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Andrew's Anti Snooping Tool Version


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You obviously aren't understanding us. We wan't the source code so we can freely play with it and/or customize it as we wish, without having to ask someone to put x in and then have us want to change something small, wait for update, etc etc. Open source > not open source. I personally want to be able to create my own mini-version of this specifically for me, that I can almost guarantee no one else would want to have the same way. It's not about taking credit or ripping. It's about sharing information.

Suggestion: Option to turn on/off the mouse1+mouse2 activation (I didn't see an option.) It kills me while playing games :/

Edit: Typo

Edited by darkshadow791
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Generator, you're not understanding me correctly.

I want to make a fullfledged program. I want it to be able to fullfill everyones needs. I don't want you taking the source code and adjusting it to your needs, i want it to be able to customize to each person individually on its own.

Why make a program that has to be customized by editing the code? I'm making this for the average user, not for just people who know how to code.

I want any user to install the program and be like "Oh I need the following, oh wait, it's right here for me to adjust"

I will get to the point since I was trying to talk the way around, you basically just don't want to open source because you think somebody will edit it and use their name in credit, also you feel superior after making this. Nobody is gonna steal your source and use their name on it, we want to share the information you got there. Edited by Generator
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pretty cool program, i would also like to see the source of this, so that i can change some stuff and take out stuff that i dont need. i really hope you release the source, even if only to here [if you released it elsewhere that is.]

P.S. - i dont see a reason someone would steal your source.

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I'm not going to release the source code unless someone gives me a good enough reason. I want my program to be able to be customized by an average user to whatever they like. Also, i hate to mention it but i have been spitting out a new version three to four times a day adjusting it to peoples needs so just tell me what you want customized and i'll make it possible fairly quickly.

To darkshadow791,

The latest version has an option to turn the mouse click option on and off

To Generator,

Yes I do feel good about making a solid program that's very useful. I do not want to release the source code because of the above reason.

To Flamingwolf,

What do you want customizable? I will add in a feature to customize it any which way you want.

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Nobody is going to steal the source to this and then pass it off as their own. Your program could be reproduced by anyone given some time, I merely wish to see the source.

Example of one of your functions:

Func HideAll()
    Dim $winlist
    $winlist = WinList()
    For $i = 1 to $winlist[0][0]
        If $winlist[$i][0] <> "" AND IsVisible($winlist[$i][1]) Then
            WinSetState($winlist[$i][0],"",@SW_HIDE )

Func IsVisible($handle)
    If BitAnd( WinGetState($handle), 2 ) Then
        Return 1
        Return 0

Or something similar...?

Edit: You claim you want it to be customized to whatever they like, but you don't share the source? The average user that will see this thread can utilize the source to the best of their needs. While this may not be the case elsewhere, I believe it is a pity you refuse to share the source because you think someone might steal it.

Edited by darkshadow791
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its not what i want customizeable, its what i want taken out. i want to completly rip out some stuff [completly, not just "disable" it] and if i get it exactly how i want it i was going to try to add it into my program [which nobody but me has, and if i ever was going to release it [which i most likely wont,] i would credit you]

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I'm not going to release the source code unless someone gives me a good enough reason. I want my program to be able to be customized by an average user to whatever they like. Also, i hate to mention it but i have been spitting out a new version three to four times a day adjusting it to peoples needs so just tell me what you want customized and i'll make it possible fairly quickly.

To darkshadow791,

The latest version has an option to turn the mouse click option on and off

To Generator,

Yes I do feel good about making a solid program that's very useful. I do not want to release the source code because of the above reason.

To Flamingwolf,

What do you want customizable? I will add in a feature to customize it any which way you want.

Anyways something I suggest.

In my hider, I allow customize so you can hide the window you wanted, not all at once, sometimes we don't want to hide all, also I give you a good idea which I have in my proj, when you hide, another fake window shows up, this idea was taken from some other guy who made a similar thing.

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To darkshadow791,

You got the basics but you are missing a few significant differences that my script offers. For the 10000th time, I'm not going to share the source unless I'm given a good enough reason. Also, when I say average user I'm talking average computer user not average coders. I don't need to share the source to customize the script for people. I want the script to be as flexable as possible according to everyones needs. FYI Flaming just basically said he was going to "steal" my script to use in his but that doesn't bother me cause like i said, I want everyone to get everything out of using it, not chopping it up and redoing it.

To Flamingwolf,

I can customize the ability to remove certain items from the tray menu and the only thing you'll lose is less than 10 kb.

To Generator,

Acceptions are in my todo list :). I will make some kind of GUI to add windows in that won't get hidden. I appreciate your thought. I looked at the Anti Boss Program and it is not even close to as powerful as my script. He cannot do a lot of things mentioned in my feature list/bugfix list. He just basically has exceptions down pat but I'm not even going to use the methods he did so it doesn't matter :D.

I don't want people ripping this because it took me a while to create. I want to someday make this distributable and therefore, I do not want my unique methods known. If you really care so much about this script, do it yourself and figure it out on your own; it's not rocket science, just computer science :D. If someone is serious about recreating it I will gladly give hints.

Any more suggestions, I'm willing to add virtually any cool/weird/whacky/useful function anyone can think of

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I'm still iffy about adding that function. I think i might add the option of opening up to three programs after all the windows are hidden. For example, a word doc, an internet site ect ect ect.

That will cause serious lagness and suspeicous move if I was the person looking at the desktop. As I said orginally, let the use customize the window they want to hide.

I made a similar thing which I use in school, for instance, a teacher drop by:

I hide the game and my school works shows up - mentioned in real and fake window

Teacher went away.

Another case of yours:

I was playing games and had mouse click and keyboard inputting,

teacher came by:

All windows gone.

What were you doing is the first thing that pops up into his mind, then he will probably question you.

3rd, I found mousemove hide useless

If I was the person checking the desktop, I would proabaly move the mouse a little, then you are busted. or if you didn't let go your mouse in a correct way, the mouse pos will change by pixel per sec.

That also won't work


I suggest you change hotkeys to F11-F1 as function keys, your hotkey takes longer to press and user might not able to hide all the program in snap.

You can add enable and disable hotkey so it's not stealing keys from other program.

Those are my suggestion, honestly, think what the user think and the user will do, that will give you the best idea and the best program.

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I'm still iffy about adding that function. I think i might add the option of opening up to three programs after all the windows are hidden. For example, a word doc, an internet site ect ect ect.

You should use the orginal idea which hides the window user wanted, and use your hide all as optional.
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Well I'm using the opposite method. Meaning, you tell me which windows you don't want to hide, and i'll hide everything else.

Also, the hotkeys are specifically designed to be where your left hand lays while maybe sitting reading something on the screen or typing.

Window exceptions will fix most of those issues.

Here's the scenarios i thought of:

At work, listening to music and surfing the web, boss comes by. Without jumping out of your seat, by just moving the mouse to the top left or leaning on keys with your left hand or clicking both mouse buttons, all that shows is ur work.

At school, teacher/professor is walking towards you, you again activate the hide without frantic movement.

At home, your playing a video game, surfing the web, looking at adult material... whatever... you hear a parent or whoever coming and within seconds everything is gone.

If you are just surfing the web, the mouse movement to the top left is useful.

If you are playing a game, the keybind is most useful

if you are watching a video, the mouse clicks i best

this is how i'm thinking

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Well I'm using the opposite method. Meaning, you tell me which windows you don't want to hide, and i'll hide everything else.

Also, the hotkeys are specifically designed to be where your left hand lays while maybe sitting reading something on the screen or typing.

Window exceptions will fix most of those issues.

Here's the scenarios i thought of:

At work, listening to music and surfing the web, boss comes by. Without jumping out of your seat, by just moving the mouse to the top left or leaning on keys with your left hand or clicking both mouse buttons, all that shows is ur work.

At school, teacher/professor is walking towards you, you again activate the hide without frantic movement.

At home, your playing a video game, surfing the web, looking at adult material... whatever... you hear a parent or whoever coming and within seconds everything is gone.

If you are just surfing the web, the mouse movement to the top left is useful.

If you are playing a game, the keybind is most useful

if you are watching a video, the mouse clicks i best

this is how i'm thinking

I thought of that too, what I was thinking was like hot corner.

Hot corner was program when you move your mouse to top left it runs the program you desire or active or hide stuff.

Really comes in hand, but sometimes user need to close window right upper corner can be a problem.

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Well I'm using the opposite method. Meaning, you tell me which windows you don't want to hide, and i'll hide everything else.

Also, the hotkeys are specifically designed to be where your left hand lays while maybe sitting reading something on the screen or typing.

Window exceptions will fix most of those issues.

Here's the scenarios i thought of:

At work, listening to music and surfing the web, boss comes by. Without jumping out of your seat, by just moving the mouse to the top left or leaning on keys with your left hand or clicking both mouse buttons, all that shows is ur work.

At school, teacher/professor is walking towards you, you again activate the hide without frantic movement.

At home, your playing a video game, surfing the web, looking at adult material... whatever... you hear a parent or whoever coming and within seconds everything is gone.

If you are just surfing the web, the mouse movement to the top left is useful.

If you are playing a game, the keybind is most useful

if you are watching a video, the mouse clicks i best

this is how i'm thinking

I was wondering what technic were you using to show windows, if you are aware of, many program have windows runnning in background, that might be a bug if it really happens.
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Why should you share the source?

1. Open source is good. Not open source is not good. This is always true.

2. I want to completely remove certain features and add in my own features, that I'm sure nobody else would want.

3. I would like to see your source. I am interested in seeing how you wrote certain functions.

4. Honestly, if you don't freely share the source, then I will probably just reverse the program to find it anyway. I really don't want to have to do that since it feels like stealing, but I think it's a shame that you refuse to share your source because you think people will steal it.

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