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Koda Addon Shaper


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I want all of you to meet a new addon for koda.

Shaper is a easy but yet unique, it allows you to do stuff that has been sitting there but nobody really has included it in their scripts to my knowledge.

Alright enough of my chatting heres what it does.

- It can make simple shapes out of your GUI (circles and squares mostly)

- It can create master pieces in minutes just a matter of clicking a few buttons


This is our first button it will create a simple shape of your choice and will even let you drag the corners of the shape you chose to give it more of a shape to your liking.



This button will delete a shape.

*Warning* once you merge two shapes there is no going back.



Merge will let you make all of your GUI's (Shapes) into one GUI/Shape


I am not finished yet you can even set pictures, buttons, text and all of the controls as normal but theres more you can even set transparency for a GUI/Shape.

heres a example of a merged GUI adding transparency

Global $Main[48]
;If you got 47 GUI/Shapes you put 48 always add 1 more to how many shapes you got

#include <GuiConstants.au3>
$Main = GuiCreate("MyGUI", 392, 320,-1, -1 , BitOR($WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
WinSetTrans($Main[7] , "" , 150);this will set GUI/Shape 7's transparency
While 1
    $msg = GuiGetMsg()
    Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
    Case Else

Thanks goes to Larry for this dll without it this project would be losted.

I am not English so sorry if this is hard to read I had to translate it on google.

In the zip add Shaper.exe or you can compile shaper.au3 to exe then put its in your Scite folder


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