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hi everybody,

just discovered autoit to do some automatic thing as configuring some applications and other.

i made a script that open a .txt file read the group and create them that work perfect.

just wanna know how i can do it in order the .txt files will not be put in the autoit script but in parameters as for example : creategroupe group.txt

it will permit me to give in parameters all the files i want without changing the .exe

anyone can help me doing this

below, an example of my actual script :

$file = FileOpen("c:\Admintools\Config\fctel.cvs", 0)

; Check if file opened for reading OK
If $file = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")

; Read in 1 character at a time until the EOF is reached
While 1
    $line = FileReadLine($file, 2)
    If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop

$array = StringSplit($line, ';', 1)
    MsgBox (0, "Séparation", $array[1])
Send("cd Admintools")
Send("cd config")

;lancement de SamACL.exe    
    Send(" SamACL.exe -s -d Account -a  " & $array[1] )


you can create a GUI to input your parameter or just use $cmdline


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oki it works well with the $cmdline

my other question is how can i skip the first line of the txt cuz its match with the label : GROUP and i wanna skip this line but can find any function to skip lines on fileopen or filereadlines :)

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