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Inserting a random number in an edit box


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Hi there,

I wanted to make a simple game in which you should press a certain button within a second, after you've pressed it, the program should give you the next button to press ( within one second ).

I've created a simple GUI with 3 buttons ( named 1, 2 and 3 ) and encountered some problems with "the program should give you the next button to press".

Have a look at my code with the description of my problem in it:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$Beepor = GUICreate("Beepor", 284, 439, 193, 115)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 15, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("2", 104, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("3", 192, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Whattodo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 16, 265, 337)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Press a button!")

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Button1 
            soundplay ( "./Beep1.wav" ) 
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, '-RANDOMNUMBER-'&@crlf, 1)        ;How can I make it insert a random number in $Whattodo ?
    ;????????                       ; How can I make it say WRONG ( in $Whattodo ) if you don't press the number within a second or press a different number than randomly generated one?
        Case $Button2 
            soundplay ( "./Beep2.wav" ) 
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, '-RANDOMNUMBER-'&@crlf, 1)
        Case $Button3 
            soundplay ( "./Beep3.wav" ) 
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, '-RANDOMNUMBER-'&@crlf, 1)
Edited by nf67
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That would be:

GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random( 1, 3 ) &@crlf, 1)

It works, but it gives a number with a lot of decimals.... I only want 1 2 or 3.. :)

Please help

Random(1,3,1) the last parameter force the function to return an integer.

Like this:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

$Beepor = GUICreate("Beepor", 284, 439, 193, 115)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 15, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("2", 104, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("3", 192, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Whattodo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 16, 265, 337)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Press a button!"&@CRLF)

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Button1
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)        ;How can I make it insert a random number in $Whattodo ?
    ;????????                        ; How can I make it say WRONG ( in $Whattodo ) if you don't press the number within a second or press a different number than randomly generated one?
        Case $Button2
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)
        Case $Button3
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)
Edited by Andreik
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Thanks Andreik, but I still have the other problem left, I described it below:

Case $Button1 
            soundplay ( "./Beep1.wav" ) 
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random( 1, 3, 1 ) &@crlf, 1)
        ; Do step 2 and 3, unless the number pressed corresponds with the last number in $Whattodo ( Simplified: DO NOT CONTINUE IF NUMBER CORREPONDS WITH LAST $Whattodo ENTRY ) 
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, "Wrong" &@crlf, 1);Step 2
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random( 1, 3, 1 ) &@crlf, 1); Step 3
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Like this? (I`m not a very good english speaker)

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Global $LAST = 0
$Beepor = GUICreate("Beepor", 284, 439, 193, 115)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 15, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("2", 104, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("3", 192, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Whattodo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 16, 265, 337)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Press a button!"&@CRLF)

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Button1
            If $LAST <> 1 Then
            Soundplay ( "./Beep1.wav" )
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)
            $LAST = 1
        Case $Button2
            If $LAST <> 2 Then
            Soundplay ( "./Beep2.wav" )
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)
            $LAST = 2
        Case $Button3
            If $LAST <> 3 Then
            Soundplay ( "./Beep3.wav" )
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)
            $LAST = 3
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Mm that's not really it, it seems like this script locks the button after you've pressed it?

If I press 1, I can't press it again until I've pressed a different button.


What I need is this:


Timer element needs to be created here

Case $Button 1

-check if button = last entry in $Whattodo

---if it is NOT:

GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, "WRONG" &@crlf, 1)

GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)

Reset timer

---if it is:

GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)

Reset timer

-check if button was pressed within 1 second

---if it is NOT:

GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, "WRONG" &@crlf, 1)

GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)

Reset timer

---if it is:

GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, "WRONG" &@crlf, 1)

GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)

Reset timer


Button check elements are italic and underlined

Timer check elements are bold


( Sorry, I'm not a good programmer )

Edited by nf67
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I used a bit of your code Andreik and I've made progress :)

But I've encountered yet another problem.

I need two randoms to be equal. They should be random, but equal to eachother, like Random1=Random2.

Here's the code:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Global $LAST = 1
$Beepor = GUICreate("Beepor", 284, 439, 193, 115)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", 15, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("2", 104, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("3", 192, 360, 80, 60, 0)
$Whattodo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 16, 265, 337)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Press a button!"&@CRLF)

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $Button1
            If $LAST = 1 Then 
            Soundplay ( "./Beep1.wav" )
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1); ----------------------This random needs to be equal to
            $LAST = Random(1,3,1);-------------------------------------------------- this random
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, "WRONG"&@crlf, 1)
            $LAST = Random(1,3,1)
        Case $Button2
            If $LAST = 2 Then
            Soundplay ( "./Beep2.wav" )
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)
            $LAST = Random(1,3,1)
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, "WRONG"&@crlf, 1)
            $LAST = Random(1,3,1)
        Case $Button3
            If $LAST = 3 Then
            Soundplay ( "./Beep3.wav" )
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, Random(1,3,1)&@crlf, 1)
            $LAST = Random(1,3,1)
            GUICtrlSetData($Whattodo, "WRONG"&@crlf, 1)
            $LAST = Random(1,3,1)
Edited by nf67
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