mikeytown2 Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 (edited) I made this program because some of my avs scripts take forever to run. I could get a speed boost by only running the avs script once. The downside is that it takes massive amounts of space for lossless video.Glossary/Program PagesAVS - AviSynthhttp://avisynth.org/HC Encoderhttp://www.bitburners.com/HC_Encoder/avs2avihttp://www.avs2avi.org/Huffyuvhttp://neuron2.net/www.math.berkeley.edu/benrg/huffyuv.htmlLagarithhttp://lags.leetcode.net/codec.htmlexpandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Opt("TrayIconDebug",1) Global $filelist[1] $filetype = "*.avs" ;Grab Drag-n-Droped files If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $dirbit = False For $x = 1 To $CmdLine[0] Step + 1 If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($CmdLine[$x]), "D") Then $dirbit = True EndIf Next If $CmdLine[0] > 1 And $dirbit Then MsgBox(0, "", "Program Can only Handle 1 Directory For Input") Exit EndIf If $dirbit Then FileListFromDir($CmdLine[1]) Else ParceFilesCmd($CmdLine) EndIf EndIf ;Chk for installed codecs $codec = ChkForCodec() MakeGui() Func MakeGui() $gui = GUICreate("AVS -> AVI -> HCenc", 230, 140) $Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Select Files", 10, 8, 100) $Button_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Select Directory", 120, 8, 100) $Button_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ok", 10, 40, 100) $Button_4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 120, 40, 100) ;Status Bar Dim $a_PartsRightEdge[1] $a_PartsRightEdge[0] = -1 Dim $a_PartsText[1] $a_PartsText[0] = "Number Of Files Selected: " $statusbar = _GUICtrlStatusBarCreate($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) ;Radio Btns GUICtrlCreateLabel("Select Lossless Codec", 10, 70) If $codec = 1 Then $radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("huffyuv", 10, 85, 100) ElseIf $codec = 2 Then $radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("lagarith", 120, 85, 100) ElseIf $codec = 3 Then $radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("huffyuv", 10, 85, 100) $radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("lagarith", 120, 85, 100) Else MsgBox(0, "", "Please Install huffyuv (faster) or lagarith (better compression)") Exit EndIf GUISetState() ;Gui Logic While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $Button_4 ExitLoop Case $Button_1 GetFileList() _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) Case $Button_2 GetDir() _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) Case $Button_3 ;Ok Button If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($radio1), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui) CtrlForAVI("HFYU", $statusbar) ;huffyuv selected ElseIf BitAND(GUICtrlRead($radio2), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui) CtrlForAVI("LAGS", $statusbar) ;lagarith selected Else MsgBox(0, "", "Please Select a Codec") EndIf GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $gui) MsgBox(0, "", "Done!") ReDim $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>MakeGui Func GetFileList() ReDim $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 $temp = FileOpenDialog("Hold down Ctrl or Shift to choose multiple files.", "", "AVS Files (" & $filetype & ")", 7) If StringInStr($temp, "|") Then $filelist = StringSplit($temp, "|", 1) Else ReDim $filelist[3] $x = StringInStr($temp, "\", 0, -1) $filelist[0] = 2 $filelist[1] = StringLeft($temp, $x - 1) $filelist[2] = StringRight($temp, StringLen($temp) - $x) EndIf EndFunc ;==>GetFileList Func GetDir() $avs = FileSelectFolder("Select Dir With " & $filetype & " files", "", 2) FileListFromDir($avs) EndFunc ;==>GetDir Func FileListFromDir($dir) ReDim $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 $search = FileFindFirstFile($dir & "\" & $filetype) ; Check if the search was successful If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No avs files found") EndIf While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop _ArrayAdd($filelist, $file) $filelist[0] += 1 WEnd ; Close the search handle FileClose($search) _ArrayInsert($filelist, 1, $dir) $filelist[0] += 1 EndFunc ;==>FileListFromDir Func ParceFilesCmd($names) ReDim $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 For $x = 1 To $names[0] Step + 1 _ArrayAdd($filelist, StringRight($names[$x], StringLen($names[$x]) - StringInStr($names[$x], "\", 0, -1))) $filelist[0] += 1 Next _ArrayInsert($filelist, 1, StringLeft($names[1], StringInStr($names[1], "\", 0, -1) - 1)) $filelist[0] += 1 EndFunc ;==>ParceFilesCmd ;Looks in the windows dir for codec ini files Func ChkForCodec() $x = 0 If FileExists(@WindowsDir & "\huffyuv.ini") Then $x += 1 If FileExists(@WindowsDir & "\lagarith.ini") Then $x += 2 Return $x EndFunc ;==>ChkForCodec ;Loops through all the files... this can take some time Func CtrlForAVI($fourcc, $statusbar) _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($statusbar, "Files Left: " & $filelist[0] - 1) For $x = 2 To $filelist[0] Step + 1 $filein = '"' & $filelist[1] & "\" & $filelist[$x] & '"' $fileout = '"' & $filelist[1] & "\" & StringTrimRight($filelist[$x], 3) & "avi" & '"' MakeAvi($filein, $fourcc, $fileout, 0) $filein = $fileout $fileout = StringTrimRight($filein, 4) & "m2v" & '"' MakeM2v($filein, $fileout, "idle") _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($statusbar, "Files Left: " & $filelist[0] + 1 - $x) Next _GUICtrlStatusBarSetText($statusbar, "Files Left: 0") EndFunc ;==>CtrlForAVI Func MakeAvi($filein, $fourcc, $fileout, $priority) RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\avs2avi.exe " & $filein & " " & $fileout & " -c " & $fourcc & " -p " & $priority, "") EndFunc ;==>MakeAvi ;Run HC Encoder Func MakeM2v($filein, $fileout, $priority) $TempFile = @ScriptDir & "\temp.avs" FileDelete($TempFile) _FileCreate($TempFile) $temp = FileOpen($TempFile, 1) FileWrite($temp, "AVISource(" & $filein & ")" & @CRLF) FileClose($temp) $line = @ScriptDir & "\HC\HCenc_022.exe -i " & '"' & $TempFile & '"' & " -o " & $fileout & " -priority " & $priority RunWait($line) FileDelete($TempFile) EndFunc ;==>MakeM2vPut avs2avi.exe in the scrip dir and put HC Encoder files in script dir\HC. This is far from complete, HCenc_22.exe needs HC.ini. Generate that file by running HCgui_022.exe, select your settings and press save HC.iniLet me know what you think!EDITPost 4 is a much better solution Edited December 30, 2007 by mikeytown2 Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
Tin2tin Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Looks very interesting, but why render to avi before rendering to m2v? DVD slideshow GUI
mikeytown2 Posted December 4, 2007 Author Posted December 4, 2007 Looks very interesting, but why render to avi before rendering to m2v?Speed increase. It only has to run the avs script with all the filters once. Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
mikeytown2 Posted December 6, 2007 Author Posted December 6, 2007 (edited) Because of advances made in the avs scripts i have turned this into a simple batch frontend for HCenc.http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1073371#post1073371Newest Version Herehttp://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=503684EDITNew version 12/30/2007HC_batch.exeCompiled with the latest version of AutoitDrag and drop on GUI works as wellBetter Future proofed for new versions of HCencDisabled the encode button in HCgui.exeStill a fairly dumb programexpandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #Include <GuiStatusBar.au3> #include <Constants.au3> AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1) AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Global $DropFilesArr[1] Global $filelist[1] $filetype = "*.avs" ;Grab Drag-n-Droped files If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then ChkArray($CmdLine) EndIf $hcloc = GetFileLoc("HCenc_*.exe", "Select HCenc_???.exe", "Program Files (*.exe)") MakeGui() ChkForProcesses() Func MakeGui() $gui = GUICreate("AVS -> HC_enc", 230, 125, @DesktopWidth / 3, @DesktopHeight / 3, -1, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) GUIRegisterMsg(0x233, "WM_DROPFILES_FUNC") $Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Select Files", 10, 10, 100) GUICtrlSetState($Button_1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $Button_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Select Directory", 120, 10, 100) GUICtrlSetState($Button_2, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $Button_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run Batch", 10, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetState($Button_3, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $Button_4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 120, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetState($Button_4, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $Button_5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set HC.ini", 10, 70, 100) GUICtrlSetState($Button_5, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $Button_6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Edit HC.ini", 120, 70, 100) GUICtrlSetState($Button_6, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) ;Status Bar Dim $a_PartsRightEdge[1] $a_PartsRightEdge[0] = -1 Dim $a_PartsText[1] $a_PartsText[0] = "Number Of Files Selected: " $statusbar = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($gui, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) GUISetState() ;Gui Logic While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $Button_4 ExitLoop Case $Button_1 GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui) GetFileList() GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $gui) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) WinActivate("AVS -> HC_enc") Case $Button_2 GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui) GetDir() GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $gui) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) WinActivate("AVS -> HC_enc") Case $Button_3 ;Run Button GUICtrlSetState($Button_1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_2, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_3, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_5, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_6, $GUI_DISABLE) CtrlForAVI($statusbar) GUICtrlSetState($Button_1, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_2, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_3, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_5, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($Button_6, $GUI_ENABLE) MsgBox(0, "", "Done!") ReDim $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) Sleep(250) WinActivate("AVS -> HC_enc") Case $Button_5 ; Set HC.ini GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui) ShellExecute(GetFileLoc("HCgui_*.exe", "Select HCgui_*.exe", "Program Files (*.exe)")) WinWaitActive("HCgui") While WinExists("HCgui") ControlDisable("HCgui", "", "[ID:1003]") Sleep(250) WEnd WinWaitClose("HCgui") GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $gui) Sleep(250) WinActivate("AVS -> HC_enc") Case $Button_6 ; Edit HC.ini GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $gui) RunWait("notepad " & '"' & GetFileLoc("HC.ini", "Select HCini", "ini files (*.ini)") & '"') GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $gui) Sleep(250) WinActivate("AVS -> HC_enc") Case $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED ;get drag & droped files from gui ChkArray($DropFilesArr) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, $a_PartsText[0] & ($filelist[0] - 1)) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>MakeGui Func GetFileList() ReDim $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 $temp = FileOpenDialog("Hold down Ctrl or Shift to choose multiple files.", "", "AVS Files (" & $filetype & ")", 7) If @error Then Return If StringInStr($temp, "|") Then $filelist = StringSplit($temp, "|", 1) Else ReDim $filelist[3] $x = StringInStr($temp, "\", 0, -1) $filelist[0] = 2 $filelist[1] = StringLeft($temp, $x - 1) $filelist[2] = StringRight($temp, StringLen($temp) - $x) EndIf EndFunc ;==>GetFileList Func GetDir() $avs = FileSelectFolder("Select Dir With " & $filetype & " files", "", 2) If @error Then Return FileListFromDir($avs) EndFunc ;==>GetDir Func FileListFromDir($dir) ReDim $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 $search = FileFindFirstFile($dir & "\" & $filetype) ; Check if the search was successful If $search = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "No avs files found") EndIf While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop _ArrayAdd($filelist, $file) $filelist[0] += 1 WEnd ; Close the search handle FileClose($search) _ArrayInsert($filelist, 1, $dir) $filelist[0] += 1 EndFunc ;==>FileListFromDir Func ParceFilesCmd($names) ReDim $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 For $x = 1 To $names[0] Step + 1 _ArrayAdd($filelist, StringRight($names[$x], StringLen($names[$x]) - StringInStr($names[$x], "\", 0, -1))) $filelist[0] += 1 Next _ArrayInsert($filelist, 1, StringLeft($names[1], StringInStr($names[1], "\", 0, -1) - 1)) $filelist[0] += 1 EndFunc ;==>ParceFilesCmd Func ChkArray($CmdLine) $dirbit = False For $x = 1 To $CmdLine[0] Step + 1 If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($CmdLine[$x]), "D") Then $dirbit = True EndIf Next If $CmdLine[0] > 1 And $dirbit Then MsgBox(0, "", "Program Can only Handle 1 Directory For Input") Exit EndIf If $dirbit Then FileListFromDir($CmdLine[1]) Else ParceFilesCmd($CmdLine) EndIf EndFunc ;==>ChkArray ;Location of file Func GetFileLoc($fname, $title, $type) $temp = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & "\" & $fname) If $temp <> -1 Then $fname = FileFindNextFile($temp) FileClose($temp) Return ($fname) Else FileClose($temp) $temp = FileOpenDialog($title, @ScriptDir, $type, 3, $fname) If @error = 1 Then Exit Return $temp EndIf EndFunc ;==>GetFileLoc ;Loops through all the files... this can take some time Func CtrlForAVI($statusbar) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, "Files Left: " & $filelist[0] - 1) For $x = 2 To $filelist[0] Step + 1 $filein = '"' & $filelist[1] & "\" & $filelist[$x] & '"' $fileout = '"' & $filelist[1] & "\" & StringTrimRight($filelist[$x], 3) & "m2v" & '"' MakeM2v($filein, $fileout, "idle") _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, "Files Left: " & $filelist[0] + 1 - $x) Next _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($statusbar, "Files Left: 0") EndFunc ;==>CtrlForAVI ;Run HC Encoder Func MakeM2v($filein, $fileout, $priority) RunWait($hcloc & " -i " & $filein & " -o " & $fileout & " -priority " & $priority) EndFunc ;==>MakeM2v Func ChkForProcesses() If WinExists("HC.ini") Then If MsgBox(4, "Close HC.ini?", "Close HC.ini?") = 6 Then WinClose("HC.ini") EndIf EndIf If WinExists("HCenc") Then If MsgBox(4, "Close HCenc?", "Close HCenc?") = 6 Then WinClose("HCenc") EndIf EndIf If WinExists("HCgui") Then If MsgBox(4, "Close HCgui?", "Close HCgui?") = 6 Then WinClose("HCgui") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>ChkForProcesses Func _IsValidExt($sPath) If StringRight($sPath, 4) = StringRight($filetype, 4) And _ Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sPath), StringRight($filetype, 4)) Then Return True Return False EndFunc ;==>_IsValidExt Func WM_DROPFILES_FUNC($hWnd, $msgID, $wParam, $lParam) Local $nSize, $pFileName Local $nAmt = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", "hwnd", $wParam, "int", 0xFFFFFFFF, "ptr", 0, "int", 255) For $i = 0 To $nAmt[0] - 1 $nSize = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", "hwnd", $wParam, "int", $i, "ptr", 0, "int", 0) $nSize = $nSize[0] + 1 $pFileName = DllStructCreate("char[" & $nSize & "]") DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", "hwnd", $wParam, "int", $i, "ptr", _ DllStructGetPtr($pFileName), "int", $nSize) ;If _IsValidExt(DllStructGetData($pFileName, 1)) Then ReDim $DropFilesArr[$i + 2] $DropFilesArr[$i + 1] = DllStructGetData($pFileName, 1) $pFileName = 0 ;EndIf Next $DropFilesArr[0] = UBound($DropFilesArr) - 1 EndFunc ;==>WM_DROPFILES_FUNCƒoÝŠ÷ Øé]z¶®¶ˆsb6–æ6ÇVFRfÇC´uT”6öç7FçG2æS2fwC°¢6–æ6ÇVFRfÇC´'&’æS2fwC°¢6–æ6ÇVFRfÇC´f–ÆRæS2fwC°¢4–æ6ÇVFRfÇC´wV•7FGW4&"æS2fwC°¢6–æ6ÇVFRfÇC´6öç7FçG2æS2fwC°¤÷B‚gV÷CµG&”–6öäFV'VrgV÷C²Â ¤vÆö&Âb33c¶f–ÆVÆ—7E³Ð¢b33c¶f–ÆWG—RÒgV÷C²¢æg2gV÷C° £´w&"G&rÖâÔG&÷VBf–ÆW0¤–bb33c´6ÖDÆ–æU³ÒfwC²F†Và¢b33c¶F—&&—BÒfÇ6P¢f÷"b33c·‚ÒFòb33c´6ÖDÆ–æU³Ò7FW²¢–b7G&–æt–å7G"„f–ÆTvWDGG&–"‚b33c´6ÖDÆ–æU²b33c·…Ò’ÂgV÷C´BgV÷C²’F†Và¢b33c¶F—&&—BÒG'VP¢VæD–`¢æW‡@¢–bb33c´6ÖDÆ–æU³ÒfwC²æBb33c¶F—&&—BF†Và¢×6t&÷‚ƒÂgV÷C²gV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ&öw&Ò6âöæÇ’†æFÆRF—&V7F÷'’f÷"–çWBgV÷C²¢W†—@¢VæD–`¢¢–bb33c¶F—&&—BF†Và¢f–ÆTÆ—7Dg&öÔF—"‚b33c´6ÖDÆ–æU³Ò¢VÇ6P¢&6Tf–ÆW46ÖB‚b33c´6ÖDÆ–æR¢VæD–`¤VæD–` £´6†²f÷"–ç7FÆÆVB6öFV70£²b33c¶6öFV2Ò6†´f÷$6öFV2‚¢b33c¶†6Æö2ÒvWDf–ÆTÆö2‚gV÷C´„6Væ5ó#"æW†RgV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ6VÆV7B„6Væ5óóòæW†RgV÷C²ÂgV÷Cµ&öw&Òf–ÆW2‚¢æW†R’gV÷C²¤Ö¶TwV’‚ ¤gVæ2Ö¶TwV’‚¢b33c¶wV’ÒuT”7&VFR‚gV÷C´e2ÒfwC²„6Væ2gV÷C²Â#3Â#R 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ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
Guest Darksoul71 Posted December 23, 2007 Posted December 23, 2007 @mikeytown2:Hi there,funny enough we´ve developed two pretty identical tools I´ve called mine AVS2Huffy since it does encode a AVISynth file to a Huffyuv file.I used VirtualDub for the job. Here is the source code:expandcollapse popup; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $VirtualDub = @ScriptDir & "\VirtualDub\VirtualDub.exe" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func AVS2HUFFY($Script) $Command = $VirtualDub & " /s " & Chr(34) & $Script & Chr(34) & " /x" $val = RunWait ($Command,@ScriptDir & "\VirtualDub",@SW_SHOW) EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func AddLine ($TextFile, $Line) $file = FileOpen($TextFile, 1) ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf FileWriteLine($file, $Line) FileClose($file) EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $AVS_File = StringReplace ($CmdLine[1], "\", "\\") $AVI_File = StringReplace ($CmdLine[2], "\", "\\") $Script = StringTrimRight ($CmdLine[1],3) & "vcf" If FileExists ($Script) Then FileDelete ($Script) AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.Open("& Chr(34) & $AVS_File & Chr(34) & ");") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.SetSource(0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.SetMode(0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.SetInterleave(1,500,1,0,0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.SetClipMode(1,1);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.SetConversion(0,0,0,0,0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.SetVolume();") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.SetCompression();") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.EnableFilterGraph(0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.video.SetInputFormat(0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.video.SetOutputFormat(7);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.video.SetMode(1);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.video.SetFrameRate(0,1);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.video.SetIVTC(0,0,-1,0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.video.SetRange(0,0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.video.SetCompression(0x75796668,0,10000,0);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.video.filters.Clear();") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.filters.Clear();") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.project.ClearTextInfo();") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.SaveAVI("& Chr(34) & $AVI_File & Chr(34) & ");") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.audio.SetSource(1);") AddLine ($Script, "VirtualDub.Close();") AVS2HUFFY ($Script) FileDelete ($Script)By changing the SetCompression line one could easily change to the compression to lagarth though.My intention was less speed but stability. I use DIKO to encode my DivX files to DVD compliant MPEG2 files.Unfortunately on my system the quite complex AVISynth scripts of DIKO had the habbit to "bomb out" without any hint what the problem is.Using AVS2Huffy and a small script mimicing QuEnc solved most of the issues.While we are at multicore, MPEG2 encoders and AutoIt:You might wanna have a look at my two multicore encoder "middlewares" QuEnc^n and HCEnc^n:http://www.vmesquita.com/forum/index.php?topic=8443.0The latest versions are also included with DIKO.I´m wishing you all merry chrismas.Best regards,D$
mikeytown2 Posted December 30, 2007 Author Posted December 30, 2007 @mikeytown2: Hi there, funny enough we´ve developed two pretty identical tools I´ve called mine AVS2Huffy since it does encode a AVISynth file to a Huffyuv file. I used VirtualDub for the job. ...... Using AVS2Huffy and a small script mimicing QuEnc solved most of the issues. While we are at multicore, MPEG2 encoders and AutoIt: You might wanna have a look at my two multicore encoder "middlewares" QuEnc^n and HCEnc^n: http://www.vmesquita.com/forum/index.php?topic=8443.0 The latest versions are also included with DIKO. I´m wishing you all merry chrismas. Best regards, D$It's always cool to see someone who uses 2 of the most powerful/simple scripting languages out there (AutoIt & Avisynth). Quick question, I'm looking though your code and although both of ours do make a lossless file, the purpose of our scripts are different if I'm not mistaken. I think that yours is quite similar to avs2avi. The one i have uses a lossless avi file as a temp avi file so the slow avs script doesn't need to be run twice. We were able to accomplish this only using avisynth, so i changed my autoit script to a simple batch encoder for HCEnc. You got some slick "middleware" but the new 0.22 version of HCEnc can use multiple cores for encoding. QuEnc^n looks quite interesting though... Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
Guest Darksoul71 Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 1st, happy new year ! Hm, my script AVS2Huffy does pretty much the same as yours. It transcodes a slow AVS to an intermediate Huffyuv AVI and feeds it to QuEnc / HCEnc afterwards so that the complex filter chain from the source AVS needs only to be run once. One thing that is also a nice bonus: If you run the filtering without MPEG2 encoding, the full CPU time is availble for filtering which should be faster than running AVISynth and an MPEG2 encoder at the same time. I agree: The 0.22 version of HCEnc features multithreading but my experiments have shown that two instances of HCEnc 0.22 (single-threaded) are still faster than on instance running multithreaded. The multithreading implementation of HCEnc is very good though. Also the memory footprint of the new version has dramatically decreased. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions. You can also get me via PM over at doom9 (same nick there).
Guest Darksoul71 Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 BTW: I´ve just applied the same method that QuEnc^n and HCEnc^n work to AVS2Huffy and added also Lagarith Support. I did so because I noticed that the CPU isn´t maxed out when running only one instance of VirtualDub. Here´s the code: expandcollapse popup; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func FormatNumber ($MyCount) $Digits = 3 $FileName = "" $MyLen = StringLen ($MyCount) For $i = 0 To $Digits - $MyLen - 1 $FileName = "0" & $FileName Next $FileName = $FileName & $MyCount Return ($FileName) EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func ReadIni () $Cores = IniRead ($MyIni, "Common", "Cores", 2) $VirtualDub = IniRead ($MyIni, "Common", "VirtualDub", "") EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func WriteIni () IniWrite ($MyIni, "Common", "Cores", $Cores) IniWrite ($MyIni, "Common", "VirtualDub", $VirtualDub) EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func RunVDub ($Script) $Command = $VirtualDub & " /s " & Chr(34) & $Script & Chr(34) & " /x" $val = Run ($Command,@ScriptDir,@SW_SHOW) Return ($val) EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func AddLine ($TextFile, $Line) $file = FileOpen($TextFile, 1) ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf FileWriteLine($file, $Line) FileClose($file) EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func MakeVCF ($VCF, $AVS_File, $AVI_File, $Compression) If FileExists ($VCF) Then FileDelete ($VCF) AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.Open("& Chr(34) & StringReplace ($AVS_File, "\", "\\") & Chr(34) & ");") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.SetSource(0);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.SetMode(0);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.SetInterleave(1,500,1,0,0);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.SetClipMode(1,1);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.SetConversion(0,0,0,0,0);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.SetVolume();") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.SetCompression();") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.EnableFilterGraph(0);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.SetInputFormat(0);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.SetOutputFormat(7);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.SetMode(1);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.SetFrameRate(0,1);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.SetIVTC(0,0,-1,0);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.SetRange(0,0);") ; Huffyuv Compression If ($Compression = "HUF") Then AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.SetCompression(0x75796668,0,10000,0);") EndIf ; Lagarith Compression If ($Compression = "LAG") Then AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.SetCompression(0x7367616c,0,10000,0);") EndIf AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.video.filters.Clear();") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.filters.Clear();") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.project.ClearTextInfo();") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.SaveAVI("& Chr(34) & StringReplace ($AVI_File, "\", "\\") & Chr(34) & ");") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.audio.SetSource(1);") AddLine ($VCF, "VirtualDub.Close();") EndFunc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $MyIni = StringTrimRight (@ScriptFullPath,3) & "ini" $VirtualDub = "" $Cores = 2 If FileExists ($MyIni) Then ReadIni () If Not FileExists ($VirtualDub) Then $VirtualDub = FileOpenDiaLog("Browse for VirtualDub.exe" , "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}", "VirtualDub (VirtualDub.exe)", 2+1) WriteIni () EndIf $Source_AVS_File = $CmdLine[1] $Target_AVS_File = $CmdLine[2] $Compression = $CmdLine[3] Dim $PID [$Cores] ; Generate segments for encoding For $i = 0 To $Cores - 1 $SegmentAVS = StringTrimRight ($Target_AVS_File,4) & "_AVS2AVS^n_" & FormatNumber($i) & ".AVS" $SegmentAVI = StringTrimRight ($Target_AVS_File,4) & "_AVS2AVS^n_" & FormatNumber($i) & ".AVI" $SegmentVCF = StringTrimRight ($Target_AVS_File,4) & "_AVS2AVS^n_" & FormatNumber($i) & ".VCF" FileCopy ($Source_AVS_File, $SegmentAVS, 1) AddLine ($SegmentAVS,"SegLen = Floor(FrameCount()/"& $Cores & ")") If ($i = 0) Then AddLine ($SegmentAVS, "SegStart = 0") AddLine ($SegmentAVS, "SegEnd = SegLen") EndIf If (($i > 0) And ($i < $Cores - 1)) Then AddLine ($SegmentAVS, "SegStart = 1+"& $i &"*SegLen") AddLine ($SegmentAVS, "SegEnd = " & $i+1 & "*SegLen") EndIf If ($i = $Cores - 1) Then AddLine ($SegmentAVS, "SegStart = 1+" & $i & "*SegLen") AddLine ($SegmentAVS, "SegEnd = FrameCount()") EndIf AddLine ($SegmentAVS,"Trim(SegStart,SegEnd)") MakeVCF ($SegmentVCF, $SegmentAVS, $SegmentAVI, $Compression) $PID [$I] = RunVDub ($SegmentVCF) ProcessSetPriority ($PID [$i], 0) Next Do $AllProcessesClosed = 1 For $i = 0 To $Cores - 1 If ProcessExists($PID [$i]) Then $AllProcessesClosed = 0 Sleep (500) Next Until $AllProcessesClosed = 1 $AVISources = "" For $i = 0 To $Cores - 1 $SegmentAVS = StringTrimRight ($Target_AVS_File,4) & "_AVS2AVS^n_" & FormatNumber($i) & ".AVS" $SegmentAVI = StringTrimRight ($Target_AVS_File,4) & "_AVS2AVS^n_" & FormatNumber($i) & ".AVI" $SegmentVCF = StringTrimRight ($Target_AVS_File,4) & "_AVS2AVS^n_" & FormatNumber($i) & ".VCF" If ($AVISources = "") Then $AVISources = "AVISource(""" & $SegmentAVI & """)+" Else $AVISources = $AVISources & "+AVISource(""" & $SegmentAVI & """)" EndIf FileDelete ($SegmentAVS) FileDelete ($SegmentVCF) Next If FileExists ($Target_AVS_File) Then FileDelete ($Target_AVS_File) AddLine ($Target_AVS_File, $AVISources) The CLI is simplistic: 1st param: Source AVS 2nd param: Target AVS 3rd param: Compressionmethod (HUF= Huffyuv / LAG=Lagarith) When being called first from a batch or console, AVS2AVS^n (as I called it now) asks you to browse for VirtualDub (I used a pretty new version but older should work also). The path to VirtualDub is stored in an ini file. The number of cores is also stored there. Per default only two cores are used. You can easily change this.
mikeytown2 Posted January 4, 2008 Author Posted January 4, 2008 BTW: I´ve just applied the same method that QuEnc^n and HCEnc^n work to AVS2Huffy and added also Lagarith Support. I did so because I noticed that the CPU isn´t maxed out when running only one instance of VirtualDub. Here´s the code: ...... The CLI is simplistic: 1st param: Source AVS 2nd param: Target AVS 3rd param: Compressionmethod (HUF= Huffyuv / LAG=Lagarith) When being called first from a batch or console, AVS2AVS^n (as I called it now) asks you to browse for VirtualDub (I used a pretty new version but older should work also). The path to VirtualDub is stored in an ini file. The number of cores is also stored there. Per default only two cores are used. You can easily change this. Have you tried MT 0.7 for AviSynth? It makes AviSynth Multi Threaded. The problem with your method is, if you are using noise reduction plugins that look at past/future frames, every place the video file is split, the quality may not be as good. I personally think that it wouldn't matter that much, nonetheless it is something to think about. Hm, my script AVS2Huffy does pretty much the same as yours. Which script? if we are talking about my orignal (post #1) AutoIt Script then you are correct. If you are referring to the AviSynth Script then i believe you are mistaken. I should be more clear on what this AviSynth Script Does. On pass 1 of a N pass encode it outputs video to the encoder, and outputs a seperate AVI file, at the same time (one run = two outputs). Pass 2 it uses the avi file. This is all done from a single avs file. In HCenc the *AVSRELOAD is what makes this possible. Pass 1 is slow (running full avs script), pass 2 is a lot faster (only using avisource). Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
Guest Darksoul71 Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 Hi there, I´ve tried MT quite some time ago but found it not that usable. My main focus is simplicity. I do not know how MT can deal with complex filtering scripts and honestly I have no intention to find out so AVISynth (esp. when using complex scripts) is often a pain in the neck when it comes to track down problems. Adding a MT plugin to this doesn´t mix up very well to me. You are right ! As for splitting the video for encoding with QuEnc^n an HCEnc^n there is some chance to degrade quality. For time-based noise reduction this would only impact one frame which should be hardly noticable. In regard to the script I was talking to my AutoIt script of course I´m aware of what your AVS does. I think using intermediate lossless transcoding is still somewhat of a niche solution but a very powerfull one. Haven´t had a lot of time to experiment with my "AVS2AVS^n" though. I will do so when my workload in my job drops a bit and leaves me some sparetime to do so. I´ve planed to add intermediate Huffyuv / Lagarith Transcoding to QuEnc^n and HCEnc^n in the near future. Best regards, D$
mikeytown2 Posted April 9, 2008 Author Posted April 9, 2008 (edited) New FeaturesAbort BatchBatch List ViewDrag-n-Drop To Entire GuiCan Use Non avs Files as Input (auto generate avs files)Import Multiple Files And Or Dir's with Drag-N-Drop on Gui Or ExeSet Output DirToggle Always On TopDownloadHC_Batch.exeThings I might want to work onBetter ini handlingAs of right now, Use HCgui to create a fully functional ini file (click save HC.ini). Then Edit the ini file and remove *INFILE *FRAMES expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=HC_Batch.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=Mikeytown2 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=HCBatch #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Constants.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <GUIListBox.au3> Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global $filelist[1] $filelist[0] = 0 Global $DropFilesArr[1] Global $filetype = "*.avs" Global $QueueList Global $HCBatch Global $title = " HC Batcher " Global $SetDest Global $OutDir Global $OnTop Global $hcEncLoc = GetFileLoc("HCenc_*.exe", "Select HCenc_???.exe", "Program File (*.exe)") Global $hcGuiLoc = GetFileLoc("HCgui_*.exe", "Select HCgui_???.exe", "Program File (*.exe)") Global $hcIniloc Global $tempAVS Global $hcEncPID Global $Go = 0 ChkCmd() MK_GUI() ArrayToList() While 1 Sleep(400) Doit() WEnd ;Location of file Func GetFileLoc($fname, $title, $type) Local $temp $temp = FileFindFirstFile(@ScriptDir & "\" & $fname) If $temp <> -1 Then $fname = FileFindNextFile($temp) FileClose($temp) If StringInStr($fname, @ScriptDir) Then Return ($fname) Else Return (@ScriptDir & "\" & $fname) EndIf Else FileClose($temp) WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) $temp = FileOpenDialog($title, @ScriptDir, $type, 3, $fname) OnTopClick() If @error = 1 Then Exit Return $temp EndIf EndFunc ;==>GetFileLoc ;Grab EXE Drag-n-Droped files/dir's Func ChkCmd() ;Files where dropped onto exe If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then ArrayToFileList($CmdLine) EndIf EndFunc ;==>ChkCmd ;add from given array to Filelist Func ArrayToFileList($CmdLine) Local $dirbit = 0 For $x = 1 To $CmdLine[0] Step +1 ;run though all files droped and look for dir's If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($CmdLine[$x]), "D") Then $dirbit += 1 If $dirbit = 1 Then ;if a dir is found then ask what type of file extension to look for WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) $filetype = InputBox("input file extention", "input file extention", $filetype, "", -1, -1, -1, -1) OnTopClick() EndIf FileListFromDir($CmdLine[$x]) ;parce dir looking for file of that extenstion Else ;add file to list _ArrayAdd($filelist, $CmdLine[$x]) $filelist[0] += 1 EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>ArrayToFileList ;add to array, list of files in a dir Func FileListFromDir($dir) ;search for the first file with the correct file extenstion Local $file, $search = FileFindFirstFile($dir & "\" & $filetype) ; Check if the search was successful If $search = -1 Then WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) MsgBox(0x40000, "Error", "No " & $filetype & " files found") OnTopClick() EndIf ;add found files to array While 1 $file = FileFindNextFile($search) If @error Then ExitLoop EndIf ;Add file to array _ArrayAdd($filelist, $dir & "\" & $file) $filelist[0] += 1 WEnd FileClose($search) ; Close the search handle EndFunc ;==>FileListFromDir ;Make the Gui Func MK_GUI() #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=c:\documents and settings\my documents\autoit\video\hc form.kxf $HCBatch = GUICreate($title, 670, 250, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, $WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "HCBatchClose") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE, "HCBatchMinimize") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_RESTORE, "HCBatchRestore") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_DROPPED, "HCBatchFileDrop") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUIRegisterMsg(0x233, "WM_DROPFILES_FUNC") Local $AddFileDir = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add Files", 24, 24, 155, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($AddFileDir, "AddFileDirClick") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $SetHC = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set HC.ini", 24, 88, 155, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($SetHC, "SetHCClick") GUICtrlSetTip($SetHC, "Use HC's Gui to Create the Settings INI file") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $EditHC = GUICtrlCreateButton("txt edit HC.ini", 24, 120, 155, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($EditHC, "EditHCClick") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $ProcessBatch = GUICtrlCreateButton("Process Batch", 24, 152, 155, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ProcessBatch, "ProcessBatchClick") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $Abort = GUICtrlCreateButton("Abort Batch Process", 24, 184, 155, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Abort, "AbortClick") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $Exit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit Program", 24, 216, 155, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Exit, "ExitClick") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $QueueList = GUICtrlCreateList("", 192, 56, 465, 186, BitOR($LBS_MULTIPLESEL,$LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL,$LBS_EXTENDEDSEL,$WS_HSCROLL,$WS_VSCROLL,$LBS_NOTIFY)) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $QueueLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Queue", 192, 16, 99, 41) GUICtrlSetFont($QueueLabel, 24, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $DelListItems = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete Items", 304, 24, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($DelListItems, "DelListItemsClick") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $ClearList = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear Queue", 392, 24, 75, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ClearList, "ClearListClick") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) Local $Background = GUICtrlCreateGroup("HC Batch", 0, 0, 670, 250) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $OnTop = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Always On Top", 480, 16, 97, 17) GUICtrlSetState($OnTop, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($OnTop, "OnTopClick") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) $SetDest = GUICtrlCreateButton("Set Destination Folder", 24, 56, 155, 25, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($SetDest, "SetDestClick") GUICtrlSetTip($SetDest, "All Files in Queue Will have the same Destination") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### EndFunc ;==>MK_GUI ;Add $filelist contents to GUI list Func ArrayToList() ;Clear Gui List GUICtrlSetData($QueueList, "") Local $max = 1 For $x = 1 To $filelist[0] Step +1 ;Add Info To Gui GUICtrlSetData($QueueList, $filelist[$x] & " |") If $max < StringLen($filelist[$x]) Then $max = StringLen($filelist[$x]) EndIf Next ;Set Horz Scroll Bar size _GUICtrlListBox_SetHorizontalExtent($QueueList, $max * 6) EndFunc ;==>ArrayToList ;Abort Batch Processing Func AbortClick() If MsgBox(0x41024, "", "Are you sure you want to Abort the Batch Process") = 6 Then ;MsgBox(0x40000, "", "This Doesn't Work Yet", 3) $Go = -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>AbortClick ;Add Files to Queue Func AddFileDirClick() WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) Local $temp = FileOpenDialog("Hold down Ctrl or Shift to choose multiple files.", "", "All Files (*.*)", 7) OnTopClick() If @error Then Return If StringInStr($temp, "|") Then $temp = StringSplit($temp, "|", 1) For $x = 2 To $temp[0] Step +1 _ArrayAdd($filelist, $temp[1] & "\" & $temp[$x]) $filelist[0] += 1 Next Else _ArrayAdd($filelist, $temp) $filelist[0] += 1 EndIf ArrayToList() EndFunc ;==>AddFileDirClick ;Del all items from queue Func ClearListClick() If MsgBox(0x41024, "", "Are you sure you want to clear the Queue?") = 6 Then ClearQueue() EndIf EndFunc ;==>ClearListClick ;Del all items from queue Func ClearQueue() ;Size Array to 1 ReDim $filelist[1] ;Set first array element to 0 $filelist[0] = 0 ;Clear Gui Queue ArrayToList() EndFunc ;==>ClearQueue ;Del items from queue Func DelListItemsClick() ; Get indexes of selected items Local $aItems = _GUICtrlListBox_GetSelItems($QueueList) ;Itterate Through List of Files, del from array For $x = $aItems[0] To 1 Step -1 _ArrayDelete($filelist, $aItems[$x] + 1) $filelist[0] -= 1 Next ;reset gui with new file list ArrayToList() EndFunc ;==>DelListItemsClick ;Use Notepad to edit ini Func EditHCClick() $hcIniloc = GetFileLoc("HC.ini", "Select HCini", "ini File (*.ini)") Local $pid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c notepad "' & $hcIniloc & '"', "", @SW_HIDE) ProcessExists($pid) WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $HCBatch) ProcessWaitClose($pid) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $HCBatch) OnTopClick() EndFunc ;==>EditHCClick ;Basic Controls Func ExitClick() Exit EndFunc ;==>ExitClick ;Basic Controls Func HCBatchClose() Exit EndFunc ;==>HCBatchClose ;Basic Controls Func HCBatchMinimize() GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE, $HCBatch) EndFunc ;==>HCBatchMinimize ;Basic Controls Func HCBatchRestore() GUISetState(@SW_RESTORE, $HCBatch) EndFunc ;==>HCBatchRestore ;Get Files/Dirs From Drag And Drop Func HCBatchFileDrop() ArrayToFileList($DropFilesArr) ArrayToList() ReDim $DropFilesArr[1] $DropFilesArr[0] = 0 EndFunc ;==>HCBatchFileDrop ;Make m2v Files Func ProcessBatchClick() Local $fileout, $filein, $priority = "idle" $Go = 1 WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) If $hcIniloc == "" Then $hcIniloc = GetFileLoc("HC.ini", "Select HCini", "ini File (*.ini)") EndIf OnTopClick() EndFunc ;==>ProcessBatchClick ;Brains to allow Abort in middle of batch process Func Doit() If $Go == 1 Then If $filelist[0] > 0 Then If ProcessExists($hcEncPID) Then ;Encoder Running, Sleep Long Sleep(5000) Else Local $priority = "idle" Local $fileout = StringTrimRight($filelist[1], 4) & ".m2v" Local $filein = $filelist[1] FileDelete($tempAVS) $filein = FileAvsCheck($filein) $fileout = ChangeOutputDir($fileout) WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) $hcEncPID = Run('"' & $hcEncLoc & '" -i "' & $filein & '" -o "' & $fileout & '" -priority ' & $priority & ' -ini "' & $hcIniloc & '"') _ArrayDelete($filelist, 1) $filelist[0] -= 1 ArrayToList() Sleep(500) EndIf Else $Go = 0 EndIf ElseIf $Go == -1 Then If ProcessExists($hcEncPID) Then ProcessClose($hcEncPID) WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) MsgBox(0x40000, "", "Encode Aborted") OnTopClick() Else WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) MsgBox(0x40000, "", "Nothing To Abort") OnTopClick() EndIf $Go = 0 FileDelete($tempAVS) ElseIf FileExists($tempAVS) Then Sleep(250) If ProcessExists($hcEncPID) Then Sleep(1000) Else FileDelete($tempAVS) OnTopClick() EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Doit ;Set INI file using HCgui Func SetHCClick() Local $pid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c "' & $hcGuiLoc & '"', "", @SW_HIDE) ProcessExists($pid) WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $HCBatch) While ProcessExists($pid) ControlDisable("HCgui", "", "[ID:1003]") Sleep(250) WEnd ProcessWaitClose($pid) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $HCBatch) OnTopClick() EndFunc ;==>SetHCClick ;Set On Top Property Baised On Gui CHeckbox Func OnTopClick() If GUICtrlRead($OnTop) == $GUI_CHECKED Then WinSetOnTop($title, "", 1) Else WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) EndIf EndFunc ;Set output folder Func SetDestClick() If $OutDir == "" Then WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) $OutDir = FileSelectFolder("Select Output Folder", -1, 7) OnTopClick() Else WinSetOnTop($title, "", 0) If MsgBox(0x41024, "", "Current Output Dir" & @CRLF & $OutDir & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Clear Output Dir?") = 6 Then $OutDir = "" EndIf OnTopClick() EndIf If $OutDir == "" Then GUICtrlSetData($SetDest, "Set Destination Folder") Else GUICtrlSetData($SetDest, "Clear Destination Folder") EndIf EndFunc ;change string to output dir right before it goes to HCenc.exe Func ChangeOutputDir($fileout) If $OutDir == "" Then Else Local $temp = StringSplit($fileout, "\") $fileout = $OutDir & "\" & $temp[$temp[0]] EndIf Return $fileout EndFunc ;If file is not a avs, make one Func FileAvsCheck($filein) ;Get file extesnsion Local $temp1 = StringSplit($filein, "\") $temp1 = StringSplit($temp1[$temp1[0]], ".") $temp1 = $temp1[$temp1[0]] ;set temp avs file $tempAVS = _TempFile() & ".avs" ;write avs file Switch $temp1 Case "avs" Case "d2v" Case "avi" FileWriteLine($tempAVS, 'AVISource("' & $filein & '").ConvertToYV12()') $filein = $tempAVS Case Else FileWriteLine($tempAVS, 'DirectShowSource("' & $filein & '", seek=false).ConvertToYV12()') $filein = $tempAVS EndSwitch Return $filein EndFunc ;==>FileAvsCheck ;Function to get GUI Drag-n-droped files Func WM_DROPFILES_FUNC($hWnd, $msgID, $wParam, $lParam) Local $nSize, $pFileName Local $nAmt = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", "hwnd", $wParam, "int", 0xFFFFFFFF, "ptr", 0, "int", 255) For $i = 0 To $nAmt[0] - 1 $nSize = DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", "hwnd", $wParam, "int", $i, "ptr", 0, "int", 0) $nSize = $nSize[0] + 1 $pFileName = DllStructCreate("char[" & $nSize & "]") DllCall("shell32.dll", "int", "DragQueryFile", "hwnd", $wParam, "int", $i, "ptr", _ DllStructGetPtr($pFileName), "int", $nSize) ReDim $DropFilesArr[$i + 2] $DropFilesArr[$i + 1] = DllStructGetData($pFileName, 1) $pFileName = 0 Next $DropFilesArr[0] = UBound($DropFilesArr) - 1 EndFunc ;==>WM_DROPFILES_FUNCoÝ÷ Øé] ^º¹ Edited April 10, 2008 by mikeytown2 Email: POP3 & SMTP using SSL/TLS (OpenSSL)Email: IMAPEmail: Base64 & SMTP login & Send email direct to MX Server (thanks blindwig)Win: Hook Registry ChangesWin: Read/Write to Alternate Data Streams (ini example)Utility: GPS Distance Calculations, Vincenty and Haversine formulas; angles and elevationUtility: Dell Laser Printer (3000-5100) - Print LoggerUtility: Reset Router when Wireless Link FailsUtility: ImageMagick Batch jpg ProcessorVideo HCenc Batch FrontendVideo: *DEAD* YouTube Video Encoder (avs/avi to flv)Software On CD's I Like<<back|track3 Ultimate Boot CD for Windows SpinRite Ubuntu ophcrack
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