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I know it is possible to tell if the user clicks the left mouse button, but is it possible to tell if the mouse is held down? What i'm trying to do is make a hotkey so that if the user holds down the left mouse button, it clicks it a bunch of times (Don't ask =P)


Have it check if its down , and if it is than $time + 1 & sleep( 100 ) , make it keep checking , and when $time = your choice , than do "this" ( click a shitload ). and if its not down , than $time = 0

That way it "times" how long its down , and if its down for x amount of time , it will trigger this action.

Idk... its just a theory I thought up while reading your post.


I know it is possible to tell if the user clicks the left mouse button, but is it possible to tell if the mouse is held down? What i'm trying to do is make a hotkey so that if the user holds down the left mouse button, it clicks it a bunch of times (Don't ask =P)

I don't think that would work for the left mouse button.

We can try it though it would look like this

#Include <Misc.au3>

While 1
If _IsPressed("01") then
While _IsPressed("01")
Sleep(100);set so the script doesn't get confused, it still might though....

Paulie, I don't think the IF statement is neccessary, anyways it's still not working =\

change the _ispressed calls to "03" instead of "01" and it works.

It just uses the middle mouse button as a hotkey.

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