cdtoews Posted May 27, 2008 Share Posted May 27, 2008 (edited) ## Updated 6-19-08 ##I made a small program to monitor an IP on a certain port.I have to monitor IP's, but do not have ICMP available. So I have to monitor if I can get there on a certain port.I tried to use the built-in tcpconnect, but found odd results. I finally went with scripting against Microsoft's portqry.exe (never re-invent the wheel)It's downloadable from:;displaylang=enHere is my code:expandcollapse popup#cs v2.0 got the status gui working, v2.1 going to try to get an exit button working v2.3 fixing tooltraytip v2.4 ip in window name v2.5 stripping white space 2.7 adding ID text, and reconfigure v2.8 trying to change infrastructure so exit and setup work immediately removed exit button, as this mode of gui doesn't need it #ce Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) #include <Constants.au3> #include <array.au3> #Include <Date.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> FileInstall("PortQry.exe",@ScriptDir & "\PortQry.exe") dim $badtext = '"' & " ,`~!@#$%^&*()+=[]\{}|<>?/'" dim $debug = 0 dim $status_array[30] dim $ipaddress, $port , $looptime , $id_text , $log, $status_gui , $id , $exit_box , $reconfig_box , $status_label dim $was_up , $is_up , $test , $column_gui , $ipbox , $portbox , $secbox , $textbox , $go_button , $input_verified dim $monitor , $running , $gui_title dim $gui_location[2] $gui_location[0] = @DesktopWidth / 2 - 125 $gui_location[1] = @DesktopHeight / 2 - 155 ;variable for the initial gui dim $small_spacer = -5 dim $big_spacer = 10 dim $width = 150 dim $status_rows = 20 ;run config gui, and setup status gui _setup() ;########################################################################## ;# # ;# Main Program Loop # ;# # ;########################################################################## Do sleep($looptime * 1000) if $monitor = 1 Then $running = 1 $result = "" $test = _port_query($ipaddress,$port) if $monitor = 1 Then if $test = 0 then $result = _now() & " , Port Listening" $is_up = 1 ElseIf $test = 1 then $result = _now() & " , *** Not Listening ***" $is_up = 0 ElseIf $test = 2 Then $result = _now() & " , *** Port Filtered ***" $is_up = 0 Else $result = _now() & " , *** Problem ***" $is_up = 0 EndIf _update_status($result) _writetolog($log,$result & @crlf) if $is_up = 1 Then if $was_up = 0 Then _blink() EndIf $was_up = 1 GUISetBkColor(0x00FF00) Else if $was_up = 1 Then _blink() EndIf $was_up = 0 GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) EndIf EndIf EndIf until 1=2 ;########################################################################## ;# ###################################################################### # ;# # ################################################################## # # ;# # # # # # ;# # # Functions # # # ;# # # # # # ;# # ################################################################## # # ;# ###################################################################### # func _monitor_loop() do if GUICtrlRead($exit_box)=$GUI_CHECKED then exit if GUICtrlRead($reconfig_box) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ;delete the gui, then run setup, GUIDelete() _setup($ipaddress, $port , $looptime , $id_text) EndIf ;red FF0000 ;green 00FF00 sleep($looptime * 1000) until 1=2 EndFunc;########################################################################## func _blink() local $cycles = 7 local $blink_delay = 100 for $blink_loop = 1 to $cycles GUISetBkColor(0x00FF00) Sleep($blink_delay) GUISetBkColor(0xFF0000) Sleep($blink_delay) Next EndFunc func _setup($setup_host = "localhost", $setup_port = 502 , $setup_sec = 1 , $setup_id = "") if $running = 1 Then $gui_location = WinGetPos($gui_title) $setup_host = $ipaddress $setup_port = $port $setup_sec = $looptime $setup_id = $id_text EndIf $monitor = 0 ;stop monitoring $gui_title = "Port-Checker Setup" $column_gui = GUICreate($gui_title,210,230 , $gui_location[0] + 20 , $gui_location[1] + 40) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hostname to Check",30,20,$width) $ipbox = GUICtrlCreateInput ( $setup_host, 30, 35, $width ) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Port to Monitor",30,65,$width) $portbox = GUICtrlCreateInput ($setup_port, 30, 80, $width) GUICtrlCreateLabel("How often",30,105,$width) $secbox = GUICtrlCreateInput ( $setup_sec, 30, 120, $width ) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Text Identifier",30,145,$width) $textbox = GUICtrlCreateInput($setup_id,30,160,$width) $go_button = GUICtrlCreateButton("GO!",80 ,190,45) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($go_button, "gobutton") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CLOSEClicked") GuiSetState() EndFunc func gobutton() ;stuff $errors = 0 ;verify IP address $ipaddress = StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($ipbox),8) $ipcheck = _checkip($ipaddress) if $ipcheck = 1 then $bad_msg &= 'not a valid hostname' & @CRLF $errors += 1 EndIf $port = StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($portbox),8) $portcheck = _port_checker($port) if $portcheck = 0 Then $bad_msg &= 'not a valid port' & @CRLF $errors += 1 EndIf $looptime = StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($secbox),8) if $looptime < 1 or $looptime > 6000 then $bad_msg &= "Improper time" & @crlf $errors += 1 endif $id_text = GUICtrlRead($textbox) if $errors > 0 Then MsgBox(0,'oops',$errors & " ERRORS" & @CRLF & $bad_msg) $bad_msg = "" Else $gui_location = WinGetPos($gui_title) GUIDelete($column_gui) $input_verified = 1 TraySetToolTip("monitoring " & $ipaddress & ":" & $port) dim $log = $ipaddress & " - " & $port &".txt" ;########### create the status gui ################### GUIDelete($status_gui) $gui_title = $ipaddress & " : " & $port $status_gui = GUICreate($gui_title , 250 , 310 , $gui_location[0] -20 , $gui_location[1] - 40 ) $id = GUICtrlCreateLabel($id_text,3,3,190,40) ;dim $exit_text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exit",230,3,40) ;$exit_box = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit",200,3,50,20);removed because in this gui mode, X works ;dim $reconfig_text = GUICtrlCreateLabel("setup",170,3,30) $reconfig_box = GUICtrlCreateButton("Setup",190,13,50,20) $status_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",10,45,280,280) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($exit_box, "CLOSEClicked") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($reconfig_box, "_setup") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CLOSEClicked") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$status_gui) sleep(300) _update_status($ipaddress & " : " & $port) $was_up = 3 $monitor = 1 ;start monitoring again EndIf EndFunc Func CLOSEClicked() Exit EndFunc func _update_status($new_text) local $temp_stat = "" for $z = 1 to $status_rows - 1 ;move each value up the list $status_array[$z] = $status_array[$z + 1] $temp_stat &= $status_array[$z] & @crlf Next $status_array[$status_rows] = $new_text ;add latest status update to the bottom of the list $temp_stat &= $status_array[$status_rows] GUICtrlSetData ($status_label, $temp_stat) ;write the list to the gui ConsoleWrite($new_text & @crlf) EndFunc Func _port_query($ipaddress,$port) local $ret $ret = RunWait( "portqry.exe -n " & $ipaddress & " -e " & $port & " -q",@TempDir,@SW_HIDE) return $ret EndFunc Func _writetolog($logfile,$logdata) $templog = fileopen($logfile, 1) FileWrite($templog, $logdata) FileClose($templog) EndFunc Func _checkip($ip2check) local $isbadhost ;only checking if hostname is good, not checking for connectivity for $cleanloop = 1 to stringlen($badtext) $temp = StringInStr($ip2check,stringMid($badtext,$cleanloop,1)) if $temp > 0 Then $isbadhost=1 Next if $isbadhost = 1 Then Return(1) EndIf EndFunc Func _port_checker($_port) if $_port > 0 and $_port < 65536 then return 1 else return 0 EndIf EndFunc func close_script() Exit EndFunc Edited June 19, 2008 by cdtoews Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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