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Posted (edited)

Advanced Media Player Version Beta

Contains Many new features

  • Intergreated Queue List
  • Random/Repeat/Stop Options
  • Scrolling Text
  • Finds Similar Band(s)
  • Finds Album Art
  • Has Mini Mode ALT+SHIFT+D
  • Supports Hide to Tray
  • Support Skining
  • Has bug reporter
  • Has feature request system
  • Drag N Drop Setup
  • File Locating System to use local files before external when possible
  • PowerSearch That searchs 9 different tags with StringInStr
  • And More....
Thanks to LIMITER it has a new popup window feature as well

16MB~ Will Post File Soon Along with the new Screen Shot

MORE & Download


Edited by DBak


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Just some tips. Can you post some screenshots? Also I think the large version numbers are overkill and conflict with old versions of AutoIt, this may confuse some.


The large numbers are mainly because I use them to keep track of all the minor changes so if I release it with a bug I can fall back

And yes I'll post some screenshots....



Well I figure it was my fualt it was an issue in the first place, I just didn't like the way he handled it, we both made fools of ourselves, things are fixed now.


Posted (edited)

DBaK! This new version is god! Thank you so much! 1 bug/misspell in your bug reporter, you misspelled media, meida :D and, the seekbar works great, except it sort of doesn't move with it, althought you can just click! This media player is great and im so glad you brought this thing back!

I also forgot, DBaK, if you really wanted, a member here created a listview UDF, that maxed out at somewhere around 1million...so...if your interested, I could find it, and help you out with it.

EDIT: Ahhhrhghhh! You didnt use the edited To Do.exe! :) The one you are still using, automatically exits after 20 seconds, because you...(Accidentally) Used a Do/Until loop, like:


Until 20000

Which exits it after 20-seconds! ><

Well, DBaK! I love amp3 im glad you brought it back, and keep working a master on this project!

EDIT(Again..) I think, you should create a install (Like full, not a zip) and ASK the user, if they just want to extract.( Basically ) or, run a full install, which will ask them which directory and stuff, etc. And then it extracts and/or installs it fully...

Alot of people including myself would rather download a installer, instead of the worryness mess of having a folder on your desktop that you could accidently delete or something... ;). Once again, if your interested, I could help you out. Heres a deal for you. You make a Installer. I make a uninstaller :( .

Edited by Swift

Well the exit after 20 seconds wasn't an accident, lol, and i forgot to add it but i'll get around to it, did you see all the new fetures added?!


Posted (edited)

Well the exit after 20 seconds wasn't an accident, lol, and i forgot to add it but i'll get around to it, did you see all the new fetures added?!

Of course I did! I just didnt have any movies/videos to test the video playback :) .

@DBaK, I reeditededited my post above...see it :D

EDIT: is it just me...or did you not include the fixed version of SkinEdit.exe and Changer.exe? O.o, I try them both, and no changes.... O.o...not even accessing them from Amp3, nor do I see, feature requester, which was mentioned above...DBaK have you been drinkin? ;) Your missing some good stuff!

Edited by Swift

opps... will fix that tonight, i need to make the updater get all the files instead of just a few so it can get all the new stuff like bug submit.exe and feature request.exe



Cool! So you didnt include feature request! :D Hey, a good idea is to have it under the menu where it has the Updater Checker/Bug Report ;) Well, have fun! Im loving amp3 more and more! Im still glad you brought it back with more changes! I thought you gave up, after that kid destoryed your Amp3... :)


EDIT(Again..) I think, you should create a install (Like full, not a zip) and ASK the user, if they just want to extract.( Basically ) or, run a full install, which will ask them which directory and stuff, etc. And then it extracts and/or installs it fully...

Alot of people including myself would rather download a installer, instead of the worryness mess of having a folder on your desktop that you could accidently delete or something... . Once again, if your interested, I could help you out. Heres a deal for you. You make a Installer. I make a uninstaller .

I was planning on making an installer when I have more time



Awesome! I'll start working on the uninstaller! For this, I will you to write to a ini or something, with where they WANT to install this, or just use FileWrite() and write it to the first line...Or have a set directory, and you can PM me with that! I'll start working on the Amp 3 Uninstaller! :)


The amp3 uninstall is almost finished, it now asks you where your Amp3 folder is, and WHY you are removing this software (Optional) which will then, email you with this information.. :) It will also ask if they want to remove the registry keys created with Amp3, and it removes them, and sets it back to the orig. Now, I will just have to use FileInstall to install the pictures it uses and add a _SelfDelete() function, to delete itself! :) and then Amp3 has vanished from your computer! I'm almost, done...So i'll PM you it once it's completely done!


Found a error, amp 3 controler only points to C:\amp 3\amp 3.exe to launch application, use the source code to change it to @scritpdir&"\amp 3.exe" to fix then be sure to compile it



Found a error, amp 3 controler only points to C:\amp 3\amp 3.exe to launch application, use the source code to change it to @scritpdir&"\amp 3.exe" to fix then be sure to compile it

Why don't you just release an update!? :) Just kidding...bro! Read meh post above!


Please make a portable version, Installers suck.

There is, if you read this topic. I have just created a installer if needed.

Theres a zip in the top most. Get it.

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