%Program Name%"
          ;Do Something Else
oÝ÷ Ûú®¢×¢Øb³
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That's basically what he has. It would require changing very little of his script. It's not the best way of doing it, sure, but it requires changing very little.



Until $a = 1 Or $a = 2

If $a = 1 Then
ElseIf $a = 2 Then
    ;something else
is good because most people can relate to it.

The WinWait('regexp=' & $title1 & "|" & $title2) Is better because it will not waste resources. But it require a bit more understanding than TP seems to have at the moment.


I just want to thank everyone for responding with all the different techniques. I haven't tried any yet, but I will here soon. I'll give them all a try to see how well each works for my situation.

Thanks again.


So, this wouldn't work?

Until $a = 1 Or $a = 2

If $a = 1 Then
ElseIf $a = 2 Then
    ;something else

That's basically what he has. It would require changing very little of his script. It's not the best way of doing it, sure, but it requires changing very little.

Sorry, I missed the suggestion you had for using an If...ElseIf...Endif

That will work, That was my misunderstanding.

Note though, that you can switch those if statments with one switch.

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