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Posted (edited)

I need to build the GUI EXACTLY like in the 2 pictures I uploaded..I don't know how to put the graphic of the button over the button control and NOT have them affect each other (such as, when clicking the Button, it gets on top of the graphic, and stuff like that)..Or how would I build those tabs, so that when I click them, an edit box to appear?

EDIT: The tab thing would be solved through child-windows, but that still leaves the button-graphic problem unsolved..also, the only way I've thought about getting those tabs exactly like in the picture is putting a huge graphic control and checking for clicks on certain areas to activate a certain child window..If you have ideas, or even better...much better...excellent actually...SAMPLE CODE...I'd be more than happy...I'd be extatic...



Edited by VicTT

Together we might liveDivided we must fall


Posted (edited)

Can you demonstrate through a piece of code?:whistle:

EDIT: Especially referring to the "set the picture as a background" and "disable it" part.

EDIT2: Disabling it through GuiCtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DISABLE).

Edited by VicTT

Together we might liveDivided we must fall



you should be the one showing code and i help...



$Pic_Folder = "C:\temp\bkg.bmp"

GUICreate("pic test", 184,534, -1, -1, $WS_POPUP)
GUICtrlCreatePic( $Pic_Folder, 0,0, 184, 534)
GUICtrlSetState( -1, $GUI_DISABLE)
$enter = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "" , 40, 172, 90, 22)


While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $msg = -3 Then Exit
    If $msg = $enter Then MsgBox(0,0, "Do your stuff")



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