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Adding Picture to words

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The following help I need is words. It collect picture from windows folder but

can I have it to instead of addpicture comamnd paste the picture i capture with

then save it, now what if file does exists? Can it be opened then add more picture on next line without earing all picture added previewsly?


; *******************************************************

; Example 1 - Create a word window with a new blank document,

; then add some pictures to the document.

; *******************************************************


#include <Word.au3>

$sPath = @WindowsDir & "\"

$search = FileFindFirstFile($sPath & "*.bmp")

; Check if the search was successful

If $search = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "No images found")



$oWordApp = _WordCreate ()

$oDoc = _WordDocGetCollection ($oWordApp, 0)

While 1

$file = FileFindNextFile($search)

If @error Then ExitLoop

$oShape = _WordDocAddPicture ($oDoc, $sPath & $file, 0, 1)

If Not @error Then $oShape.Range.InsertAfter (@CRLF)


; Close the search handle


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; *******************************************************
; Example 1 - Create a word window with a new blank document,
; then add some pictures to the document.
; *******************************************************
#include <Word.au3>

$sPath = @WindowsDir & "\"
$search = FileFindFirstFile($sPath & "*.bmp")

; Check if the search was successful
If $search = -1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "No images found")

I dont fully understand what you are trying to do.

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The script add picture that is located in windows into word document. Well I would like to hit PrintScreen and then paste in word document. then save it. Let hypothetically If there was a file exists like


If FileExists("D:\test.doc") Then

_WordDocOpen (blah,blah.blah,codes,codes, "D:\test.doc")



_WordCreate ("")


and save as test.doc


Let get to the point! I would like words to paste the printscreen i got on my clipboard also save it on words file automaticly.....

If words doesn't exists then create one and save it automaticly if words does exists then open existen file then modify add new picture to words to the next line and save automaticly

Edited by LukeJrs
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I think he's looking for an algorithm something like this...

If Word document (test.doc) exists, open it, paste image from clipboard (from PrintScreen) into document, then save.

Else, create new document, paste image from clipboard (from PrintScreen) into document, then save as test.doc.

Something like that perhaps?

And no, there's no way he used a translator, because there's no translator that would spell "automaticly" like that. :)

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This should do what you need.

#include <Word.au3>

Const $wdCollapseStart = 1
Const $wdCollapseEnd = 0

$sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\ScreenCap.doc"

$oWordApp = _WordCreate("", 0, 0)
; Open the specified word document or create it if it doesn't exist
$oDoc = _WordDocOpen($oWordApp, $sFilePath)
$oRange = $oDoc.Content
$oRange.Collapse ($wdCollapseEnd)
; Capture the whole screen
;~ Send("{PRINTSCREEN}")
; Capture the active window
_WordQuit($oWordApp, -1)
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