Uriziel01 Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Hi! I'm making an UDF with "3D" menu for apps. Curent build is no UDF, but only show of my script abilities, in my TODO list I have:-Animations-More options to user (font type, color etc.)-Make it UDF My question is:-What do you think about the script? -Can it be usefull ?-What I should add to it ?p.s-sory for my bad english p.s2-use LEFT and RIGHT arrows for manipulate and ENTER for check current status,$opt can be 0 or 2 it is way that menu circle is spining.p.s3 you need MidiUDF for run it : MIDI UDF LINKexpandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <Midiudf.au3> $open = _midiOutOpen () $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") ;;;;;;;;START SETTINGS;;;;;;; ;;;;;; $start_size=9 $opt=0 $x=20 $y=125 $volume=30000 ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _MidiOutSetVolume ($volume, 0) global $lab[10],$i=$y+35,$i2=1,$position[10] $gui=GUICreate("3D menu BETA v0.2",420,290,-1,-1,$WS_POPUPWINDOW) GUISetState (@SW_SHOW) GUISetBkColor("0x555555",$gui) $lab[0]=GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Options", $x, $y+25,300,300) $position[0]=2 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[0],"0x"&$position[0]&$position[0]&$position[0]&$position[0]&$position[0]&$position[0]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[0],$start_size+3) $lab[1]=GUICtrlCreateLabel ("New Game", $x+130, $y+45,300,300) $selected=1 $position[1]=0 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[1],"0x"&$position[1]&$position[1]&$position[1]&$position[1]&$position[1]&$position[1]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[1],$start_size+6) $lab[2]=GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Load Game", $x+300, $y+25,300,300) $position[2]=2 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[2],"0x"&$position[2]&$position[2]&$position[2]&$position[2]&$position[2]&$position[2]) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[2],$start_size+3) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $lab[3]=GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Highscores", $x+250, $y+10,300,300) $position[3]=3 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[3],"0x"&$position[3]&$position[3]&$position[3]&$position[3]&$position[3]&$position[3]) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[3],$start_size) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $lab[4]=GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Help - FAQ", $x+50, $y+10,300,300) $position[4]=3 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[4],"0x"&$position[4]&$position[4]&$position[4]&$position[4]&$position[4]&$position[4]) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[4],$start_size) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $lab[5]=GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Quit Game", $x+150, $y,300,300) $position[5]=4 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[5],"0x"&$position[5]&$position[5]&$position[5]&$position[5]&$position[5]&$position[5]) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[5],$start_size) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $lab[6]=GUICtrlCreateLabel (">> <<", $x+90, $y+45,300,300) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[6],$start_size+10) ;$select_lab=GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Selected: "&GUICtrlRead($lab[$selected]), 280, 270,300,300) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) #cs $b=GuiCtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, 420,290) for $a=1 to 255 step 1 $color=$a&$a&$a&$a&$a&$a GUICtrlSetGraphic($b,$GUI_GR_MOVE, 0,$a) GUICtrlSetGraphic($b,$GUI_GR_COLOR, "0x"&$color) GUICtrlSetGraphic($b,$GUI_GR_LINE, 420,$a) Next #ce While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() sleep(50) if $i = $y+55 Then $i2=1 if $i=$y+35 then $i2=0 if $i2=0 then $i+=1 if $i2=1 then $i-=1 GUICtrlSetPos($lab[6],$x+90,$i) If _IsPressed(25+$opt, $dll) Then _right() If _IsPressed(27-$opt, $dll) Then _left() If _IsPressed("0D", $dll) Then _check() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop Wend func _left() _MidiOutShortMsg ($open, 0x99 + (29 * 256) + (127 * 0x10000)) $selected-=1 if $selected<0 then $selected=5 ;GUICtrlSetData($select_lab,"Selected: "&GUICtrlRead($lab[$selected])) $1=GUICtrlRead($lab[1]) GUICtrlSetData($lab[1],GUICtrlRead($lab[2])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[2],GUICtrlRead($lab[3])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[3],GUICtrlRead($lab[5])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[5],GUICtrlRead($lab[4])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[4],GUICtrlRead($lab[0])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[0],$1) EndFunc Func _right() _MidiOutShortMsg ($open, 0x99 + (29 * 256) + (127 * 0x10000)) $selected+=1 if $selected>5 then $selected=0 ;GUICtrlSetData($select_lab,"Selected: "&GUICtrlRead($lab[$selected])) $1=GUICtrlRead($lab[1]) GUICtrlSetData($lab[1],GUICtrlRead($lab[0])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[0],GUICtrlRead($lab[4])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[4],GUICtrlRead($lab[5])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[5],GUICtrlRead($lab[3])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[3],GUICtrlRead($lab[2])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[2],$1) EndFunc Func _check() MsgBox(0,"FUNCTION SELECTED","You have selected option: " &GUICtrlRead($lab[1])) EndFunc
jvanegmond Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Nice script, I made some changes. However, I can recommend everyone to use DirectX for this using A2D, since you are going to make a game anyway. Changes: Removed MIDI because noone wants to download an UDF for 2 sounds. Fixed the menu going reeaaally fast if you hold the keys down. Code: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") ;;;;;;;;START SETTINGS;;;;;;; ;;;;;; $start_size = 9 $opt = 0 $x = 20 $y = 125 $volume = 30000 ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Global $lab[10], $i = $y + 35, $i2 = 1, $position[10] $gui = GUICreate("3D menu BETA v0.2", 420, 290, -1, -1, $WS_POPUPWINDOW) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUISetBkColor("0x555555", $gui) $lab[0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Options", $x, $y + 25, 300, 300) $position[0] = 2 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[0], "0x" & $position[0] & $position[0] & $position[0] & $position[0] & $position[0] & $position[0]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[0], $start_size + 3) $lab[1] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("New Game", $x + 130, $y + 45, 300, 300) $selected = 1 $position[1] = 0 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[1], "0x" & $position[1] & $position[1] & $position[1] & $position[1] & $position[1] & $position[1]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[1], $start_size + 6) $lab[2] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Load Game", $x + 300, $y + 25, 300, 300) $position[2] = 2 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[2], "0x" & $position[2] & $position[2] & $position[2] & $position[2] & $position[2] & $position[2]) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[2], $start_size + 3) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $lab[3] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Highscores", $x + 250, $y + 10, 300, 300) $position[3] = 3 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[3], "0x" & $position[3] & $position[3] & $position[3] & $position[3] & $position[3] & $position[3]) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[3], $start_size) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $lab[4] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Help - FAQ", $x + 50, $y + 10, 300, 300) $position[4] = 3 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[4], "0x" & $position[4] & $position[4] & $position[4] & $position[4] & $position[4] & $position[4]) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[4], $start_size) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $lab[5] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Quit Game", $x + 150, $y, 300, 300) $position[5] = 4 GUICtrlSetColor($lab[5], "0x" & $position[5] & $position[5] & $position[5] & $position[5] & $position[5] & $position[5]) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[5], $start_size) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) $lab[6] = GUICtrlCreateLabel(">> <<", $x + 90, $y + 45, 300, 300) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetFont($lab[6], $start_size + 10) ;$select_lab=GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Selected: "&GUICtrlRead($lab[$selected]), 280, 270,300,300) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) #cs $b=GuiCtrlCreateGraphic(0, 0, 420,290) for $a=1 to 255 step 1 $color=$a&$a&$a&$a&$a&$a GUICtrlSetGraphic($b,$GUI_GR_MOVE, 0,$a) GUICtrlSetGraphic($b,$GUI_GR_COLOR, "0x"&$color) GUICtrlSetGraphic($b,$GUI_GR_LINE, 420,$a) Next #ce While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Sleep(50) If $i = $y + 55 Then $i2 = 1 If $i = $y + 35 Then $i2 = 0 If $i2 = 0 Then $i += 1 If $i2 = 1 Then $i -= 1 GUICtrlSetPos($lab[6], $x + 90, $i) If _IsPressed(25 + $opt, $dll) Then _right() While _IsPressed(25 + $opt, $dll) Sleep(100) WEnd EndIf If _IsPressed(27 - $opt, $dll) Then _left() While _IsPressed(27 - $opt, $dll) Sleep(100) WEnd EndIf If _IsPressed("0D", $dll) Then _check() While _IsPressed("0D", $dll) Sleep(100) WEnd EndIf If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd Func _left() $selected -= 1 If $selected < 0 Then $selected = 5 ;GUICtrlSetData($select_lab,"Selected: "&GUICtrlRead($lab[$selected])) $1 = GUICtrlRead($lab[1]) GUICtrlSetData($lab[1], GUICtrlRead($lab[2])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[2], GUICtrlRead($lab[3])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[3], GUICtrlRead($lab[5])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[5], GUICtrlRead($lab[4])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[4], GUICtrlRead($lab[0])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[0], $1) EndFunc ;==>_left Func _right() $selected += 1 If $selected > 5 Then $selected = 0 ;GUICtrlSetData($select_lab,"Selected: "&GUICtrlRead($lab[$selected])) $1 = GUICtrlRead($lab[1]) GUICtrlSetData($lab[1], GUICtrlRead($lab[0])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[0], GUICtrlRead($lab[4])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[4], GUICtrlRead($lab[5])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[5], GUICtrlRead($lab[3])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[3], GUICtrlRead($lab[2])) GUICtrlSetData($lab[2], $1) EndFunc ;==>_right Func _check() MsgBox(0, "FUNCTION SELECTED", "You have selected option: " & GUICtrlRead($lab[1])) EndFunc ;==>_check github.com/jvanegmond
Uriziel01 Posted May 21, 2008 Author Posted May 21, 2008 (edited) Making a game ? No But you are right with the MIDI UDF Thx for reply and comment p.s-I have tried to do this on GDIPlus but it is dissapearing when something cover you rendered space, and it is making GDIPlus Useless. Edited May 21, 2008 by Uriziel01
monoceres Posted May 22, 2008 Posted May 22, 2008 (edited) Making a game ? No But you are right with the MIDI UDF Thx for reply and comment p.s-I have tried to do this on GDIPlus but it is dissapearing when something cover you rendered space, and it is making GDIPlus Useless.You could make it in GDI, just register the $WM_PAINT message so you can repaint the area when it has been destroyed. Edit: Nice work btw! Edited May 22, 2008 by monoceres Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
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