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Google TV Script?


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I was wanting to write a Script, that would check for the google tv easter egg. I know that there is a fantastic IE.au3 UDF, but some concepts of this script need clarification. What needs to be done is, I need to be able to login into gmail(which I can do) Then check for a mouse over image(which I can't do) if the image is a mouse over( aka the image changes when mouse over) then exit script, if it does not, log out, then repeat. Any ideas on that tricking mouse over image check?


This is what I have so far.

;Script to get Google TV

#include <H:\AutoIt\plugins\IE.au3>

Run('C:\program files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE')

While not ProcessExists('IEXPLORE.exe')

ControlClick('Kweb - Microsoft Internet Explorer','','Edit1')
ControlSend('Kweb - Microsoft Internet Explorer','','Edit1','gmail.com')

WinWaitActive('Welcome to Gmail - Microsoft Internet Explorer')
ControlClick('Welcome to Gmail - Microsoft Internet Explorer','',

arggg....just looked at IE.au3, there is easier way...here it is now....

;Script to get Google TV

#include <H:\AutoIt\plugins\IE.au3>


WinWaitActive('Welcome to Gmail - Microsoft Internet Explorer')
;ControlClick('Welcome to Gmail - Microsoft Internet Explorer','',

The last part is what I am having an issue with right now. I use the window info tool, and the username and password boxes don't have a classID, nothing like that. can't figure out how to type my username and pass in there in the script.

Edited by dufran3
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This is what I have now. It is all manual, at this point, a message box pops up asking if the mouse over image changed. Is there anyway to automate that part? It is very static I know, but I just need it to work on my pc. I will then fine tune it later. How do I detect if a mouse over takes place on this page??? ahhH!

;Script to get Google TV

#include <H:\AutoIt\plugins\IE.au3>

$oIE = _IECreate('www.gmail.com')

$usrname = 'autoitpwns@gmail.com'
$pss = 'irlike2pwn'

$Msg = 7
$Attempt = 1

While $Msg == 7
WinWaitActive('Welcome to Gmail - Microsoft Internet Explorer')
WinSetState('Welcome to Gmail - Microsoft Internet Explorer','',@SW_MAXIMIZE)
$fGoogleTV = FileOpen('H:\AutoIt\GoogleTv.txt',1)
FileWriteLine($fGoogleTV,'Google Login Attempt  ' & $Attempt & @CRLF)
$Attempt += 1
Send('{TAB 2}')
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
    While StatusbarGetText("Internet Explorer") <> "Done"
    While StatusbarGetText("Internet Explorer") <> "Done"

$Msg = MsgBox(4,'','Did the mouseover image appear?')
    If $Msg = 6 Then
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Well I can't help you out with the script, However I might make your journey a little less bumpy.


Unfortunately, (Even though this would have been fantastic) this google tv thing is a HOAX. If you watch the youtube video of 'HOW-TO' you'll notice at the end a credit to FatalFarm. FatalFarm is a group of film makers who make parody intros for well-known TV shows (ie. ALF, CHEERS, BAYWATCH...etc). This is also one of their little movie projects.

The idea for the script could be useful in other situations, but it will not work 'EVER' for the purpose you are intending for.

Sorry I was just as hyped about this as the next guy and even tried it manually about 10x's **grr to me** I normally don't fall for this sorta thing but the videos were well done and believable (I guess a good mix for a excellent HOAX)

Edited by Sorn
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But for another added laugh do a search on YouTube for this guy's other videos. The one about how to increase your WI-FI reception range is freaking priceless. **spoiler, he uses a Cell phone, Aluminium Foil, a RJ-45 Ethernet cable (wrapped around the cell phone), and Clear packing tape. Let me see if I can find the link you'll love it. Ahh! here we go.

How to Increase Your Wi-Fi Signal

for those of you that haven't seen the GoogleTv Videos.

How to Sign Up for GoogleTV Beta


UPDATE: GoogleTV Beta

And a few more laughs from this guy...

[ulr=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CH-Kx2sl9c]How to Unlock a Hidden Minesweeper Mode

How to Clean Up Your iTunes Library

How to Recharge Batteries <---Funny as hell (references TOS phasers as well as says Electrical Tapes is called Electrical Tap because it conducts electricity ...priceless)

How to YouTube Podcast

Enjoy all hope you all get some good laughs outta this.

Sorry for the double post Edit timer ran out while I searched for links.

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