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How can i find ControlID ?


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How can a get the ControlID from a MDI Window? Is there any function to get this ControlID from the active, focused window?

I need this ControlID for using : ControlFocus ("BlaBla", "", "[iD:" & $ControlID & "; INSTANCE:1]") ....


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How can a get the ControlID from a MDI Window? Is there any function to get this ControlID from the active, focused window?

I need this ControlID for using : ControlFocus ("BlaBla", "", "[iD:" & $ControlID & "; INSTANCE:1]") ....



1. Autoit Window Info Tool

2. Try without ControlID


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Use the AutoIT Window Info tool that comes with AutoIT.

Sorry, the application can creat many Cildwindows and do not know the correct number of Windows.

So i need a funktion to get the ControlId, so i can read check the Titel an can remember the controlID.

In the next step i can use ControlFocus to bring the right window into th front. Then i can send my information to this Window ....


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1. Autoit Window Info Tool

2. Try without ControlID

1. Sorry, the application creats many Child windows, and i do not know how many. So i must Scan the windows using send(TAB) and so...

2. how ? i want to scan all windows an want to learn the windows, so i can ControlFocus to bring a spez. window to the front into the focus ....

Thx. Mapet

Edited by mapet
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How can a get the ControlID from a MDI Window? Is there any function to get this ControlID from the active, focused window?

I need this ControlID for using : ControlFocus ("BlaBla", "", "[iD:" & $ControlID & "; INSTANCE:1]") ....


You must use EnumChildWindows API with CallBack function.

Look at example for DllCallbackRegister() in AutoIt helpfile.

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Sorry, i am a absolut beginner with AutoIT. Any exampe for me ?


Zedna told you where to find an example, so you need to explain what you don't understand about what Zedna said.
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Zedna told you where to find an example, so you need to explain what you don't understand about what Zedna said.

Sorry, i look in the example of: DllCallbackRegister

; Create callback function

$handle = DLLCallbackRegister ("_EnumWindowsProc", "int", "hwnd;lparam")

DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "EnumWindows", "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($handle), "lparam", 10)


Func _EnumWindowsProc($hWnd, $lParam)

If WinGetTitle($hWnd) <> "" And BitAnd(WinGetState($hWnd), 2) Then

$res = MsgBox(1, WinGetTitle($hWnd), "$hWnd=" & $hWnd & @CRLF & "lParam=" & $lParam & @CRLF & "$hWnd(type)=" & VarGetType($hWnd))

If $res = 2 Then Return 0 ; Cancel clicked, return 0 to stop enumeration


Return 1 ; Return 1 to continue enumeration


But i can not see a solution for my problem.

i am looking for:

- scann all open ChildWindows of a MDI Application

- set focus to special ChildWindows out of the list ....

Need help: How can i get the ContolId dynamic in my script ????


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