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Switch / Select / case

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ERROR: syntax error (illegal character)
        Case $Char_Mode = "

the whole function...

;Create a game in battlenet with dynamic waits & retries.
;Returns 0 if failed
;Returns 1 if success
Func CreateGame($Char_Mode, $Run_GameName = "error", $Run_PasswordType = "error")
    If ($Run_GameName = "error") Or ($Run_PasswordType = "error") Then
        LogEvent (1, "$Char_Mode must be either ""Battle"" or ""Single"". Please read the manual and configure the bot.")
        Return 0
        Case $Char_Mode = "Battle"
            For $Retry = 1 To 5
                LogEvent (0, "Attempting to create the game " & $GameName & $RunCount & " This is attempt number " & $Retry)
                MouseClick("Left", 590, 462, 1, $MenuMouseSpeed)
                If ScreenWait("CreateButton", 5000) = 0 Then
                    MouseClick("Left", 712, 461, 1, $MenuMouseSpeed)
                ;Send the Game Name
                If $Run_GameName = "Random" Then
                    For $N = 0 To Random(8, 10, 1)
                        $rand = Random(0, 1, 1)
                        Send(Chr(Mod(Random(1, 26, 1), ($rand * 16) + 10) + (($rand * 49) + 48))) ;Send an alphaneumeric random Digit
                    Send($Run_GameName & $RunCount)
                ;Send the Password
                If $Run_PasswordType = "Random" Then
                    Send(Random(100, 999999, 1))
                ElseIf $Run_PasswordType = "Numbered" Then
                MouseClick("Left", 676, 418, 1, $MenuMouseSpeed) ;Click create game
                If ScreenWait("GameJoin", 5000) = 0 Then
                    LogEvent (1, "Game create screen not detected after 5 seconds... will retry the game join.")
                    MouseClick("Left", 711, 461, 1, $MenuMouseSpeed)
                Local $Timeout = TimerInit()
                While ScreenCheck("GameJoin") = 1
                    If TimerDiff($Timeout) > 30000 Then
                        LogEvent (1, "Looks like we got stuck on the game create screen for over 30 seconds...")
                        Return 0
                If ScreenCheck("Lobby") = 1 Then
                    LogEvent (1, "Failed to Join! Bnet needs to fix their damn servers!!! Lets just retry...")
                ElseIf ScreenCheck("GUIBar") = 1 Then
                    LogEvent (0, "Successfully joined the game after " & Round((TimerDiff($Timeout) / 1000), 2) & " seconds.")
                    Return 1
                    LogEvent (1, "Hmm, looks like we got lost somewhere while attempting to create a game...")
                    Return 0
            LogEvent (1, "Failed to create a game after 5 retries.")
            Return 0
        Case $Char_Mode = "Single"
            MouseClick("Left", 394, 310, 1, $MenuMouseSpeed) ;Click the Single Player button on the main menu.
            If ScreenWait("CharacterSelect", 10000) = 0 Then Return 0
            MouseClick("Left", 173 + (IsInt($CharSlot / 2) * 277), 130 + (93 * (($CharSlot / 2) - 1)), 1, $MenuMouseSpeed) ;Click the character at the appropriate slot
            MouseClick("Left", 690, 556, 1, $MenuMouseSpeed) ;Click OK
            If ScreenWait("GameJoin", 5000) = 0 Then
                LogEvent (1, "Game create screen not detected after 5 seconds... will retry the game join.")
                MouseClick("Left", 711, 461, 1, $MenuMouseSpeed)
                Return 0
            Local $Timeout = TimerInit()
            While ScreenCheck("GameJoin") = 1
                If TimerDiff($Timeout) > 30000 Then
                    LogEvent (1, "Looks like we got stuck on the game create screen for over 30 seconds...")
                    Return 0
            If ScreenCheck("GUIBar") = 1 Then
                LogEvent (0, "Successfully joined the game after " & Round((TimerDiff($Timeout) / 1000), 2) & " seconds.")
                Return 1
                LogEvent (1, "Hmm, looks like we got lost somewhere while attempting to create a game...")
                Return 0
EndFunc   ;==>CreateGame

Tried both select & switch. Neither works. Do i really have improper synatx? The only other solution i can think of is either using a very bigass if/elseif, or splitting this into two functions.

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ERROR: syntax error (illegal character)
        Case $Char_Mode = "

Tried both select & switch. Neither works. Do i really have improper synatx? The only other solution i can think of is either using a very bigass if/elseif, or splitting this into two functions.

Have you tried your posted code ? gives a lot of errors except the one you posted ... so its difficult to help you .. :) Edited by JdeB

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Have you tried your posted code ? gives a lot of errors except the one you posted ... so its difficult to help you .. :)

Yes I'm sure it would cause a lot of errors if you tried to run it by itself since this is part of a very big script with multiple includes. After doing some testing, it seems that Select does not handle strings for some reason. I wonder if there is any way around this like by storing the string to compare in another variable... any suggestions? I would think this would be able to use strings.
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Yes I'm sure it would cause a lot of errors if you tried to run it by itself since this is part of a very big script with multiple includes. After doing some testing, it seems that Select does not handle strings for some reason. I wonder if there is any way around this like by storing the string to compare in another variable... any suggestions? I would think this would be able to use strings.

This code is OK:

Func CreateGame($Char_Mode, $Run_GameName = "error", $Run_PasswordType = "error")
        Case $Char_Mode = "Battle"
        Case $Char_Mode = "Single"

So problem is inside your code in Case and not with Case statement.

Try eliminating method.

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