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Right mouse button on minimize icon


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well i am not sure exactly how to do it, but i suppose you could get the location of the minimize button.

Then use the _ispressed() function.

Then use an if statement.

#Include <Misc.au3>
while 1
$curr = MouseGetPos() ; get the mouse position
$pos = WinGetPos("My Window") ;get the position on your window
$p1 = $pos[0] + 170 ; how far over (x) the minimize button is from the top left corner of your app(top right corner)[use autoit window information app)
$p2 = $pos[1] + 5 ;how far down (y) the minimize button goes (bottom left corner)[use autoit window information app)

if $curr[0] = or > $p1 and $curr[0] < $p3 and $curr[1] = or < $p2 and _IsPressed(02) then
;what to do here


untested code, may need some optimization and syntax fixing, but there is the general idea.

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Thanks for your reply, although that's not really what I'm looking for. Hardcoding something like this will bring a lot of problems: what if people are using different themes or the window doesn't have the minimize button?

Instead of using the right mouse button: another option I'd like to try is adding an item to the context menu when you click on the title bar. Does anyone know how to do this then?

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