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Reading HTML Text


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Im trying to read all the text off a webpage, the text is "Location:" then get all the text to the right of ":" which at the moment is "test" then declare that as a variable>msgbox of what just the text to the right of ":" is.

heres is some code, but I only figured out how to read exact text

$ripway = 'http://h1.ripway.com/blacknight9622/information.html'
$oIE = _IECreate($ripway, 0, 0, 0)
$HWND = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd")
WinSetState($HWND, "", @SW_HIDE)
$text = _IEBodyReadText($oIE)
$loc = 'Location:'
If StringInStr($text, $loc) Then

MsgBox(0, "", $loc)

It always finds the word "Location:"

What do I use to get only get the text to the right of the ":"

hope you understand what im saying lol


Edited by will88
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Im trying to read all the text off a webpage, the text is "Location:" then get all the text to the right of ":" which at the moment is "test" then declare that as a variable>msgbox of what just the text to the right of ":" is.

heres is some code, but I only figured out how to read exact text

$ripway = 'http://h1.ripway.com/blacknight9622/information.html'
$oIE = _IECreate($ripway, 0, 0, 0)
$HWND = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd")
WinSetState($HWND, "", @SW_HIDE)
$text = _IEBodyReadText($oIE)
$loc = 'Location:'
If StringInStr($text, $loc) Then

MsgBox(0, "", $loc)

It always finds the word "Location:"

What do I use to get only get the text to the right of the ":"

hope you understand what im saying lol


Regular expressions my friend. There is an awesome tester in my sig=)

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Try something like this.

Dim $n
$oIE = _IECreate("url",0,0,0,0)
$str = _IEBodyReadHtml($oIE)
$pat = StringRegExp($str,"(?i)location: [[:alnum:]]*",2)
For $n = 1 To UBound($pat) - 1
$results = $results & @crlf & StringReplace($pat[$n],"location: ", "")

Untested but should at least give you the idea.

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Try something like this.

Dim $n
$oIE = _IECreate("url",0,0,0,0)
$str = _IEBodyReadHtml($oIE)
$pat = StringRegExp($str,"(?i)location: [[:alnum:]]*",2)
For $n = 1 To UBound($pat) - 1
$results = $results & @crlf & StringReplace($pat[$n],"location: ", "")

Untested but should at least give you the idea.

Or better yet, use a Non-capturing in-sensitive group.

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Thanks for the replys.. this seems way to confusing O.o

Dim $n
$oIE = _IECreate("url",0,0,0,0)
$str = _IEBodyReadHtml($oIE)
$pat = StringRegExp($str,"(?i)location: [[:alnum:]]*",2)
For $n = 1 To UBound($pat) - 1
$results = $results & @crlf & StringReplace($pat[$n],"location: ", "")
msgbox(0, "", $str)

That works, the message box comes up with "Location:test" which is right, is it possible to have the messagebox only display whats after ":" which is "test"


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Thanks for the replys.. this seems way to confusing O.o

Dim $n
$oIE = _IECreate("url",0,0,0,0)
$str = _IEBodyReadHtml($oIE)
$pat = StringRegExp($str,"(?i)location: [[:alnum:]]*",2)
For $n = 1 To UBound($pat) - 1
$results = $results & @crlf & StringReplace($pat[$n],"location: ", "")
msgbox(0, "", $str)

That works, the message box comes up with "Location:test" which is right, is it possible to have the messagebox only display whats after ":" which is "test"


Make the group for "location:" a non-capturing group:
$pat = StringRegExp($str, "(?i:location:)([[:alnum:]]*)", 1)


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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I used $str for msgbox because If I use $results it tells me that $results is not declared

$results = $results & @crlf & StringReplace($pat[$n],"Location: ", "")

looks like its declared to me? :S

Why is everyone using the long way around?

$Text = "Random junk goes 1 h3re. And the location: 555 222 ABC"
$RegEx = StringRegExp($Text, "(?i:location:\s?)(.*)", 1)
MsgBox(0, "", $RegEx[0])
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Why is everyone using the long way around?

$Text = "Random junk goes 1 h3re. And the location: 555 222 ABC"
$RegEx = StringRegExp($Text, "(?i:location:\s?)(.*)", 1)
MsgBox(0, "", $RegEx[0])

#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate("http://h1.ripway.com/blacknight9622/information.html",0,0,0,0)
$str = _IEBodyReadHtml($oIE)
$RegEx = StringRegExp($str, "(?i:Location:\s?)(.*)", 1)
MsgBox(0, "", $RegEx[0])
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Why is everyone using the long way around?

$Text = "Random junk goes 1 h3re. And the location: 555 222 ABC"
$RegEx = StringRegExp($Text, "(?i:location:\s?)(.*)", 1)
MsgBox(0, "", $RegEx[0])
Well... no. That assumes the text wanted is the end of the string. Brokeness demo:
$Text = "Random junk goes 1 h3re. And the location: 555 222 ABC <Stuff you don't want>"
$RegEx = StringRegExp($Text, "(?i:location:\s?)(.*)", 1)
MsgBox(0, "", $RegEx[0])

The pattern suggested by dbzfanatic stops when it hits a non-alnum character, which is good. I just updated it to have a non-capture for the prefix.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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Its working and gets the info from the site "Location:test" then shows msgbox with only the text after the ":"..

but when I do a stringcompare it tells me that test is not equal to test O.o

#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate("http://h1.ripway.com/blacknight9622/info.html",0,0,0,0)
$read = _IEBodyReadHtml($oIE)
$cmd = StringRegExp($read, "(?i:Location:\s?)(.*)", 1)
$thetext = $cmd[0]

$comp = StringCompare($thetext, "test")

MsgBox(0, "", $comp)

so I can't do anything like

If $thetext = 'test' then
;do something
'do something else
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Try using the pattern PsaltyDS modified from mine. As mentioned the one you are using will gather everything after Location: so perhaps you're getting more than you needed. Try that and also if nothing else you can use a MsgBox to output the result before you send it to your if statement to see what it really is and ensure you're gathering the proper data.

Edit: typo

Edited by dbzfanatic
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Try using the patter PsaltyDS modified from mine. As mentioned the one you are using will gather everything after Location: so perhaps you're getting more than you needed. Try that and also if nothing else you can use a MsgBox to output the result before you send it to your if statement to see what it really is and ensure you're gathering the proper data.

alright I tried the one you coded earlier but when I try to msgbox $results it tells me that $results is not declared

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Yeah I noticed that, just try putting a comma and adding $result after $n in Dim. You need to learn to declare variables before you go trying to fill them:P.

Yeah I know I didn't declare it either but it was an example, not supposed to be fully functional. It was only supposed to demonstrate the pattern, nothing more.

Edited by dbzfanatic
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Once again don't use my full code use the pattern for StringRegExp that I gave (actually use the one PsaltyDS modified from mine) and use the code I wrote as a guideline.

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