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hi i'm bizzy with tcpsend and tcprecieve but the problem is that i can only send one $var over the connection can somebody help me on this ?


Our sending computer's script says

; Start The TCP Services

; Set Some reusable info
; Set $szIPADDRESS and $nPORT to the ip and port we want to send to. We will change a PC name into an IP Address
Dim $szIPADDRESS = "ip of computer "
Dim $nPORT = 65432

; Initialize a variable to represent a connection
Dim $ConnectedSocket = -1

;Attempt to connect to SERVER at its IP and the port we set earlier
$ConnectedSocket = TCPConnect($szIPADDRESS,$nPORT)

;Set variables to send
Dim $var1 = hi
Dim $var2= yucatan

;Put these into one variable (notice our 2 variables are split with a |)
Dim $onevar = $var1 &"|"& $var2


The TCPSend can only be used on a local network as far as I know. You may be able to use it across a vpn I don't know. This should solve the problem as you stated it though. Put 2 vars into 1 then split them back up on the receiving end.

Posted (edited)

Our sending computer's script says

; Start The TCP Services

; Set Some reusable info
; Set $szIPADDRESS and $nPORT to the ip and port we want to send to. We will change a PC name into an IP Address
Dim $szIPADDRESS = "ip of computer "
Dim $nPORT = 65432

; Initialize a variable to represent a connection
Dim $ConnectedSocket = -1

;Attempt to connect to SERVER at its IP and the port we set earlier
$ConnectedSocket = TCPConnect($szIPADDRESS,$nPORT)

;Set variables to send
Dim $var1 = hi
Dim $var2= yucatan

;Put these into one variable (notice our 2 variables are split with a |)
Dim $onevar = $var1 &"|"& $var2


The TCPSend can only be used on a local network as far as I know. You may be able to use it across a vpn I don't know. This should solve the problem as you stated it though. Put 2 vars into 1 then split them back up on the receiving end.

hmm thx alot but what do you mean only about netnork i think its over the internet ofc...?

p.s. do i dont need to close the connection when he is done ?

pp.s. why u use

dim $var = 1

and not

$var = 1


Edited by yucatan

hmm thx alot but what do you mean only about netnork i think its over the internet ofc...?

Please explain the question better.

If I understand the question then I meant that TCPSend can only be used to send variables over a local network such as a lan or wireless network.

p.s. do i dont need to close the connection when he is done ?

yes you do.

TCPCloseSocket( $ConnectedSocket )

pp.s. why u use

dim $var = 1

and not

$var = 1

I am used to stricter programming languages that require you to declare variables before they can be set. Simply habit.

Please explain the question better.

If I understand the question then I meant that TCPSend can only be used to send variables over a local network such as a lan or wireless network.

yes you do.

TCPCloseSocket( $ConnectedSocket )

I am used to stricter programming languages that require you to declare variables before they can be set. Simply habit.

what do you mean with lan/wireless can i not use it to on the internet....? that not good....

i think i can be used over internet...


what do you mean with lan/wireless can i not use it to on the internet....? that not good....

i think i can be used over internet...

p.s. how i can detect if a $var is changed

sample if the $var changed the value in the var.. then do.....


p.s. how i can detect if a $var is changed

sample if the $var changed the value in the var.. then do.....

$var1old = $var1
while 1
If $var1 <> $var1old
;Some code to execute whenvariable changes
$var1old = $var1
;that resets the if the variable changes script to the new variable

I know there is a way to use it over the internet but I do not know how. This may be able to help youhttp://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=521067


$var1old = $var1
while 1
If $var1 <> $var1old
;Some code to execute whenvariable changes
$var1old = $var1
;that resets the if the variable changes script to the new variable

I know there is a way to use it over the internet but I do not know how. This may be able to help youhttp://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...st&p=521067

soz i dont understand the code but when i redefine the $var outside the while/wend does it works then ?


essentially that piece of code takes an already set $var1. It puts the value of $var1 into $var1old. It then loops and constantly checks whether the value of $var1 = the value of $var1old. When $var1 changes then $var1 will not = $var1old and it will display the new value and set it back up to check more by setting $var1old to $var1 again and repeating. This will never work because there would be no way to change either variable since they are both in a loop but it is just an example.


The TCPSend can only be used on a local network as far as I know.

Sorry but that is incorrect, I have used it over the internet, if you have the correct IP address and port forwarding if behind a router there is no reason it wouldn't work over the internet


hi i wanne make a msgbox with chaning text b.v.


after a couple of sec downloading complete.

and then installing...

after a couple of sec show installing complete how i can do this?

Posted (edited)

hi i wanne make a msgbox with chaning text b.v.


after a couple of sec downloading complete.

and then installing...

after a couple of sec show installing complete how i can do this?

hi when i run it i get this error.

$value = StringSplit($recv, "|")



D:\Documents and Settings\Yucatan\Bureaublad\yctn anti cheat\stream-server.au3 (21) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:

Dim $guid = $recv[1]

Dim $guid = $recv^ ERROR

Edited by yucatan

did you use stringsplit($guid,"|") before the line the error is on? If you didn't you can't use [1] yet

jep i did so i dont understand why i get the error.. shall i post the code ?

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