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Posted (edited)







Until $Lineread2=""

Error: C:\Documents and Settings\Nobody\Desktop\Program\Array.au3 (16) : ==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:

Note: The program successfully opens a messagebox and shows Split[2] from all 4 lines, but If I have it read a string from a file and replace it with Split[2] it won't do it until this error is resolved. (my guess, since it didint work)

Ignore the line number, I have more code above this that isn't associated with this particular loop.

Edited by handro

Trace through and see what's happening. Every time you split the string, the number of elements becomes less and less. Eventually, you reach a point where you're trying to split an empty string with the comma character, which results in an array [1, ""] -- only 2 elements with the max index being 1.

[ WinINet.au3 | Array.au3 (Optimized) | _UnixTimeParse() ]


Trace through and see what's happening. Every time you split the string, the number of elements becomes less and less. Eventually, you reach a point where you're trying to split an empty string with the comma character, which results in an array [1, ""] -- only 2 elements with the max index being 1.


He is reading a file




Posted (edited)





If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop



$Worked=StringReplace($Replace,"John Williams",$Split[2],0,1)


If IsArray($Split2) And $Split2[0] >= 2 Then FileWriteLine($File,$Worked)

Until $Lineread2=""

When I would do this for example, it doesn't replace John Williams with what I have in my database.txt file

I changed up to actually editing the files since there were no array errors this time

Edited by handro
Posted (edited)

The only issue I could find is that when i do


it returns:

1(clicked ok)

2 ( ok)

3 (ok)

4 (ok)

It should return the file names ( I created them using a do loop earlier in the program, the first part has no problems making them, just modifying them after theyre made)



My database file contains 4 lines and looks like this:

1, Name, image.jpg

2, Name, image.jpg


Heres the code again:





If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop



$Worked=StringReplace($Replace,"John Williams",$Split[2],0,1)


If IsArray($Split2) And $Split2[0] >= 2 Then FileWriteLine($File,$Worked)

Until $Lineread2=""

Edited by handro


***** $DirN and $Split are unknown to me

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop
If IsArray($Split2) And $Split2[0] >= 2 Then
    $Replace=FileReadLine("C:\Test\"&$DirN[1]&"."&$Split[1]&"\cap2.htm",48) ;***** $DirN and $Split are unknown to me
    $Worked=StringReplace($Replace,"John Williams",$Split[2],0,1)
Until $Lineread2=""



Posted (edited)

ah i see,



Those are the strings I forgot to mention, I am sorry

Edited by handro

ah i see,



Those are the strings I forgot to mention, I am sorry

I didn't get that you seemed to get $Split and $Split2 both equal to the same array.

So, is this what it's supposed to look like?

$Line2 = 0
    $Line2 += 1
    $LineRead2 = FileReadLine("Database.txt", $Line2)
    If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop

    $Split = StringSplit($LineRead2, ",")
    If IsArray($Split) And $Split[0] >= 2 Then
        $DirN = StringSplit($Split[3], ".")
        $Replace = FileReadLine("C:\Test\" & $DirN[1] & "." & $Split[1] & "\cap2.htm", 48)
        $Worked = StringReplace($Replace, "John Williams", $Split[2], 0, 1)
        $File = FileOpen("C:\Test\" & $DirN[1] & "." & $Split[1] & "\cap2.htm", 1)
        FileWriteLine($File, $Worked)
Until $LineRead2 = ""


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law

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