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Autoit problems during RunOnceEx procedure

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I'm writing here as I need help for some autoit scripts during windows xp unattended setup.

The scripts have no problem in normal working OS, but they freeze for no reason during RunOnceEx procedure.

I fear some race conditions, but I don't have sure proof..

I cannot use silent install as many options cannot be set from it.

The affected programs are just 4 on a total of 30:

winzip 10 -- it stops at updates

codec ffdshow 2005 -- it stops at virtualdub path

zone alarm 055 -- it stops at welcome 2 (config web surfing access)

mail washer 01 -- it stops at finish (setup end)

I'll attach the scripts if someone can check (last lines contain commands to run self-extracting executables for the settings)

I just need to fix these programs to be able to make a cd and finally reinstall the OS

Please help!



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Does anyone have an autoit script ready for any of these programs?

It seems like autoit cannot recognize one of the installation windows and it freezes. I'm not sure though. I tried to use scite, but I get the same result

Someone answer please. Help! :)

Edited by Pao
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This may help with your FFDShow installer. Advice: Don't use WinDetectHiddenText unless you have to.

Opt("WinWaitDelay", 100)
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
;~ Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 1)
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)

; launch program blocking focus

$pid = _Run("codffds.exe")

; language
_WinWaitActive("Installer Language", "Please select a language.")

; intro
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703", "Welcome to the ffdshow Setup Wizard")

; license
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703 ", "License Agreement")

; options
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703 ", "Choose Components")
Send("{DOWN 7}{SPACE}{ENTER}")

; video codecs
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703", "Select supported video codecs")

; audio codecs
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703", "Select supported audio codecs")

; video filters
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703", "Select video filters which should be enabled by default")

; audio filters
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703", "Select audio filters which should be enabled by default")

; avisynth plugin path
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703", "Avisynth plugins directory")

; virtualdub path (default is C:\Programs\ffdshow)
If _WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703", "Select VirtualDub filters directory", 10) Then
    If Not WinActive("ffdshow-20050703", "Select VirtualDub filters directory") Then WinActivate("ffdshow-20050703", "Select VirtualDub filters directory")

; install path
If _WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703 ", "Choose Install Location", 10) Then
    Send("{RIGHT}{LEFT 7}")
    Send("{TAB 3}{ENTER}")

; start menu
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703 ", "Choose Start Menu Folder")

; complete
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703 ", "Installation Complete")

; complete
_WinWaitActive("ffdshow-20050703 ", "ffdshow has been installed on your computer.")


; settings

;resumes user input

Func _Run($file)
    If Not FileExists('codffds.exe') And Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\codffds.exe') Then
        Exit 1
    Return Run('"' & $file & '"')
EndFunc   ;==>_Run

Func _WinWaitActive($title, $text = '', $timeout = 9999)
    If WinWait($title, $text, $timeout) Then
        WinActivate($title, $text)
        WinWaitActive($title, $text)
        Return True
EndFunc   ;==>_WinWaitActive

If it fixes the problem then you can do similar to the rest. If I have to automate, then I will use WinWait and Control* functions if possible. Prefer silent install as little can go wrong.


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Oh thanks MHz for the answer. I'll try your method.

I managed to run ZoneAlarm and Mailwasher in the meantime. First problem was undetected keyboard commands, the second unrecognized window name.

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Yeah, I know MailWasher...is a Inno Setup so uses Inno Setup switches. Zonealarm, heck, sorry, does that work for you? :), only trouble for me to install it, It will not install for me.

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Yes, Zone Alarm finally installs correctly. I'll upload the working scripts (the old format)

I still cannot install the other two program though. And it's not a window name problem..it's like the script freezes on its own at same point.. dunno, I'll try again

p.s: I forgot to hide winzip serial inside the uploaded script.. how can I remove it?

Edited by Pao
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I tried a windows install with ONLY Winzip and Directshow in RunOnceEx but nothing.. they stop!!

I need someone who has managed to create a working autoit script for these 2 programs during unattended installation


Edited by Pao
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FFdShow using a silent install method within the script that I use. If not suitable, then I could try to automate it. I downloaded WinZip 11.1 from Download.com. Would that version be suitable to make a script with?

p.s. remove winzip attachment in 1st post using edit button at that post and use the combo box to select the attachment and the press the delete symbol.

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No, stop all! Sorry, I was completely wrong.

I found the reason for the scripts freezing.. there are windows which doesn't show in runonceex! I discovered this by dividing the scripts in two parts. Damn, all that checking and the reason was simple..

Anyway it would be a great thing if one could see where the script blocked directly from autoit icon

Thanks for the help mhz!


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