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I've been trying to get this to work, but I can't seem to get the plugin to open properly

When I run this simple test code:

$PluginHandle = PluginOpen(@ScriptDir & "\MD5Hash.dll")
;$PluginHandle = PluginOpen("D:\temp\MD5Hash.dll")
    IF FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\MD5Hash.dll") = 0 Then
        msgbox(0,"Error","File does not exsist")
    IF $PluginHandle = 0 then
        msgbox(0,"Error","plugin did not open properly")

$Hash = MD5Hash("lolhi2u!", 2, True)



I get the Error message box

Now of course I have MD5Hash.dll(you can DL it from this post:http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21010, or direction from:Md5Hash.dll , in the same directory as this test script. I've tested both using @ScriptDir, as well as the actual script directory. I've tried using v3.2.12.0 as well as v3.2.11.12 (beta). Any help would be appreciated.


It opens properly (comment out your error checking, and you'll see that MD5Hash function works just fine), it's just that the return value of PluginOpen is not what's documented. That "PluginHandle" is a zero-based index number. On first PluginOpen it returns 0. If you open another plugin, that will be 1. Etc. But if it fails to open plugin, it returns 0 too and there's no @error set, so that's pretty broken.

If you really want to check if plugin was loaded successfully, do

$a = DllCall('Kernel32.dl','hwnd','GetModuleHandle', 'str','MD5Hash.dll')
If Not $a[0] Then MsgBox(0,'Error','Plugin not loaded')

"be smart, drink your wine"

Posted (edited)

Thanks so much both of you. I had been wracking my brain over this, and like always its such a simple fix...

This works for all who are interesteD:

#AutoIt3Wrapper_plugin_funcs = MD5Hash
$PluginHandle = PluginOpen(@ScriptDir & "\MD5Hash.dll")
;$PluginHandle = PluginOpen("D:\temp\MD5Hash.dll")
    IF FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\MD5Hash.dll") = 0 Then
        msgbox(0,"Error","File does not exsist")
    $a = DllCall('Kernel32.dll','hwnd','GetModuleHandle', 'str','MD5Hash.dll')
    If not $a[0] Then MsgBox(0,'Error','Plugin not loaded')

$Hash = MD5Hash("lolhi2u!", 2, True)


Edited by BotXpert

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