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Help with If...Then and boolean OR

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I'm having a problem and I'm mostly certain it's with my If...Then statement below

If you run the code below you will see that $OptStr2 = Test. This assumes you'e made a file named JunkFile on your C drive with the words "This is just a Test!!" in it.

The "If $OptStr2..." line should not get satisifed since $OptStr2 does not satisfy any of the values (Opt01, Opt02, etc,) and the code should then continue on to the "Else" part but it does not.

The "ToolTip ("Opt type found",0,0)" is shown meaning that the code is getting into the "Then" part of the code and not the "Else".

What am I doing wrong with my "If $OptStr2..." line? Any help is appreciated


Global $Paused

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")

#Include <Misc.au3>

ToolTip ("Opening JunkFile file",0,0)

$JunkFile = FileOpen ("C:\Junkfile.txt",0) ;Open the junk file

Sleep (1000)

ToolTip ("Reading Opt line in JunkFile",0,0)

$OptLine = FileReadLine ($JunkFile,-1) ;Read the last line of the junk file

Sleep (1000)

ToolTip ("Closing JunkFile file",0,0)

FileClose ($JunkFile) ;close the junk file

Sleep (1000)

ToolTip ("Trim right side of Opt line in JunkFile",0,0)

$OptStr1 = StringTrimRight ($Optline,2) ;Trims the last 2 characters off of $Optline

Sleep (1000)

ToolTip ("Counting characters of Opt line in JunkFile",0,0)

$OptStrLen = StringLen ($OptStr1) ;Counts the number of characters remaining in $OptStr1

Sleep (1000)

ToolTip ("Trim left side of Opt line in JunkFile",0,0)

$OptStr2 = StringTrimLeft ($OptStr1,$OptStrLen - 4) ;Trims $OptStr1 leaving just the last 4 characters

Sleep (1000)

ToolTip("Requested Opt is " & $OptStr2,0,0)

Sleep (2000)


If $OptStr2 = "Opt01" Or "Opt02" Or "Opt03" Or "Opt04" Or "Opt05" Or "Opt06" Or "Opt07" Or "Opt08" Or "Opt09" Or _

"Opt10" Or "Opt11" Or "Opt12" Or "Opt13" Or "Opt14" Or "Opt15" Then

ToolTip ("Opt type found",0,0)

Sleep (5000)



ToolTip ("Opt type not found, calling GetOpt again",0,0)

Sleep (5000)



Func TogglePause () ;Pause function to pause/unpause the program

$Paused = NOT $Paused

While $Paused

Sleep (100)

ToolTip ('Script is "Paused"',0,0)


ToolTip ("")


Func Terminate () ;Terminate function to quit the program

Exit 0



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I believe this will work but not sure it's the best way =/

If $OptStr2 = "Opt01" Or $OptStr2 =  "Opt02" Or $OptStr2 =  "Opt03" Or $OptStr2 =  "Opt04" Or $OptStr2 =  "Opt05" Or $OptStr2 =  "Opt06" Or $OptStr2 =  "Opt07" Or $OptStr2 =  "Opt08" Or $OptStr2 =  "Opt09" Or _
$OptStr2 = "Opt10" Or $OptStr2 = "Opt11" Or $OptStr2 = "Opt12" Or $OptStr2 = "Opt13" Or $OptStr2 = "Opt14" Or $OptStr2 = "Opt15" Then
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Another good way to present such a list of matches:

Switch $OptStr2
    Case "Opt01", "Opt02", "Opt03", "Opt04", "Opt05", "Opt06", "Opt07", "Opt08", _
            "Opt09", "Opt10", "Opt11", "Opt12", "Opt13", "Opt14", "Opt15"


    Case Else


There is also this method:

$sMatches = ",Opt01,Opt02,...,Opt14,Opt15,"
If StringInStr($sMatches, "," & $OptStr2 & ",") Then

And then, for the RegExp freaks out there (you know who you are):

If StringRegExp($OptStr2, "(?i)Opt\d{2}", 0) Then


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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