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Deleting a label and its colour


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Hey guys, i have two questions, but both involving the same thing so thought i might as well make them one post....

1. You know when you create a label..lets say to make it say, "hello", then you want to update that label, how would you go about doing so? Because if i create another label, say, "world", then in while loops it looks very messy as it keeps flickering between the two. Is there a way around this?

2.If you use a label on a tabbed screen they seem to be different colours. ie, the tab background is white, and the label background is a gone-off white/grey. Is there anyway to change either?

Many thanks.

Instant Lockerz Invite - www.instantlockerzinvite.co.uk
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Hey guys, i have two questions, but both involving the same thing so thought i might as well make them one post....

1. You know when you create a label..lets say to make it say, "hello", then you want to update that label, how would you go about doing so? Because if i create another label, say, "world", then in while loops it looks very messy as it keeps flickering between the two. Is there a way around this?

2.If you use a label on a tabbed screen they seem to be different colours. ie, the tab background is white, and the label background is a gone-off white/grey. Is there anyway to change either?

Many thanks.

Post you code.



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Post you code.



;all the necessary includes

$GRPBOXUpdateList = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Update", 312, 64, 329, 361)
$LBLFinding = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Finding Search Terms", 320, 96, 107, 17)
$LBLWriting = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Writing Search Terms", 320, 128, 106, 17)
$LBLCleaning = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Cleaning Search Terms", 320, 160, 114, 17)
$LBLReplacing = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Replacing Search Terms", 320, 192, 121, 17)
$PROFinding = GUICtrlCreateProgress(456, 96, 137, 17)
$PROWriting = GUICtrlCreateProgress(456, 128, 137, 17)
$PROCleaning = GUICtrlCreateProgress(456, 160, 137, 17)
$PROReplacing = GUICtrlCreateProgress(456, 192, 137, 17)
$BUTUpdate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Update", 352, 376, 105, 25, 0)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($BUTupdate, "Update")
$BUTUpdateCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 496, 376, 105, 25, 0)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)

$LBLStatus = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Status:", 8, 8, 74, 17)
$LBLStatusResult = GUICtrlCreateLabel("-", 88, 8, 7, 17)

$m = GUIGetMsg()                
$LBLStatusResult = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Updating - Finding Terms", 88, 8, 500,  17)
$s = 0
GUICtrlSetData($PROFinding, $iNumLinks*5)


For $oLink In $oLinks


$m = GUIGetMsg()                
$LBLStatusResult = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Updating - Writing Terms", 88, 8, 500,  17)
$s = 0
GUICtrlSetData($PROWriting, $Writepc)


While $x < 60


$m = GUIGetMsg()                
$LBLStatusResult = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Updating - Cleaning Terms", 88, 8, 500, 17)
$s = 0
GUICtrlSetData($PROCleaning, $verifypc)

While $STNum<50


$m = GUIGetMsg()
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Updating - Replacing Invalid Terms", 88, 8,500, 17)
$s = 0
GUICtrlSetData($PROReplacing, $replacpc)

$STNum = $STNum + 1

All the ";code", is pretty much just the code processing all the stuff happening inbetween, and theres probs not enough lines in this box to put it all, but that would have nothing to do with the flickering of the labels.


Instant Lockerz Invite - www.instantlockerzinvite.co.uk
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