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should be an easy 1


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i copied this script from another article..

im trying to resize the window so that i dont need the horizontal scrollbar. also, id like to make sure the placement for the vertical scrollbar is all the way to the right edge of the window.

any help is greatly appreciated thanks!!


$Text = ""

$Text &= ('About Kill Notes v0.26'&@crlf& _

'(contact GXM x90760 for questions/suggestions)'&@crlf& _

''&@crlf& _

'Deletes the following from current data'&@CRLF& _

'directory specified in notes.ini:'&@CRLF& _

''&@crlf& _

' cache.ndk'&@crlf& _

' ~*.*'&@crlf& _

' *.tmp'&@crlf& _

''&@crlf& _

'Kills The Following Processes:'&@crlf& _

''&@crlf& _

' swiftsrv.exe nlnotes.exe ndiiop.exe'&@crlf& _

' nfilertn.exe nlogasio.exe nweb.exe'&@crlf& _

' nfileret.exe nminder.exe ndyncfg.exe'&@crlf& _

' clhap32.exe nnntpcl.exe nwrdaemn.exe'&@crlf& _

' ldapsearch.exe nnotesmm.exe nhldaemn.exe'&@crlf& _

' nadminp.exe nnsadmin.exe nxpcdmn.exe'&@crlf& _

' naldaemn.exe notesbuddy.exe nhttp.exe'&@crlf& _

' namgr.exe npop3.exe rtfcnvt.exe'&@crlf& _

' napdaemn.exe ntaskldr.exe nhttpcgi.exe'&@crlf& _

' nchronos.exe ntgclhap.exe desktopmgr.exe'&@crlf& _

' ncollect.exe nupdall.exe nimapcl.exe'&@crlf& _

' nconvert.exe nupdate.exe nltaskldr.exe')

_MsgBox(104, "About Kill Notes v0.26", $Text)

Func _MsgBox($mb_Icon, $mb_Title, $mb_Text, $mb_Time = 0)

Local $StrnLenText = MsgLongestString($mb_Text)

Local $NumberOfLines = (UBound(StringSplit($mb_Text, @CRLF)) - 1) * 6.5

If (160 + $NumberOfLines) >= @DesktopHeight Then $NumberOfLines = @DesktopHeight - 100

Local $Button1Txt = "OK"

Local $MsgValue = 0

Local $Timer = ''

Local $ScrollLabel1 = -1, $ScrollLabel2 = -1

Local $iMsgBox = GUICreate($mb_Title, $StrnLenText + 270, 100 + $NumberOfLines, -1, -1, 0x00400000,


Local $Edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit($mb_Text, 60, 10, $StrnLenText + 105, 30 + $NumberOfLines, BitOR

(0x00100000, 0x00200000, 0x0800), 0x990)

GUICtrlCreateIcon(@SystemDir & "\User32.dll", $mb_Icon, 10, 10, 35, 35)

$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton($Button1Txt, 90 + ($StrnLenText / 2), 45 + $NumberOfLines, 60 + StringLen

($Button1Txt), 25)


If $mb_Time <> 0 Then $Timer = TimerInit()

While 1

$imsg = GUIGetMsg()


Case $imsg = $Button1

$MsgValue = 6


Case $mb_Time <> 0

If TimerDiff($Timer) / 1000 >= $mb_Time Then ExitLoop




Return $MsgValue


Func MsgLongestString($sText)

Local $Times = ''

Local $sSplit = StringSplit($sText, @CRLF)

If Not @error Then


If StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 70 Then $Times = 2.25

If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 101 And StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 150 Then $Times = 2.5

If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 151 And StringLen($sSplit[1]) <= 201 Then $Times = 3

If StringLen($sSplit[1]) >= 202 Then $Times = 3.25

Return Round(StringLen($sSplit[1])*$Times)


If StringLen($sText) <= 200 Then $Times = 2.25

If StringLen($sText) >= 101 And StringLen($sText) <= 150 Then $Times = 2.5

If StringLen($sText) >= 151 And StringLen($sText) <= 201 Then $Times = 3

If StringLen($sText) >= 202 Then $Times = 3.25

Return Round(StringLen($sText)*$Times)



Func ArraySortByLen(ByRef $nArray, $Start = 1)

For $i = $Start To UBound($nArray) - 2

Local $SE = $i

For $x = $i To UBound($nArray) - 1

If StringLen($nArray[$SE]) < StringLen($nArray[$x]) Then $SE = $x


Local $HLD = $nArray[$i]

$nArray[$i] = $nArray[$SE]

$nArray[$SE] = $HLD



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I just use

ShellExecuteWait($notesPath & 'nsd.exe', '-kill', $notesPath, 'open', @SW_HIDE)

So long,


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